Term 2, Week 10

Fundraising – Donut Day

The Donut Day on Thursday last week raised $500.70.  Congratulations to our Captains who did a wonderful job of organising this event!


Primary Reporting Day (Monday 27 July 2020)

A reminder that, due to the easing of restrictions, Reporting Day can now be held ‘face to face’.

Please book appointments through the Parent Portal (https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/) using your parent username (e.g. 12345@parent.ststephens.wa.edu.au) and parent password.

Your current booking will remain in place but should you wish to amend the time, you can also log in here to edit.

Students return to school for Term 3 on Tuesday 28 July


Parent Information Evening  for Yr 5 & 6 Parents (Wednesday 29 July 2020)

A reminder to parents who wish to attend the “Transition to Secondary School Parent Information Evening” to book tickets via the following link. The evening is for Parents only.

Ticket Booking Parent Info Evening

School Holiday Workshop

Visit www.firetchcamp.com.au for more information.


The Danish Way of Parenting – ‘T’ for Togetherness

Research shows that one of the top predictors of well-being and happiness is quality time with friends and family. Feeling connected to others gives meaning and purpose to our lives. “Hygge”, which literally means “to cozy around together”, is a way of life for Danish people.  The concept of Togetherness and “Hygge” has many implications, but essentially it is putting yourself aside for the benefit of the whole. There is even an “Hygge Oath”! I find this incredible! Families and friends spending quality time together on a regular basis, following the principles of the “Hygge Oath”, plays a big part in Danish people’s success in being voted the happiest people in the world for so long. Below is the “Hygge Oath”. It includes some very basic, but fundamental “rules”. Definitely something to think about in your future family gatherings !

On a final note, I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about The Danish Way of Parenting this term. This book definitely resonates a lot with me from both a parent and an educator’s perspective. Everything about it makes sense to me. In order to have happy kids who will grow up to be happy adults, it is crucial for us to help children build resilience through Play, be more Authentic with them, Reframe as much as we can, impart Empathy in them, endeavour Not to give Ultimatums and spend some quality time Together. Simple, but effective recipe :-)!

If you would like to learn more about The Danish Way of Parenting, feel free to look at the following website http://thedanishway.com/

Madame Pilote

Thank you to parents for Term 2!

Dear Parents/Carers

As the end of term draws near (and not before time for students and staff!) we would like to thank you for the incredible support you have given your child/children and the staff throughout this most difficult of semesters. COVID-19 has tested us all in so many ways and no family has been untouched however, together we have not been daunted and have accomplished an awful lot; well done!

Psalm 46:1-3 

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

We also wish to publicly extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff of St Stephen’s School, Carramar, who worked over-time, under extreme pressure, to deliver on-line learning only then to have to back up, and work doubly as much, to bring us all back to face-to-face and re-establish what we believe to be ‘normal’. They are a mighty group of professionals who deeply love and care for our community and, specifically, our students. Thank you, team!

We remind you that this break for students is three weeks in duration because staff use Week 1, Term 3 for professional development. May you enjoy the opportunity for rest and recreation together and perhaps reclaim some of the true family time rediscovered during the on-line, isolation period.

Psalm 29:11

The Lord gives strength to His people; He blesses His people with peace

Looking forward to another invigorating and engaging semester.

Brett Roberts & Isabelle Pilote


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