Modelled Paragraph- Comparative Response- Responding Section

Below is a screenshot of the modelled example from today’s lesson. Please note the annotations in both green and red.

There are a number of features to note in this modelled example:

  • The structure of this paragraph is exactly the same as the previous modelled paragraphs I’ve given you.
  • Please note the use of COMPARING and CONTRASTING connectives (you’ve been given a list of these in a previous lesson) to signpost both similarities and differences between the texts.
  • There is a strong sense of textual analysis in this paragraph and there is reference to symbolism.
  • The topic sentence is text-based/text-specific and establishes what the paragraph is going to be about- the symbolism and power of the clothes worn by the central characters.
  • I refer to specific points in the text.
  • There is only a VERY limited amount of plot narration. I’ve assumed that the person marking/assessing this response is familiar with each text.
  • The paragraph is limited in terms of content, purely because of the space on my whiteboard. There’s more I could’ve said about each text in terms of how they might be compared.
  • I’ve tried to model sophisticated language and to offer more precision in my argument.
  • Titles of texts are underlined.
  • The topic sentence builds explicitly on the thesis statement provided in the introduction and develops the argument promoted by the other two body paragraphs I gave you.

It is important that you use the modelled examples I’ve given you to consolidate your understanding of STRUCTURE. The ideas in your own body paragraphs should be your own. There is an expectation that your assessments next week will embrace the structures and frameworks I’ve given you but you’ll need to ensure you have practiced them before you sit your assessment next week.

Body Paragraph Structure- A Modelled Example

Below is a screenshot of an annotated modelled example based on the question deconstruction from a previous lesson:



You need to note the following structure:

  1. The topic sentence links explicitly to the thesis statement at the end of the modelled introduction.
  2. The second sentence gives some context to the analysis which then follows.
  3. The third sentence/section contains analysis/insight into the text construction- including reference to specific generic conventions.
  4. The final sentence links back to the thesis statement and topic sentence.


In other words, it follows the ‘TEEL’ structure in an entirely clear manner.

Attached below are the body paragraphs themselves (un-annotated):

Responding Section Body Paragraphs-1gc5bsw

These paragraphs offer a comparative approach to writing about more than one text. The second body paragraph (on The Dressmaker) suggests a difference between this text and the first text written about (High Noon).

Please note that these paragraphs are sample/model paragraphs and therefore don’t contain ALL that could be said about the resolution of each text. There is more than can be said about each text and I would expect your paragraphs to include more detail.

However, I want you understand the STRUCTURE of an effective body paragraph and be able to apply this structure to your own work, your own ideas.

Sample Introduction- Comparative- Responding Section

Please note the sample introduction (below) as a model for writing a comparative response to a question in the Responding Section of the examination.

The overall structure of an effective introduction is written in green in the top right-hand corner of the image above. Please make sure you practise the structure of effective introductions as this in the most important paragraph in your response.

Question Deconstruction- Comparative Response- Responding

Please note the question deconstruction below. It uses two glossaries from the SCSA website.

  • There is a glossary which is used in the formulation of questions-
  • There is a glossary which is subject-specific and is found in Appendix 2 at the back of the syllabus document.

Both documents are available on the cover page of SEQTA.

We will be using this plan, the connectives document I gave you as well as the sample questions to begin writing our own responses to the question. We’ll revise introduction and body paragraph structure too.

The screenshot above shows how effective planning can lead to an effective thesis statement.

Comparing Texts- Connectives

When comparing texts (and remember… comparing means to look for similarities AND differences), you are expected to make the links between the texts explicit and clear. One way of doing this, is to use connectives. Here is a PowerPoint which contains some key words you’ll be expected to use in your next assessment:


Attached below are two model answers (taken from the ‘Good Answers 2017’ guide) which we will explore in terms of their structure and academic discourse:

Responding Section- Modelled Responses-1spq8v8

You may wish to explore the assessment criteria for your upcoming assessment. A copy of this can be found below:

Comparing High Noon and The Dressmaker

COMPARISON TABLE- HIgh Noon and Dressmaker-2kczu7f

In preparation for your assessment, please complete the attached table in as much detail as possible, paying close attention to how each text is constructed through generic convention.

Make sure you have notes on:

  • Archetype and how each text either endorses or rejects the hero/villain/victim archetype
  • How these archetypes are constructed through generic convention.