Term 2, Week 7

Arts & Academic Festival

A reminder that entry forms are available for students to collect from the Primary Forum and are due for submission to Reception by the end of the school day TOMORROW, Wednesday 2 June.  All forms require a parent and teachers signature and could we please ask for your help in ensuring that your child has fully completed all of the details required and, where necessary, has attached the appropriate media (USB etc) in a paper envelope.  Please also remember that for group entries, all members of the group will require their own entry form with parents signature.  We have a number of group entries where there are missing forms.  PLEASE NOTE THAT TEAMS/GROUPS WITH MEMBERS WHO HAVEN’T SUBMITTED THEIR INDIVIDUAL ENTRY FORMS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE PART IN THEIR EVENT ON THE DAY.

Parent Parking

As you would all be aware, the safety of our children is paramount so we therefore remind parents and carers to observe safe car park practices when dropping off and picking up children. Please follow the direction of the arrows as well as the speed limit and watch for children walking through the car park area.

Finally, another reminder that parents are not permitted to park in the staff car park or in the turning circle at the end of the staff car park when dropping off or picking students up from school.



Connor Hoggart (Year 6) recently came 2nd in the U12 All Schools State Cross Country championship, running 3km in a time of 10:10. He has been selected for the 2021 School Sport WA State Cross Country team. Unfortunately they won’t be travelling to nationals this year but they will be competing in a South West schools championship in Bunbury in August. Congratulations, Connor!

Donut Day Fundraiser this Thursday

All students who have paid for their donut will be able to collect it from the Primary Forum at the beginning of Recess this Thursday. This has proven to be an amazing fundraising initiative and we look forward to sharing with you the outcome of the proceeds.


Second Hand Uniforms

A small collection of second hand uniform items will be available for a gold coin donation, outside the Reception Office Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, this week only. After this, we will no longer accept second hand uniforms at Reception. Please refer to the Uniform Shop regarding donations of second hand uniforms.


Term 2, Week 6

A reminder about Donut Day Thursday 3 June

Our Captains are organising a Donut Day fundraiser to support Cancer Council this term. Students in Kindy to Year 6 will need to pre-order their donut (cinnamon for $2 or iced for $3) with their class teacher no later than Friday 28 May.  Students who have ordered their donut will be able to collect them at recess in the Primary Forum on 3 June. A yummy way to support a very worthy cause.

Arts & Academic


Icy Poles

Icy poles will not be available this Friday as Year 6 students are away on camp.


Children’s University

Next signing session: Thursday 27 May at lunch time in the library.

If students are involved in the following activities outside of school, please email me for a relevant review form (janelle.morris@ststephens.wa.edu.au):

  • Girl guides
  • Holiday swimming
  • Individual sport
  • Language classes
  • Martial arts
  • Musical instrument lessons
  • OSHC
  • Performance Art
  • Robotics club
  • Scouts
  • Show entry
  • Art design
  • Chess
  • Dance

A maximum of 10 hours per activity per year can contribute towards graduation.



Scholastic Book Club

Friday 11 June


Cook Up for the Salvation Army

Dear Parents

I am hosting a volunteer cooking event after school on Thursday June 10. Previously parents and staff have joined together to cook meals for the Salvation Army to provide to people in our community living in hardship. The produce is kindly donated by Second Bite. To make it speedy and efficient, those participants who own a Thermomix can bring their device along and those who do not have one, will team up with an owner of a device. Last cook up we produced 70+ meals. If you would like to join in with the fun and help those in need, please contact me direct on my email: donna.lund@ststephens.wa.edu.au

Donna Lund

Term 2, Week 5

Thursday 3 June is Donut Day in our Primary!

Our Captains are organising a Donut Day fundraiser to support Cancer Council this term. Students in Kindy to Year 6 will need to pre-order their donut (cinnamon for $2 or iced for $3) with their class teacher no later than Friday 28 May.  Students who have ordered their donut will be able to collect them at recess in the Primary Forum on 3 June. A yummy way to support a very worthy cause.


Interschool Cross Country Team Training Reminder

A reminder that there is no Interschool Cross Country training in Week 5 and 6 due to camps. Cross Country training will resume in Week 7 on Wednesday 2 June. Thank you.


Arts & Academic Festival

The 2021 Arts & Academic Festival has officially launched!  Entry Forms are available for students to collect from the Primary Forum and are due for submission to Reception by the end of the school day on Wednesday 2 June.  All forms require a parent signature and could we please ask for your help in ensuring that your child has fully completed all of the details required and, where necessary, has attached the appropriate media (USB etc) in a paper envelope.

Sew Much fun!

I am searching for some fabulous parents (or grandparents, aunties, uncles etc!) who would be willing to donate their time and expertise to the designing and/or sewing of costumes for our primary production, Aladdin Jr!

If this sounds like something you’d love to help with, please email alison.hignett@ststephens.wa.edu.au.

Many thanks!

Mrs Hignett



Student Absences

A reminder to parents to advise Student Services of all student absences by emailing absenteecarramar@ststephens.wa.edu.au, phoning 9306 7100 or SMS 0428 863 144.


Photo Hendriks

The A5 Photo ID Book is now available to view and purchase on the schools Web Gallery.

To access the gallery, follow the below procedure:

  1. Go to photohendriksgalleries.com
  1. Click on the St Stephen’s School – Carramar Secondary logo
  1. Enter password :  kada29 

If you have any queries, please contact Customer Service at customerservice@photohendriks.com.au


Lost Property

Please remember to check lost property, located in the Primary Forum to the left of the entrance between Reception and Kindy. There is a selection of drink bottles, shoes, food containers and various uniform items.

Term 2, Week 4

Mother’s Day Stall

The 2021 Mother’s Day Stall was a HUGE success!!! A massive thank you to all mums who volunteered their time to run it. All proceeds will go towards the end of year Picnic on The Green. We also extend our thanks to all children and families who have supported the stall and purchased their Mother’s Day gifts from it last week.


National Walk Safely to School Day

This Friday 14 May is National Walk Safely to School Day. National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. More information can be found on https://www.walk.com.au/WSTSD/

Will you walk to school with your child(ren) this Friday?


Thursday 3 June is Donut Day in our Primary!

Our Captains are organizing a Donut Day fundraiser to support Cancer Council this term. PP to Yr6 students need to pre-order their donut (cinnamon for $2 or iced for $3) to their class teacher no later than Friday 28 May. Students who have ordered their donut will be able to collect them at recess in the Primary Forum on 3 June. A yummy way to support a very worthy cause J.


The Arts & Academic Festival is back!

Our traditional A&A Festival will be back in Week 11 this term J! All Year 1 to Year 6 students are welcome to enter as many competitions as they wish. Entry forms will be available from TOMORROW (Wednesday 12 May) in the Primary Forum from 3PM onwards. Looking forward to seeing our students shine in Week 11!


Staff Carpark

A reminder that parents are not permitted to park in the staff carpark as staff members need to be able to access parking bays throughout the day. We thank you for your support.


Children’s University – May Challenge

The Eurovision Song Contest held this month is an international song competition organised annually by the European Broadcasting Union which features participants representing primarily European countries. Film or record yourself performing your entry for the Eurovision Song Contest!  Your entry could be an original composition or a cover version of a favourite song. For that full-on Eurovision feel your entry will need great vocals, amazing costumes and killer moves!!   Show your finished clip to your in-school CU coordinator, or upload in the Portal, for a stamp and up to two hours in your Passport.

Next passport signing session:  Thursday 13 May in the library at lunch time.


Term 2, Week 3

Mother’s Day Stall Reminder


The Imagineers

Following the success of last Term’s pilot program of the St Stephen’s School Imagineers – an after school STEM prototyping, 3D modelling, printing and robotics club with Firetech Australia – we have managed to secure more spots for students in Years 5-7 in Term 2. The club starts on Thursday, May 6 so be quick to book your spot at https://www.firetechcamp.com.au/course/st-stephens-imagineers/.

(Please note if there are insufficient student numbers, the program may not run this term)

Lost Property

Please remember to check lost property, located in the Primary Forum to the left of the entrance between Reception and Kindy. There is a selection of drink bottles, shoes, food containers and various uniform items. Items not collected by Monday afternoon will be disposed of.



Term 2, Week2 – Special Edition

Mother’s Day Stall going ahead!

Following our Premier’s announcement last night and the new guidelines in place, we are happy to inform you that our Mother’s Day Stall will be going ahead next week! We request that Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents accompanying their child for their purchase(s), follow the guidelines (wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing whilst in the Primary Forum).

Many thanks

The Primary School Leadership Team

Term 2, Week 2

Lovely ANZAC Day Service

We would like to thank all families who attended our ANZAC DAY Service last week. It was a special time given to reflect and honor those who have served (as well as those who still serve) our country, making it possible for us to enjoy the freedom we have. Lest we forget.


2021 Cross Country Carnival

Congratulations Charis for being the Primary Champions of our 2021 Cross-Country and Makaria for being the whole school champions! Photos of our year level champions will be posted on the PE Blog soon. Well done to all our participants!


Term 2 After School Clubs

After School Clubs are back for Term 2! This term we have four after school activities on offer for students to enjoy. Bookings will be available from 6.00pm Wednesday 28 April.

Tuesday – Aladdin Production Design Crew (students in Year 3 to 6)

Thursday – After School Sports (students in Pre-primary to Year 2)

Thursday – Homework Club (students in Year 4 to 6)

Thursday – Mathletics Club (students in Year 3 to 4)

Remember to only register your child for activities available to their year group. Please use the following link to book https://bookwhen.com/ststephensschool_carramar

Library Helpers Needed

Mother’s Day Stall

As mentioned last week, our Mother’s Day Stall is scheduled to take place next week. All Year 1 to Yr6 teachers and learning assistants will be accompanying students to the Primary Forum between 8:30AM and 9:30AM to purchase a gift for their mum (please refer to flyer for specific dates and times students will be attending). Our Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary students have been allocated specific dates and times to come accompanied by a parent, but we will need to confirm with you (no later than Monday) if this will still be a possibility (following our Premier’s announcement in relation to restrictions moving forward).


Children’s University

I hope students were able to complete some learning opportunities over the holiday, either through the events run by ECU or by exploring the online portal.   There was a great ANZAC day learning opportunity posted as part of the April challenge that allowed students to be creative in how they presented their learning.  I am excited to see what May’s challenge will be.

I am encouraging students to be responsible for their own learning by exploring the online portal, keeping their own log in details, a portfolio of their learning and keeping their passports in a safe place.  If however, you would prefer for me to keep their passports, as this is the official record of their learning, I am able to do so.

The next passport signing session will be in the library at lunch time this Thursday 29 April.  They can bring me any work they have completed and I will also review any submissions they have made on the online portal at this time.  I also have a list of hours accrued during Term 1 through the after school clubs offered by SSS that can contribute towards their graduation.  It is important students bring their passports to this session.  I can’t wait to hear their stories.


Scholastic Book Club

Friday 7 May




Term 2, Week1

Important Message from Mr Roberts

Dear Families

Welcome to Term 2! We are really excited at the many events that are to occur over the coming eleven weeks and are well prepared to weave them in amongst our core business of teaching and learning! I hope that your holidays were enjoyable and that you had some great quality time with your children.

Friday will be a significant day as we start our term with both, sombre reflection and boisterous exertion. Our tradition of holding an ANZAC Day ‘dawn’ Service will start the day on the slope near the Secondary Administration building. We use this time to reflect with sorrow and thankfulness on those men and women who gave their lives in battle in order to protect and preserve the freedoms that we enjoy in this most beautiful country of ours, Australia. I would like to extend to you, your family and your friends therefore, the warmest of invitations to join us at 7.45am as we mark ANZAC Day, a day of remembrance, with respect, dignity and prayer.

After this, please feel free to attend our K – 12 Inter-House Cross Country Carnival which will take place on the oval from around 8.45am. All students will be participating in an effort to have their House crowned ‘champion’ and you will see wonderful interactions between senior and junior students throughout the course of the morning. Additionally, at this event, we will be christening ‘Betty’, our Service-Learning caravan, as she offers snacks and drinks for purchase by students and parents for the very first time. It has been a long time coming, this project, so stay tuned for more information regarding the initial idea, the journey of refurbishment and the intended use of her from this Friday onwards.

I wish you a great term and many blessings.

Mr Brett Roberts


K-12 Inter-House Cross Country Carnival

The St Stephen’s Carramar K-12 Inter-House Cross Country Carnival will be held this Friday 23 April (Week 1, Term 2). The event will run from 8.30am – 10.40am on the Secondary School oval. Classes will resume as normal after recess time.

Students in Kindy – Year 1 will participate in a Lap-a-thon run in a special sectioned off area on the Secondary Oval. Students in Year 2 – 6 will compete in a Cross Country race, along with some House team games run by Secondary student leaders on the oval.

Reminders for students: 

  • Students in Year 2 – 6 must be at school by 8.25am.
  • House Sports Uniform
  • Water bottle
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Asthma puffer if required

 Approximate Cross Country event start times:

8.50am: Year 5/6 Boys 2.5km                                  

9.10am: Year 5/6 Girls 2.5km

9.30am: Year 4 Girls & Boys 2km                 

9.55am: Year 3 Girls & Boys 1.5km                     

10.20am: Year 2 Girls & Boys 750m 

COVID-19 Safety Protocols 

Parents/guardians are welcome to spectate this event, but must not interfere with the students at any time. Parents/guardians may spectate their children from a distance around the outside of the oval, but must not interfere with the team games taking place in the middle of the oval. We appreciate your support in this matter.


Betty the Service Learning Caravan

Our Secondary hospitality students will be selling some small refreshments from “Betty” the caravan for students to purchase at the carnival. Students may bring a small amount of money if they wish to purchase something at the end of the carnival (before Recess time).

We look forward to seeing all our students bring their best House Spirit down to the oval this Friday!


Mother’s Day Stall

Our Mother’s Day Stall is back in 2021! Please note that a lovely group of volunteers will be running the stall in our Primary Forum from 3 – 7 May. More details coming soon.


Our Captains in action!  

Three of our Primary Captains were given the opportunity to serve the wider community by taking part in the Food Cart program during the last week of Term 1. The group headed off to Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre straight after school and collected food items from dedicated cafes and retailers to be handed over to those in need. This activity truly reflects the importance our school attaches to our values of care, service and community. Well done Captains!


A lovely way to end the term 

As part of our “Buddy Program”, junior and senior students joined forces in an “Easter Pencil Treasure Hunt” last term J!  Our senior students have been demonstrating some lovely leadership skills in mentoring and helping our junior students throughout Term 1. Our new “Buddy Program” was very successful last term and we look forward to the many activities students will share together again this term.


A reminder that we need costumes!

The St Stephen’s Carramar costume shop is up and running. We are now accepting donations of costumes.

  • Please leave any donated costumes in the Donation Box located in the Primary Forum
  • Each costume, with the related accessories, should be bagged together
  • If you are donating more than one costume please bag them separately
  • All donations should be clean and in good condition ready to go
  • We will be accepting both child and adult costumes

This is a great opportunity to fundraise and support our SSS families with low cost options for costume hire.

Bronwyn Doak and Karyn Hinder


Term 2 After School Clubs

Stay tuned for After School Clubs on offer in Term 2. The list of available clubs and the booking link will be in next week’s blog.



Term 1, Week 9

Lost Property

Please remember to check lost property if your child has misplaced a hat, drink bottle, shoes, lunch box or anything else. Lost property items will be on display inside the entrance to the Primary Forum (entrance between the office and Kindy) from Monday 29 March. There will also be a display of second hand uniforms and school bags available for a gold coin donation.


Traffic Warden

We have a relief traffic warden who is able to assist on the children’s crossing on St Stephens Crescent (near Palmerston Crescent – west).  Gareth will start tomorrow morning and remain on the crossing until further notice.


Uniform Shop

A reminder that the Uniform Shop is experiencing delays with the delivery of some winter stock as COVID has disrupted supply and shipping chains. To assist with uniform requirements, it will be open Wednesday 14th April from 12.00pm to 4.00pm .


Children’s University- Passports Have Arrived!!!

The exciting moment has arrived where students can be issued with their passports. Remember, if you are a previous member you will not be issued another passport, but continue to use your previous ones. New members can come and collect their passports from me during our next stamping session in the library on Thursday 1 April during lunch.  I would love to see the photos or drawings of the lunch box/picnic students may have created as part of the March Challenge at this time too.

School Holiday Program

In the last blog, the holiday program run by ECU was published.  Some people have had trouble finding the link.  Please click on the link below:


Holiday fun at the Zoo

The Children’s University WA Partnership (ECU and UWA) would like to invite CU members to a discounted CU at Perth Zoo Day.

As with ALL School Holiday Activities adult family members must attend this event with their children, it is an opportunity for a family day out at a discounted rate.

Purchase Tickets: https://payments.uwa.edu.au/CUPerthZoo2021

More ways to learn

There are multiple ways you can earn hours towards your graduation.  Each time you find and complete a new learning activity (i.e. something that is not listed on the CU website, Facebook page or portal) we ask that you complete an entry in your Portfolio (details attached).


Happy Easter

Wishing all our families a very blessed Easter and a wonderful school holidays.



Term 1, Week 8 – Special Edition

After School Clubs

A reminder that After School Clubs finish this week (ending Friday 26 March). After School Clubs will not run during the last week of Term 1.

Stay tuned for After School Clubs on offer in Term 2.

School Photo Order Due Date

A reminder that tomorrow, Friday 26 March is the due date for returning school photos envelopes. Orders placed after this date will need to be placed online directly with Photo Hendriks. The school will not accept photo envelopes after Friday 26 March.


Lost Property

Please remember to check lost property if your child has misplaced a hat, drink bottle, shoes, lunch box or anything else. Lost property items will be on display inside the entrance to the Primary Forum (entrance between the office and Kindy) from Monday 29 March.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is experiencing delays with the delivery of some winter stock as COVID has disrupted supply and shipping chains. It will be open Wednesday 14th April from 12.00pm to 4.00pm .