Term 1, Week 4

The day has arrived!

On Friday at 9am, after you drop off your ‘little one’, you are welcome to gather on The Green and witness the Official Opening of the Nature Playground.

After much planning and anticipation over the last nine months and, watching it take shape ever so slowly, the staff and students are really excited to be able to finally use this wonderful facility for play, exploration, imagination and physical challenge.

Please join us, if you are able, for the 10 minute ceremony after which each class will be rostered on for a briefing by their teacher prior to a 20 minute play-time.

A lovely way to commence 2021!

Yours in Service

Brett Roberts

Head of Campus


Children’s University is Back!

We are excited to be re-launching Children’s University Australasia at SSS Carramar this year.  This is a great way to foster the life-long love of self-directed learning among our students.

Students use their “Passport to Learning” to record their learning throughout the year and qualifying students celebrate the journey of their learning at a graduation service hosted by ECU Joondalup at the end of the year.  More information can be found at https://www.ecu.edu.au/schools/education/childrens-university/

The program is open to students in Year 4-6 and will have an annual fee of $31.50 (including GST).

Students enrolled previously who need a Learning Passport to be re-issued will be at the cost of $11 (including GST).  Students who still have their passport from 2019 will be able to continue to use it this year.

We are able to offer 30 places in this program.  Given the expected high demand we will have for participation in the program, please send an email to the CUA Coordinator, Janelle.Morris@ststephens.wa.edu.au , to register your expression of interest.  Please include your child’s name and class.

Further information, consent and payment forms will be forwarded to successful students.  Placement in the program will be based on the order that expressions of interest are received by the CUA Coordinator.

Our new ‘Buddy Program’ was launched last Wednesday!

Primary staff have put together a new “Buddy Program” this year where all senior students from Years 3 to 6 have been teamed up with little ones from Kindy to Year 2. “Buddys” will be meeting every fortnight this year to do some activities together. We believe that this experience will be beneficial for both young and older students. Activities will be based on a theme and this term, we are focusing on “Harmony”. Once again, our values of Service, Care and Community in action J! We believe this new initiative will provide opportunities for:

Active listening ▪ Being empathic ▪ Negotiating ▪ Cooperating ▪ Being positive ▪ Sharing ▪ Taking turns ▪ Including others ▪ Treating others with respect ▪ Friendliness ▪ Being kind

We would love you to discuss the program with your child at home. Our next “Buddy Session” is scheduled Wednesday 3 March.


Wonderful ‘Junk Robots’!

Last week, our Year 3 students proudly displayed the “Junk Robots” they created at home earlier in the term. They invited the Kindy students and their teachers to come along and view their hard work. The Kindies were amazed by what had been created and will be taking inspiration for their own junk projects in the coming weeks. Well done Year 3s!

Applications for Year 7 Academic Scholarships for 2022 are now open!

Does your child excel in the classroom? Applications for Academic Scholarships are now open for students heading into Year 7 in 2022.

Scholarships are open to new and current students. The process includes testing in March next year and, if awarded, grants partial or full remission of School tuition fees for the student’s entire Secondary education at St Stephen’s School, subject to ongoing performance and yearly reviews.

See where a scholarship could take your child at https://www.ststephens.wa.edu.au/enrolments/scholarships or contact the School Registrar at scholarships@ststephens.wa.edu.au.


Term 1, Week 3

Year 3 – 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival

A reminder that the Year 3 – 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival is taking place next Thursday 25 February at HBF Arena Joondalup. Students must arrive at school by 8.25am, in order for the buses to depart at 8.45am.

What to bring/wear:

  • Students must bring all food and drink they require for the day – the Café is not accessible.
  • House Uniform, towel, thongs/sandals and bathers – no two-piece bathers.
  • Labelled school bag or alternative backpack
  • Swimming caps and goggles are highly recommended – we encourage students to wear swimming caps that match their House colour for extra House spirit!

COVID-19 Venue Restrictions

Due to strict COVID-19 venue capacity restrictions that HBF Arena Joondalup and VenuesWest must adhere to, we are unfortunately unable to have any spectators at our Swimming Carnival this year. No parents/guardians are permitted to spectate students at HBF Arena Joondalup. We appreciate your support in this matter.

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at the 2021 Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival!

Microsoft Teams

Dear Parents

We intend utilising Microsoft Teams for part of our teaching and learning this year. If you or your child has not downloaded it yet, could you please follow the below “Instructions” and login using your child/children’s school username and password.

Kind regards

Jenny Mallis (Digital Learning Specialist)


Scholastic Issue 1

Scholastic Issue 1 is available for viewing, ordering and payment online using the following link www.scholastic.com.au.  Click on the Shop tab (Loop for parents) to order. There will be no catalogues distributed for issue 1. The due date for orders is the 22 February 2021.


Icy Poles

Please note that Captains will start selling Icy Poles this Friday 19 February at Recess for 60 cents 😊. Sales will take place in classroom courtyards. Proceeds from the sales will be going to charity.

Northway Uniting Church – 2020 Christmas Appeal

Dear parents and children

Thank you so much for your abundant and caring gift donations for the 2020 Christmas appeal! We were able to distribute approx. 300 gifts last year – the majority to DCP Joondalup and also some to foster families in the area and families in need identified through a school chaplain in the area.

It is a joy to be part of such a generous and caring community that is St Stephen’s Carramar – please be assured that you have spread joy and love to others!

With Warm Regards & Thanks

Jennifer Sealey & Karen Hutchison (coordinators Christmas Appeal)
Northway Uniting Church




Term 1, Week 2


Dear Families,

We made it! You made it! And your beautiful children made it! Let’s give ourselves a big round of applause (it wasn’t too bad eh!). You may not be able to see our smiles with our masks on,  but we can assure you that everyone is SO happy to be back :-)! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and assistance with the distancing and restrictions that are in place for this week. We have had a beautiful start to the week and the community has been amazing. Children have shown such resilience and we are extremely proud of them.

All things being equal, please note that the Year 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 Parent Information Evenings have now been rescheduled for the 15th, 16th and 17th of February respectively. If current restrictions are eased over the weekend (ie masks and numbers in venues), we will confirm, on Sunday afternoon, the following:

Year 1: Monday 15 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm  (Primary Forum)

Year 2: Monday 15 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Library)

Year 3: Tuesday 16 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm  (Library)

Year 4: Tuesday 16 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Primary Forum)

Year 5: Wednesday 17 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Primary Forum)

Year 6: Wednesday 17 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Library)

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us or your classroom teacher.

Kind regards,

Mr Roberts and Madame Pilote



Dear Families, Parents and Carers

Welcome to 2021! I realise you have received a lot of correspondence over recent weeks form our Principal, me and your child’s class teachers so, I will make this relatively brief.

I am giving a devotion to staff on Friday where I am going to ask them to reflect on what they see. We can view things similarly but, can also view things quite differently. In both instances, we should harness each other’s vision. What do you see?

Fish or birds?


An old woman or a young woman?

In these ever-changing times we must seek to see the positive. Like Captain Sir Tom Moore, recently deceased at 100 years of age, would repeatedly say: “Today is a good day, it has its ups and downs but, it is a good day and tomorrow will be a better day”.


While in the above landscape, we may see a jagged, harsh formation, eroding and attempting not to crumble, I encourage you to ‘see’ through the window and observe a horizon that is green, where waters flow and where the sky is clear – this is us this year! Resilient, agile and knowing that “today is a good day and tomorrow will be a better day”.

Thank you for your support, understanding and positive feedback to the start of 2021 and we continue to look forward to working in partnership with you to seek the best possible outcomes for our students.

Yours in Service,

Mr Brett Roberts (Head of Campus)



Please note that our school photos have been rescheduled for Tuesday 16 March for all Pre-Primary to Year 6 students. Students need to be wearing their white school shirts (3-6) or stripy shirt (PP-2) for the photograph. Children need to have the correct hair accessories and jewellery (please refer to the student handbook). No house shirts on this day.

Our Kindy photos will take place Monday 22 March and our Pre-Kindy photos will remain Wednesday 17 February.




We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephen’s Carramar in Term 1 2021, to allow your child to start the day in an active and engaging manner. Details of the program are as follows:

Day: Thursday mornings – commencing Thursday 11 February, 2021

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks)

To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or call Glen on

0433 340 646 with the following information:

-Child’s Full Name

-Child’s Date of Birth

-Mobile number

-Email address



After School Clubs are back for Term 1! Teaching staff are offering a wide variety of after school clubs to keep students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 active and engaged in Term 1. From 6.00pm Wednesday 10 February you will be able to register your child in one of the following After School Clubs: The Kilometre Club, Drawing Club, Early Years Cooking Club, Homework Club, Science Club, After School Sports or Board Games. Please use the following link to register https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/parent-and-student/plan-the-day/primary-school-clubs.html



An after-school club with a difference!

St Stephen’s School is excited to announce we will be running a pilot program with leading STEM Education partner Fire Tech Australia for an after-school club in Term 1 at both our Carramar and Duncraig campuses.

Available to students from Years 5-7, they will have the first chance to explore the world of 3D modelling and robotics to create real world solutions in the St Stephen’s Imagineers Club.

All equipment is provided – students just need to use the power of imagination, creativity and innovation! Experienced tutors will guide students through activities that will engage engineering principles before their prototype is modelled, designed and printed in 3D and then brought to life using Robotics kits.

The Club will run every Thursday from Week 3 in Term 1 (February 18) from 3.30-4.30pm.

It will be in the Study Lounge in the Library at Carramar and in the Glenda Parkin Building at Duncraig.

The Club will cost $210 for seven weeks of learning and care, with only 25 spots available at each campus so get in quick!

Book now – St Stephen’s Imagineers | Fire Tech Australia (firetechcamp.com.au)

Please contact communications@ststephens.wa.edu.au if you have any queries.


A reminder that the disabled parking bay is reserved for drivers who hold an ACROD Parking Permit ONLY. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.



Sometime last year, the Beldon Uniting Church and  the Carramar Uniting Church amalgamated to form the NorthWay Uniting Church. The newly appointed Minister is Rev Dr Sonny Rajamoney. The worship services at Carramar will be held in the school auditorium, every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10.30 – 11.30am, followed by refreshments etc. Rev Rajamoney will be in his office at the school every Wednesday from 9am. Please make an appointment before you plan to meet with him. His phone contact is 0421 332 747, and email address, minister@northwayunitingchurch.org.au


Dear Families,

Wow! Where have we found ourselves again! Interesting times in an interesting world!

We just wanted to touch base with you to reassure you that there is no reason for worry or fear about your child’s learning journey at this point in the year and to inform you that there will be more formal communication from the School regarding the week ahead and the plans for any ongoing face-to-face disruption. Your child is at the forefront of our thinking and we ask that you convey to them our love and thoughts and reassure them that we will look after them. Please also inform your child that their teacher is preparing something for them which will be posted on their Year Level Blog. We would appreciate if you could look at it with them later today or first thing tomorrow morning.

Please feel free to email us if you have any questions but, as mentioned, a formal communication will be emailed to you later today.

Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you and let’s hope that it will only be for this week.

Yours in Service,

Mr Roberts and Madame Pilote

Term 1 Welcome

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

A warm welcome back! We hope you’ve had a lovely summer break. Our staff are now back on board and busily getting ready for Friday. We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to school! To this effect, we would like to cordially invite you, if available, to a special short “Welcome Assembly” in our Primary Forum this Friday, 29 January. Whilst WA is a very safe place to be, our school still needs to adhere to very specific guidelines in relation to maximum number of people permitted in specific buildings. To this effect, we will therefore need to hold two “Welcome Assemblies”. Our Upper Years (3-6) “Welcome Assembly” will start at 8:45AM and our Early Years (PP-2) “Welcome Assembly” at 9:30AM. If you wish to attend one of these assemblies, please make sure you enter from the Primary entrance door next to the Kindy area and sanitise your hands upon arrival. Chairs will be set out for parents at the top of the steps. Once the Assembly is finished, you will be asked to exit from the door located next to our Health Centre. We appreciate your collaboration with this matter and look forward to seeing you then.

The Primary Leadership Team

General information for our first day back (Friday 29 January)

  • Please note that there will not be any specialists’ classes this Friday. Students are therefore expected to wear their formal school uniform (no PE uniform permitted).
  • Staff will be welcoming students from their classroom external door this year. Students will then be asked to say their goodbyes to parents from there and invited in. Special arrangements will be made for our Pre-Primary students (more information will be given at the Parent Information Evening tonight). As mentioned earlier, parents are then welcome to gather and chat outside prior to coming in the Primary Forum for their child/children’s “Welcome Assembly”.

Parent Information Evening

Our P-K, Kindy and Pre-Primary information evenings will be taking place this evening (a reminder email went out to all families on Monday). Please see below schedule for Parent Information Evenings and venues (please note that these venues have been set in accordance to current restrictions):

Pre-Kindy: Wednesday 27 January, 6pm – 6.30pm  (in Kindy Area)

Kindergarten: Wednesday 27 January, 6.45pm – 7.45pm  (in Kindy Area)

Pre-Primary: Wednesday 27 January, 6.45pm – 7.45pm  (in Primary Forum)

Year 1: Monday 1 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm  (Primary Forum)

Year 2: Monday 1 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Library)

Year 3: Tuesday 2 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm  (Library)

Year 4: Tuesday 2 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Primary Forum)

Year 5: Wednesday 3 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Primary Forum)

Year 6: Wednesday 3 February, 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Library)

School Photos

Please note that our school photos will take place Tuesday 2 February for all Pre-Primary to Year 6 students. Students need to be wearing their white school shirts (3-6) or stripy shirt (PP-2) for the photograph. Children need to have the correct hair accessories and jewellery (please refer to the student handbook). No house shirts on this day. Our Kindy photos will take place on Monday 8 February and our Pre-Kindy photos on Wednesday 17 February.


Term 4, Week 9

Thank you for the Year

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already come to the end of 2020; what a year!!! We would like to take this opportunity, in this final Blog of the year, to thank our wonderful community for their support throughout 2020. We feel truly blessed to be part of the St Stephen’s School family and have truly appreciated everyone’s understanding as we’ve navigated through a challenging, but overall, a very positive year. We wish everyone a very happy Festive Season and look forward to the many opportunities ahead of us in 2021.

God Bless

The Carramar Primary Staff  & Leadership Team


Year 7 Academic Scholarships

Applications for Year 7 Academic Scholarships for 2022 are now open!

Does your child excel in the classroom? Applications for Academic Scholarships are now open for students heading into Year 7 in 2022.

Scholarships are open to new and current students. The process includes testing in March next year and, if awarded, grants partial or full remission of School tuition fees for the student’s entire Secondary education at St Stephen’s School, subject to ongoing performance and yearly reviews.

See where a scholarship could take your child at https://www.ststephens.wa.edu.au/enrolments/scholarships or contact the School Registrar at scholarships@ststephens.wa.edu.au.


Christmas Cheer at Lakeside

Primary and Secondary students joined forces to sing Christmas carols at Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre last Friday. They were very impressive and received many compliments from the public. Well done to all the students and their teachers, Michelle Williams and Steve Williams.


Cards That Count

A heartfelt thank you to all families who purchased Christmas cards designed by Primary students this year. Through this initiative, St Stephen’s School has raised over $1000 for Uniting WA.

A special congratulations to Carramar Kindy student, Harshita Chauhan who’s card design was chosen by Uniting WA as a winner for their 2020 Christmas Card competition. Well done Harshita!

Lego Masters

The FIRST Lego League RePlay challenge was mastered by our Carramar Primary team late November! We wish our team, Active Ants the best of luck as they compete in the Nationals at Curtin University this weekend.


Year 4s on Their Bikes

Our Year 4 students participated in an exciting bike ride to Wanneroo Rotary Park recently, as a part of the Year 4 Bike Education program. They had lots of fun navigating their way to the park and taking in all the beautiful scenery along the way. A big thank you to all our parent helpers who joined us on the ride!



Master Chef Finale

Language students were back in the kitchen for the final round of their Masterchef challenge this week. Year 6 students created some amazing French desserts including macarons and delicious gateaux. Each team’s final dish was critiqued by judges and then enjoyed by team and class members.


Times Table Rockstars Competition

Year 3-6 students played against each other to answer as many time table questions as they can in a minute. The top 6 students from each year group played against each other in quarter and semi-finals with the top 6 in the grand finale.

Finalists were: Kevin Viji, Katrina Murphy, Kayne Horan, Ben Davis, Mitchell Callcott and Lucas Unitt.

Our top 3 students were:

3rd place – Katrina Murphy from Year 5 with 101 correct answers

2nd place – Kayne Horan from Year 4 with 103 correct answers

1st place – Kevn Viji from Year 6 with 121 correct answers


Uniting WA

Once again the St Stephen’s School community was generous with their donations for the Uniting WA Christmas Appeal. Food Bank weighed the donations and advised that Carramar and Duncraig campuses combined provided them with in excess of 1200kgs of non-perishable food items. We would like to thank all those that assisted Service Learning with the coordination of the appeal, along with all staff that encouraged our students to bring in their donations so generously. After all it is a team effort. Once again a little will go a long way this Christmas.

Uniform Standards

As the end of the year is fast approaching and everyone begins to enjoy their holiday break, a friendly reminder to ensure that your child’s hairstyle adheres to the School’s uniform policy upon their return in January 2021. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for further details https://ststephensschool.sharepoint.com/SSSCorporate/ParentHandbook/Forms


2021 School Fee Payment Options

Dear Parents/ Guardians

In 2021, the School will be simplifying the annual school fee notification and payment selection process for parents. Parents / Guardians will no longer be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, three instalments or annual upfront) that you had in place in 2020 will continue automatically in 2021.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 29 January 2021 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting 4 February 2021; or

22 fortnightly payments starting 4 February 2021; or

10 monthly payments starting on 2 February 2021; or

10 monthly payments starting on 17 February 2021; or

3 instalments (BPAY only) on 18 February 2021, 20 May 2021 and 19 August 2021

You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts (https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx).

On 11 January 2021 your annual fee invoice will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab – select Statements and receipt history (https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx).

All the best for the holidays and wishing you a Happy Christmas

From the Accounts Receivable Team


Before School Tennis Lessons – Term 1, 2021

We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephens Carramar in Term 1 2021, to allow your child to start the day in an active and engaging manner. Details of the program are as follows:

Day: Thursday mornings – commencing Thursday 11 February, 2021

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks)

To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or call Glen on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

-Child’s Full Name

-Child’s Date of Birth

-Mobile number

-Email address

Term 4, Week 8

First Lego League

Congratulations to the First Lego League team for winning the 2020 Regional Champion’s Award! The team will now compete against other regional champions on 12 December at Curtin University. Good Luck to our champs!


Uniting WA Christmas Appeal


Well done for raising $2363.90 for the Picnic on The Green!


Cards that Count

Well done for raising $1000 for Uniting WA!

Presentation Night

Picnic on The Green

Wednesday 9 December

1.00pm to 3.00pm

Parents must be in attendance with their children

City of Wanneroo Youth Forum on Climate Change

Holiday Hijinx

The hardest part of the school holidays can be finding something for the kids to do. Ward off the constant ‘I’m bored!’ declarations and make screen time more productive at Fire Tech’s STEM workshops this January.

Kids can brush up on their tech talents at a range of workshops including Junior Adventures in Augmented Reality, Creating for YouTube, Making Games with ROBLOX, Video Game Design, Lego Stop-Motion Animation and Digital Music.

There are courses to suit children aged between 9-17 and the cost rivals that of vacation care, all while the kids walk away with a new skill.

Sign up for the SUMMER SPECIAL with workshops starting from $99 a day and running from 10am-4pm between January 11 and 15 at the School’s Duncraig Campus.

Find out more and make a booking at firetechcamp.com.au.

Farewell Letter

Dear Parents

It is with mixed emotions I write to you to let you know I will be moving on to teach at Mercy College next year. Changing schools every four to six years is something I have done for the last three decades of my career as I believe change affords opportunities to learn, grow and serve others. Having taught at St Stephen’s School for the past six years, I feel it is time to embark on another educational adventure.

Teaching at St Stephen’s School has been a truly amazing experience. The people power here is wonderful and I have never taught in another school which has offered this much support for their students. The caliber of staff, quality of teaching and teamwork, sensational productions and specialist opportunities here are fantastic.

While I am excited about commencing in a new school, I am also very emotional about leaving St Stephen’s. Staff here have become much loved friends, the children are embedded in my heart, and the support from parents has been greatly appreciated throughout my six years here. I will miss everything about this community, especially the children.

If I do not get the opportunity to say farewell in person, please know how grateful I am for your positive words and the opportunity to teach your children. They have been such a delightful part of my journey.

Wishing you all good health, faith, hope and love.

May the Force be with you!

Warmest regards

Sandra Corcoran

Term 4, Week 7

Lost Property – LAST CALL

We still seem to have a lot of lost property items ie. drink bottles, food containers and uniform items all on display outside Reception up until Friday 27 November. All must go!

There is also a rack of second hand uniform items available for a gold coin donation.

Please remember to put your child’s name on their uniform items so that they can be reunited if uniform items should happen to stray.

Picnic on the Green

Wednesday 9 December

1.00pm to 3.00pm

Parents must be in attendance with their children

Christmas Meal Deal


Uniting WA Christmas Appeal

Northway Uniting Church and St Stephen’s Primary are collecting Christmas gifts for children in need. There is a Christmas tree located next to the Kindy indoor entrance of the Primary Forum. Please select a tag from the tree, buy a gift for a child with the age and gender specified and place it in the box under the tree. The gifts do not need to be wrapped. These gifts are then distributed to children in the community who are doing it tough (mostly through DCP Joondalup). On behalf of the children who receive these gifts, we are so immensely grateful for your donations in past years – Thank you!

Uniting WA Christmas Hampers

Loud Shirt Day

Carramar Primary Presentation Evening

The Carramar Primary Presentation Evening will be held on Thursday 3 December at 6:45pm in the Sports & Learning Centre.  Tickets for the event are free and are available now via the link below:


Ticket numbers will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions so please book early to avoid disappointment.  Please be aware that all attendees (including students and performers) will require tickets this year.  Please bring your ticket with you on the night (printed or electronically) as they will be scanned on entry.


Before School Tennis Lessons – Term 1, 2021

We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephens Carramar in Term 1 2021, to allow your child to start the day in an active and engaging manner. Details of the program are as follows:

Day: Tuesday mornings – commencing Tuesday 6 February, 2021

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks)

To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or call Glen on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

-Child’s Full Name

-Child’s Date of Birth

-Mobile number

-Email address

Term 4, Week 6

Innovative School Award

St Stephen’s School has been named among the nation’s top schools in The Educator magazine’s annual Innovative Schools list. The School was recognised for its unique take on regional enrolments with the Home Away From Home (HAFH) program, launched in August. The HAFH program offers a fresh take on conventional school boarding arrangements, placing students from regional WA in a local family environment. For more information visit https://www.ststephens.wa.edu.au/enrolments/ris/regional-students

Jump Rope For Heart – FINAL WEEK!  

We are very excited to announce that St Stephen’s School Carramar has currently raised $1757 for the Heart Foundation. Only 3 days left until all online fundraising finishes on Friday 20 November!

It’s not too late to sign up! Visit www.jumprope.org.au to register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising. Jump Rope for Heart is a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs.

JUMP OFF DAY – Wednesday 18 November

We will be celebrating Jump Off Day this Wednesday 18 November. Students are invited to WEAR SOMETHING RED this Wednesday.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!



Library Information

The Library staff would like to bring you up to date with some changes that will be happening in the Library, in the final weeks of this term.

After some consultation it has been decided that, due to the teaching and learning needs of our K to 12 staff and students, we are going to move the Early Childhood collections and Lit Pro (Home Reading) collections.

These collections will go into Library Classrooms 1&2 – currently Business/VET rooms. We will then create a quiet teaching & study “zone” outside Library Classrooms 3&4 (currently Primary Library and Year 12 study room) for the secondary students.

2020 borrowing will end for the Primary students on 27 Nov  so that the Library Staff and Property Services can safely complete this project during Week 8.


Christmas Meal Deal


Uniting WA Christmas Appeal

Northway Uniting Church and St Stephen’s Primary will be collecting Christmas gifts again for children in need. There will be a Christmas tree located next to the Kindy indoor entrance of the Primary Forum from 20 November. Please select a tag from the tree, buy a gift for a child with the age and gender specified and place it in the box under the tree. The gifts do not need to be wrapped. These gifts are then distributed to children in the community who are doing it tough (mostly through DCP Joondalup). On behalf of the children who receive these gifts, we are so immensely grateful for your donations in past years – Thank you!


Uniting WA Christmas Hampers


Lost Property


As we still seem to have a lot of lost property items ie. drink bottles, food containers and uniform items we have decided to display all lost property outside Reception up until Friday 27 November.

There is also a rack of second hand uniform items available for a gold coin donation.

Please remember to put your child’s name on their uniform items so that they can be reunited if uniform items should happen to stray.


Loud Shirt Day


Lovely Acts of Service from our Year 3 Students and their Families

A lovely group of Year 3 students wanted to make a difference and decided to organise a fundraising event to help the less fortunate. Over $155 was raised and donated to THE RED SHIELD APPEAL as a result of their effort! It is wonderful to see our students taking this type of initiative themselves to serve the community. Well done!


Furthermore, our entire Year 3 cohort and their families have demonstrated their heart for Service by baking ANZAC cookies for the elderly at Regents Garden to help commemorate Remembrance Day this year. This is what Regents Garden’s staff had to say about this wonderful gift:

…it was a wonderful surprise that simply turned up on our doorstep on the morning of Remembrance Day. This is a day that means so much to many of the residents who almost all were affected by the war in some way. We had a small ceremony and they were handed out afterwards. The rest were delivered directly to the residents who were not able to attend the ceremony.  It was very kind of you all to think of our elderly community and send them a little bit of love in a bag.  

Thanks to you all xx

Carramar Primary Presentation Evening


The Carramar Primary Presentation Evening will be held on Thursday 3 December at 6:45pm in the Sports & Learning Centre.  Tickets for the event are free and are available now via the link below:


Ticket numbers will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions so please book early to avoid disappointment.  Please be aware that all attendees (including students and performers) will require tickets this year.  Please bring your ticket with you on the night (printed or electronically) as they will be scanned on entry.

Term 4, Week 5

Lost Property Galore!

Our lost property is multiplying! We understand that our community haven’t been able to come into the Primary Forum due to current restrictions. We have therefore decided to display all lost property outside Reception this Thursday 12 and Friday 13 November between 8.15am and 9.00am. Please come and have a look……you never know what treasure you may find.

Loud Shirt Day

Uniting Care Christmas Appeal

Northway Uniting Church and St Stephen’s Primary will be collecting Christmas gifts again for children in need. There will be a Christmas tree located next to the Kindy indoor entrance of the Primary Forum from 20 November. Please select a tag from the tree, buy a gift for a child with the age and gender specified and place it in the box under the tree. The gifts do not need to be wrapped. These gifts are then distributed to children in the community who are doing it tough (mostly through DCP Joondalup). On behalf of the children who receive these gifts, we are so immensely grateful for your donations in past years – Thank you!


Jump Rope for Heart – Two Weeks to Go!

We are very excited to announce that St Stephen’s School Carramar has currently raised $1656 in this year’s Jump Rope for Heart Program! Keep up the great work everyone!

A reminder that all online fundraising ends on Friday 20 November (Week 6).

It’s not too late to sign up! Visit www.jumprope.org.au to register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising. Jump Rope for Heart is a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs.

We will be celebrating Jump Off Day next week on Wednesday 18 November (Week 6). Students are invited to wear something red on this day.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Carramar Primary Presentation Evening

The Carramar Primary Presentation Evening will be held on Thursday 3 December at 6:45pm in the Sports & Learning Centre.  Tickets for the event are free and are available now via the link below:


Ticket numbers will be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions so please book early to avoid disappointment.  Please be aware that all attendees (including students and performers) will require tickets this year.  Please bring your ticket with you on the night (printed or electronically) as they will be scanned on entry.