Day 6 and 7

Day 6 (Friday) started in the usual way, with packing up our swags and eating breakfast. Our day starts when the birds start chirping and the sun rises, so we are often up and about well before 6 a.m. We spent the morning enjoying a boat cruise along the mighty Fitzroy River, which we learnt is the second fastest flowing river when it floods, second only to the Amazon. The cruise was at Danngu, or Geikie Gorge. Our guide provided us with a very informative commentary. We were on the lookout for fresh water crocodiles, but only spotted one small croc sunning itself on the bank. We learnt that only 1 in 100 hatchlings survive to adulthood. We were told that the cane toad is causing havoc with native animals, including the fresh water crocodile. We then drove to a place called China Wall, a naturally occurring granite wall that looks like it has been man made! We then searched for what turned out to be an elusive swimming hole. It was a long bus ride today and everyone enjoyed arriving at the Purnululu Bungles campsite, on the way into the Bungle Bungles, where we set up camp and enjoyed dinner. We fell asleep to a few raindrops, which helped to cool things down a little.

Day 7 (Saturday) was a full day exploring the iconic Bungle Bungles. After a bumpy drive in, we were greeted by Paul from Frog Hollow School who would be our guide for the day.  Our first walk was into Cathedral Gorge where we tested out the acoustics when Joel, our driver sang us a song. The trek back to the bus was long, challenging and hot and the air conditioning of the bus was a welcome relief. After  lunch we had a relaxing walk into the shade of Echidna Chasm. Our adventure got interesting when one of us buses broke down whilst leaving the park. Thankfully help was not far away and we made it back to the camp ground safely in time for dinner and a much needed shower. Our day ended celebrating Maahi’s 12th birthday with a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ and a piece of birthday cake. It will be a birthday that Maahi will always remember!

We are all excited to be heading to Lake Argyle today for a canoe this afternoon and celebratory dinner tonight. We look forward to seeing you all late tomorrow. Our flight is due to land in Perth at 7.55 p.m


One thought on “Day 6 and 7

  1. What an amazing few days! Thank you for a beautiful celebration for Maahi’s Birthday. One I am sure she will always remember!

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