Archive | July 2019

Bali Life: Saturday

This morning we joined the Bali Life Foundation youth at the centre and went as a group to Black Pebble Beach in Nusa Dua. We enjoyed swimming, volleyball and went for a walk to where the waves crash against the rocks. Some of the Bali Life kids went out to the reef for a surf.



The older students supervised the younger students and the little ones played a game of fishing in the water with a net made of people holding hands. It was like a game of chase and you had to not get caught in the net. Tonight we are returning to the orphanage for dancing, stories and dinner together.

Bali Life

After service at Suwung School and Kuta Womens Centre we walked along the cliffs at Uluwatu Temple and took in the view.

Tara and Emma playing twister with the kids at Suwung and learning colour names.

Taylor and Hayley playing Uno. The bigger kids help the little ones.


Emma and Tara making masks. They loved the stickers.

Our team approaching the Suwung community workers with care packs. Sorting through the waste for recyclable items earns the workers 30c per kilo of plastic.

Bali Life: Tuesday

Yesterday was our first day in Bali! After we got off the plane we went to lunch then straight into service. My group visited Kuta Beach and walked with a representative from Bali Life to introduce the children selling things on the streets to the school by handing out food and colourings. It was incredible seeing the difference between the kids when they are trying to sell and when they are just being kids doing the colouring ins and playing with stickers.

Today we visited Suwung Bali Life Community Centre which is located in the rubbish tip. There we walked around with a teacher from Bali Life handing out the care packs that we packed earlier in the morning. These packs contained some sanitary items and health items.

This experience was incredibly confronting as we walked through a lane way almost, where 40 families lived all within meters of the rubbish tip. After we handed out the packs we went back to the school to do our activities with kids. At first it was a bit hard to communicate what the activity was to the kids but within seconds they got it.  They were really excited and so happy. After lunch Tara and I were thrown into an impromptu English class and we attempted to teach English while simultaneously trying to learn Indonesian.

(Written by Emma Hutson)

Our group (Georgia, Ryan, Caleb, Naomi, Brooke, Kristin) went to the street centre and spent time with the children and motherʼs at work. It was amazing how welcomed we were as people they had never met before. We did some activities with the children, like uno, colouring and skipping. It was a lot of fun seeing how the kids were so excited to see us and so eager to participate.

(Written by Kristin Jones)


Bali Life: Wednesday

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the late blog post but here are some updates on what we’ve been getting up to!

Yesterday and today two groups took turns visiting the Suwung Community and the Kuta Street Centre.

The Suwung Community is located at a rubbish tip where many families live on the money they receive from sorting out recyclable trash. Our teams went to a local supermarket and created over 60 care packages including toothpaste and other toiletries to hand out to families living within the Suwung Community. Through this experience, we were able to see their living conditions and how happy they are with what little they have. After that, we engaged with children at the Community School Centre with skipping, crafts, colouring in and paper planes while also taking the opportunity to help teach English in the classrooms.

The second group visiting the Kuta Street Centre were involved with similar activities including card and chalk games and reading. The women at the Street Centre cooked us a delicious meal and we were able to purchase handmade items like bags and bracelets to help support the Centre.

After our activities and refreshing at the hotel, we travelled to the Uluwatu Temple where we saw amazing ocean views as the temple was built on a cliff side. While exploring, many of us had our first encounter with monkeys and and their antics – mainly the grabbing of sunglasses.

All in all, we’ve been having a fantastic time with excellent food and excellent company!

25kg check-in baggage allowance

Not long to go. The countdown is in hours now!

We have a check-in baggage allowance of 25 kg and the website says 7kg for carry-on luggage.

See you tomorrow morning bright and early!