Term 1, Week 6

Upcoming Assemblies

Wed 11 March 4F – Mrs Fordham

Wed 18 March 3B – Mrs Basmadjian

Wed 25 March 5L- Mrs Langley


A message from our Eco-Warriors

We are the Eco- Warriors and part of our job is to think of ideas to help our school become an eco-friendly school.

We have decided as eco warriors that we would like to introduce: WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY!

With waste free Wednesday, this hopefully will save the environment a bit more and less plastic in our community.

The point of the waste free Wednesday is not to bring in food with any type of wrappers on it including candy, muesli bars and any other wrappers.

This is to reduce the amount of waste that we produce as a school. Instead of packing food with wrappers, please can we encourage parents to put your food for recess and lunch in reusable containers on a Wednesday.

Remember to be eco safe, but not just at school but also at home as well.


Primary School Movie Night! – NEWS FLASH- NEW MOVIE

PARENTS PLEASE NOTE – As this movie is rated PG your purchase confirms that your child has permission to view this film.

When: Thursday 19th of March

Years 3-6

Time: 3:45 pm – 6:00 pm (amended end time)

Where: Primary Forum

Movie: Despicable Me (PG)

Tickets are $5 each

Please hand in money to your classroom teacher NO LATER than Friday 13 March. Tickets will be handed out the following week in class

 Come along and have some fun with your friends!

 *Pizza and drinks will be included in ticket price, you can also bring your own snacks and pillows. Feel free to bring a change of comfy clothes!

Details for a Kindy – Year 2 movie afternoon will be coming soon!


Supporting Your child in the Digital World. (Years 3-6) – Parent Information Evening

Join us as we explore the opportunities and challenges faced by children as they navigate the online world.

 Learn how we at St Stephen’s School develop your child’s knowledge and practical skills to keep them safe online and guide them in what it means to be a confident and responsible Digital Citizen.

 Where: Carramar Forum

When: Wednesday 25th March 2020

Time: 6.45-7.30pm

 Please confirm your attendance by return email jenny.mallis@ststephens.wa.edu.au

 The Digital Learning Team



RESERVE YOUR PLACE – 2020 Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving at St Stephen’s School is a joyous occasion that unites our entire school community in the act of giving thanks for the multitude of blessings bestowed upon us each year. Join us ‘To Know God, and Make Him Known’ as we celebrate Our Purpose in a community worship.
Remember to share things you’re thankful for by posting images on social media with the hashtag #givethanks, #knowgod or #worship for us to showcase on the night.

Reserve your seats here:https://www.trybooking.com/BHUOH



Tickets for the St Stephen’s School Foundation Winter Gala have been released! Join us for an evening of celebration including a three-course meal, drinks, prizes and entertainment as we raise funds for the future development of the School.

Tickets available here: https://www.trybooking.com/BHKWP

Proudly sponsored by Pentanet.


St Stephens Year 7 Scholarships 2021

Applications close Wednesday 11 March 

St Stephen’s School encourages excellence and is pleased to offer up to four Academic Scholarships at each campus for students entering Year 7 in 2021. These Academic Scholarships are for the student’s entire Secondary Education at St Stephen’s School and are subject to ongoing performance and yearly reviews.

For full details please go to https://www.ststephens.wa.edu.au/enrolments/scholarships