Term 1, Week 3

YEAR 3 – 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival – IMPORTANT NOTICE 

Due to the current COVID restrictions and advice/guidelines/mandates for schools and community sport, we have made the decision to revise our Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival format. Our goal is to manage the COVID risk as best as we can, whilst still trying to conduct some type of swimming carnival.

At this stage our Interhouse Swimming Carnival will still go ahead on Friday 5 March, however the carnival will be split in two half day sessions. Year 3 and 4 students will attend the morning session, and Year 5 and 6 students will attend the afternoon session. Students will be seated in their class groups rather than House groups this year. Please see the details below.

Date:                                     Friday 4 March 2022 (Week 5, Term 1)

Venue:                                 HBF Arena Joondalup – Kennedya Drive, Joondalup

Year 3 & 4 Carnival Time:     Bus departing school at 8.45am – bus departing HBF Arena at 12.00pm.

Year 5 & 6 Carnival Time:     Bus departing school at 11.45am – bus departing HBF Arena at 3.00pm.

What to bring/wear:

  • Students must bring all food and drink they require for the day – the Café is not accessible.
  • House Uniform, towel, thongs/sandals and bathers – no two-piece bathers please.
  • Labelled school bag or alternative backpack
  • Swimming caps and goggles are highly recommended – we encourage students to wear swimming caps that match their House colour for extra House spirit!
  • Year 3 and 4 students will be able to change out of their bathers and back into their House Uniform on arrival back at school (not at HBF Arena).


We are unfortunately unable to have any spectators at our Interhouse Swimming Carnival this year. No parents/guardians are permitted to spectate students at HBF Arena Joondalup. Parents/guardians who have volunteered to assist on the day will no longer be able to attend the carnival. We appreciate your support in this matter and are sorry that this is the case for 2022.

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at our Interhouse Swimming Carnival!

Hannah Uglow

Teacher – Primary Physical Education


Scholastic Book Club

Thursday 17 February 2022


Nature Playground

It is so wonderful to see so many students enjoying our beautiful Nature Playground, however please ensure all students are supervised before and after school.


Before School Tennis Lessons

We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephen’s Carramar in Term 1 2022 for children in years 1-6. All equipment is provided and students receive a free ANZ Hot Shots shirt when they register. Details of the program are as follows:

Start date: Thursday 10 February (Week 2, Term 1)

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks – finishing in Week 9, Term 1)

            To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or text Glen on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

  • Child’s Full Name
  • What year your child is in 2021
  • Child’s Date of Birth
  • Mobile number
  • Email address

Term 1, Week1 Special Edition Blog

Dear Parents 

We hope you’ve had a lovely week. Please note that we have received communication from the Chief Health Officer today advising that schools should limit in-school gatherings of students and staff to class groups or small groups within a year level.  In response to this, please note that our Assemblies and Worships format will need to change for the time being. We are currently working on a plan moving forward, but wanted to inform you that we will not be able to proceed with our usual Worship on Monday. More information will come once we have put a plan together.

Furthermore, a friendly reminder that if you need to come inside our Primary building, we ask that you always wear your mask.

Once again, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding in these unprecedented times.

Kind regards

Madame Pilote

Term 1, Week 1

Opening Ceremony of  the Phase 2 Nature Playground

The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived! Mrs Beare will be joining us this Thursday at 9:15am on The Green to officially open Phase 2 of our beautiful Nature Playground. Our community is welcome to join our Early Years students to this very special event.


Urgent Need for Traffic Wardens for Our School

If any Parents/Grandparents are interested in becoming a Traffic Warden, they can contact the Children’s Crossings Unit direct on 6274 8731. An application pack will then be sent to them. Please note that this is a paid position which does not affect a pension too much if employment is taken up. It would be highly recommended that any potential candidate on a pension contact Centrelink to have a chat.


Fear-Less February


Term 1 After School Clubs

After School Clubs are back for Term 1 2022! This term we have three after school activities on offer for students to enjoy. Bookings will be available from 6.00pm Friday 4 February.

Tuesday – Board Game Bonanza (for students in Year 3 to Year 5)

Thursday – After School Sports (for students in Pre-primary to Year 2)

Thursday – Science Club (for students in Year 5 and 6)

Remember to only register your child for activities available to their year group. Please use the following link to book https://bookwhen.com/ststephensschool_carramar

During Term 1, After School Clubs will run from week 2 (Monday 7 February) until week 9 (Friday 1 April) .


Icy Poles Are Back!

Captains will be selling icy poles Friday during Recess for 60 cents each. Students are encouraged to bring the exact amount of money.


Before School Tennis Lessons

We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephen’s Carramar in Term 1 2022 for children in years 1-6. All equipment is provided and students receive a free ANZ Hot Shots shirt when they register. Details of the program are as follows:

Start date: Thursday 10 February (Week 2, Term 1)

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks – finishing in Week 9, Term 1)

            To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or text Glen on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

  • Child’s Full Name
  • What year your child is in 2021
  • Child’s Date of Birth
  • Mobile number
  • Email address

Term 1, Welcome

Welcome Back to School!

We hope that everyone had a lovely summer break and has come back energised and rested. We look forward to the many learning opportunities that lay ahead this year. Please note that our Welcome Assembly will be held in the Primary Forum tomorrow morning from 9am to 9:30am . Parents are welcome, providing they are wearing masks.


Parent Information Evenings

As per the information letter sent out earlier this year, please see below details of our 2022 Parent Information Evenings:

Pre-Kindy: Thursday 27 January 2022, 6.00pm–6.30pm in the Kindy Area

Kindergarten: Thursday 27 January 2022, 6.45pm –7.45pm in the Kindy Area

Pre-Primary: Thursday 27 January 2022, 6.45pm –7.45pm in the Primary Forum

Year 1 (Primary Forum) & Year 2 (Primary Library Room): Monday 31 January 2022, 6.45pm –7.45pm

Year 3 (Primary Library Room) & Year 4 (Primary Forum): Tuesday 1 February 2022, 6.45pm –7.45pm

Year 5 (Primary Forum) & Year 6 (Primary Library Room): Wednesday 2 February 2022, 6.45pm –7.45pm


School Photos

Please see below schedule for our school photos this year:

  • Pre-Primary to Year 6 students: Tuesday 1 February
  • Kindy students: Monday 7 February
  • Pre-Kindy students: Wednesday 16 February


2022 Worships and Assemblies

Please note that Worships will be taking place on Mondays this year (Early Years from 9:05am to 9:20am and Upper Years from 2:55pm to 3:20pm). Our Assemblies and “Buddy Sessions” will take place on Friday afternoons from 2:55pm to 3:20pm.


Extra-Curricular Activities

Please keep an eye on the blog next week regarding information about this term’s extra-curricular program.


Class Representatives

If you are interested in becoming a Class Representative this year, please submit your expression of interest with your classroom teacher. Leadership will be in touch with successful candidates in the coming weeks.



Please note that the designated staff car park (including the turning circle) is not to be used by parents. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.



As per our Principal’s communication earlier this week, masks are currently mandatory for all staff, Secondary students and parents whilst in our school buildings. Although masks don’t need to be worn outside at present,  we ask for students, parents and staff to have masks on when approaching the canteen due to a staff member being immunocompromised. We thank you for your understanding and appreciate your support.


Before School Tennis Lessons

We will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephen’s Carramar in Term 1 2022 for children in years 1-6. All equipment is provided and students receive a free ANZ Hot Shots shirt when they register. Details of the program are as follows:

Start date: Thursday 10 February (Week 2, Term 1)

Time: 7.30-8.15am, $130 / child (8 weeks – finishing in Week 9, Term 1)

            To Register please email info@poptennis.com.au or text Glen on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

  • Child’s Full Name
  • What year your child is in 2021
  • Child’s Date of Birth
  • Mobile number
  • Email address

Term 4 Week 9

Dear Families

The academic year has ended and the wonderful season of Christmas is upon us:

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life

 John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth

This year, together with the students and you, our families, we have achieved many wonderful things that are unquantifiable in terms of the impact they have had on the personal growth, learning outcomes, understanding of the less fortunate and development of positive relationships for the students, your children. Every year presents its own challenges but, so too do these challenges themselves become the very opportunity for exercising initiative and creativity and the chance to leverage our excellence and vision so that we might perform even more highly.

To all students, parents, friends, families and staff, may your Christmas be truly blessed, may laughter and joy resound throughout your houses and may the peace of Christ, the Holy One born for us so that we might have eternal life with our Father, be with you at this most special time of year.

God bless

Mr Brett Roberts (Head of Campus)

Mrs Isabelle Pilote (Deputy Head of Primary)


Final Day Schedule

Everyone is warmly invited to our annual Living Nativity for an 8.00am start on The Green tomorrow. Please note that we will also be holding a final assembly at 12.30pm to farewell students before heading off on the Green at 1.00pm with their family. All families are welcome to attend.


Picnic on The Green


Christmas Appeal

A huge thank you for your generous school stationery donations! Our community has kindly filled 59 backpacks ready to be donated to less privileged children, ensuring they have a great start to the 2022 school year!


Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal

Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful families and staff of St Stephen’s School Carramar for the very generous donation of gifts to the Christmas Appeal 2021! The gifts will be donated to DCP Joondalup for children in care.

We wish you all a blessed Christmas and holiday break!

Northway Uniting Church


Times Tables Rock Stars

On Friday 3 December, Years 3 to 5 students participated in the finals of our annual TTRS competition. Each year, having competed in class for a place in the finals, the top scoring students participate against each other to find out who the ultimate TTRS champion is. It is an incredibly exciting competition for our students, who have all participated in the program as part of their Maths classes throughout the year. The Primary Forum was filled with excited cheers as students competed against each other answering as many questions as they can in 1 minute. Coming in third place this year was Kayne Horan (5LA), in second place was Logan Mennie (5SI) and our champion was Lucas Unitt (5LA). Well done to all students who participated and to those who cheered on their classmates so well.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours


Tuition Fees


Fancy Dress Shop News

We are delighted to announce that the Fancy Dress Shop parent initiative has raised $219.00 which will be donated to Gene Warriors. Thank you all for your generous donations and we look forward to your continued support in 2022.

STEM School Holiday Courses

Looking for activities these school holidays?

STEMSmart are coming to St Stephen’s School Duncraig with STEM fun for all ages.

Previously Fire Tech Australia, STEMSmart run two-day STEM workshops in coding, ROBLOX, Minecraft, VR and Lego stop-motion.

Dates: 10th – 14th January 2022

Cost: $260 (or $230 BYOD)

For more information visit their new website at https://www.bestemsmart.com.au/courses/in-person-camps/holiday-workshops/

or call STEMSmart on 1300 347 383.


Term 4, Week 8

Picnic on The Green


No Kilometre Club Week 8 and 9

A reminder that there will be no Kilometre Club on Wednesday morning in Week 8 and Week 9. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing our students running again next year.

Miss Uglow

Primary PE Teacher (PP-6)


Icy Poles

Please note that our House Captains will NOT be selling icy poles this Friday. We are pleased to inform our community that close to $400 has been raised and donated to charity through icy poles sales this year. Thank you for your support!


Canteen Christmas Meal Deal


Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal


No Limits and The Smith Family Christmas Appeal



Could families please have a look at home for library books that may have been forgotten and return them to the library? We will be very appreciative of these lost books returning to the library so they may be read again.

Library books will have stickers on the spine showing letters, numbers or genre symbols. The book will also have a Carramar Library stamp in one of the first pages.

We would love to have these books back.


Order Your Limited Edition Aladdin JR USB NOW!



Early Bird Sports Registration



Term 4, Week 7


We are very excited to announce that St Stephen’s School Carramar has currently raised $2721 for the Heart Foundation. We will be celebrating Jump Off Day this Wednesday 24 November, which will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. Students are invited to WEAR SOMETHING RED this Wednesday for our Jump Off Day. A reminder that all online fundraising will end this Wednesday 24 November!


Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher


Christmas Appeal

This year, instead of collecting food items, No Limits and The Smith Family have approached St Stephen’s School to ask if we can collect school stationery. In future years the School will alternate between donating food items and school stationery items.


Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal



Could families please have a look at home for library books that may have been forgotten and return them to the library? We will be very appreciative of these lost books returning to the library so they may be read again.

Library books will have stickers on the spine showing letters, numbers or genre symbols. The book will also have a Carramar Library stamp in one of the first pages.

We would love to have these books back.


Presentation Evening


Christmas Meal Deal

Term 4, Week 6

Children’s University

It is definitely starting to get exciting.  The six students graduating from Children’s University later this month were fitted for their graduation gowns on Tuesday.  I’m sure you will agree they are all going to look great on the night!

This celebration is now beginning to feel real and what a great way for students to be rewarded after a year of independently working towards their goal of graduating.  This is a very student-directed program and as such the merit lies completely on these six graduating students, you all have my congratulations.


Christmas Appeal

This year, instead of collecting food items, No Limits and The Smith Family have approached St Stephen’s School to ask if we can collect school stationery. In future years the School will alternate between donating food items and school stationery items.


Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal


Jump Rope for Heart 2021

We are very excited to announce that St Stephen’s School Carramar have currently raised $2210 for the Heart Foundation so far! We will be celebrating Jump Off Day on Wednesday 24 November (Week 7), which will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. All online fundraising will end on Wednesday 24 November.

It’s not too late to join the program! If you would like to sign your child up to the Jump Rope for Heart program you can register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising. Simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Hannah Uglow

Teacher – Primary Phys. Ed.

No Scaredy Cats Online Parent Course


Scholastic Book Club Orders

The Term 4 Scholastic Book Club orders are now available to be collected from the Library. Parents, please come and collect your order from the main desk in the Library. If you would prefer your child to collect their own order from the Library, please call 9306 7128 to inform the Library staff of this arrangement.


Could families please have a look at home for library books that may have been forgotten and return them to the library? We will be very appreciative of these lost books returning to the library so they may be read again.

Library books will have stickers on the spine showing letters, numbers or genre symbols. The book will also have a Carramar Library stamp in one of the first pages.

We would love to have these books back.


Presentation Evening

Term 4, Week 5

Final Reminder for Tickets – Let’s Talk Resilience with Madame Pilote – TONIGHT!

Date:  Tuesday 9 November 2021

Time: 6.45pm

Venue:  Primary Forum, Carramar Campus

Please book your ticket using the following link: https://events.humanitix.com/mp2021

Resilience is a crucial skill to have. Throughout my education career I have seen first hand how more and more important it has become for children to develop this skill at a very young age. Students who develop resilience early in life have a better chance to successfully cope with the many challenges they will face in their future.

I would like to invite you to a one hour workshop where I will share with you some tips and findings I have come across over the years, to help children become more resilient. I have been particularly inspired by a book I read some time ago, called “The Danish Way of Parenting“.


Loud Shirt Day

Exciting news! Loud Shirt Day is fast approaching, we will be celebrating this Friday 12 NovemberLoud Shirt Day is the perfect excuse to wear your brightest shirt and get LOUD and PROUD to raise money to help give the gift of sound and speech to deaf children.

This year we are:

  • Inviting the students to wear their loudest shirts for a gold coin donation
  • Celebrating being LOUD with a lunchtime disco in the forum

Jump Rope for Heart 2021

Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation for over 36 years. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs.

Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work.

It’s important you register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents

Students will be practicing their skipping at school and home, and during this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on Wednesday 24 November (Week 7), and this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher


Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal

Scholastic Book Club Orders

The Term 4 Scholastic Book Club orders are now available to be collected from the Library. Parents, please come and collect your order from the main desk in the Library. If you would prefer your child to collect their own order from the Library, please call 9306 7128 to inform the Library staff of this arrangement.




Could families please have a look at home for library books that may have been forgotten and return them to the library? We will be very appreciative of these lost books returning to the library so they may be read again.

Library books will have stickers on the spine showing letters, numbers or genre symbols. The book will also have a Carramar Library stamp in one of the first pages.

We would love to have these books back.


Presentation Evening

Carramar Primary – https://events.humanitix.com/cpp2021

Carramar Secondary – https://events.humanitix.com/csp2021


Picnic on the Green – Volunteers Needed

Picnic on the Green

Wednesday 8 December 2021

7.00am – 4.00pm

Dear Parents/Guardians

We require volunteers to assist with set up, running of the events and pack away on the day of Picnic on the Green. The more volunteers we have the lighter the load for us all. In order to ensure that everyone can still enjoy the day and watch their little ones having fun, we decided that 45-minute rotations of volunteering would work best.

We require volunteers for the following events:

Set up

8.00am –  1.00pm (*Time to be confirmed)

  • assisting vendors
  • marking out locations for vendors
  • setting up the BBQ – cutting hotdogs, stacking and filling eskys
  • set up tables and chairs
  • prepping fairy floss bags
  • Set up of water slide and foam party

During the events:

  • running of the BBQ (Total of 20 volunteers)
    • 5 people per shift – 2 cooking on the BBQ, 3 serving, selling drinks, fairy floss etc.
    • BBQ shifts – 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm. 2.45pm – 3.30pm
  • 2 people per water slide and 3 people to ensue water buckets are topped up (total of 20 volunteers)
    • Shifts – 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm, 2.45pm – 3.30pm
  • Foam Party – 4 volunteers per shift (16 volunteers)
    • Shifts 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm, 2.45pm – 3.30pm

Pack away – (As many as possible!)

3.00pm – 5.00pm

It would also be much appreciated if you have a large esky that we could please borrow for the day.

If you would like to volunteer for a part of the day, please contact Natalie on 0422 218 865, with your preferred time and preferred event.

A little reminder that these events cannot run without the help of our lovely volunteers so if you can help at all it is much appreciated,

Thank you

St Stephens Parent Reps

Term 4, Week 4

Orientation Day this Friday 5 November

As we are eagerly preparing for our Orientation Day, we would like to share some news with you in relation to our teachers staffing for 2022.

Mrs Clay and Mrs Wayman will be extending their maternity leave so Miss Genevieve MacNulty and Mrs Rebecca Lawrence will continue in their roles for the 2022 school year. Furthermore, also in Early Years, Mrs Roberts will be going on maternity leave and will be replaced by Miss Melanie Supanz while Mrs French will also be taking some time off thereby allowing us to appoint Mrs Natasha Moynihan to cover her absence.

In Upper Years,  Mrs Cicelia Bartels will be teaching Year 4 in Semester 1 until Mrs Fordham returns from maternity leave for the start of Semester 2 and Mrs Simpson’s extension of leave, in order to care for her family, will enable the appointment of Mr Bailey Simms in Year 5.

Finally, Madame Carniello, Early Years French teacher, will be leaving us after many years of service to join Scotch College and, coincidentally, Mrs Sylvia Richardson will be commencing her well-earned retirement after many years of teaching in both Primary and High School settings. Madame Ioana Branet will therefore be taking the French teaching position from Pre-Primary to Year 6 in 2022.

Please see below the 2022 classroom teachers’ allocation for your information:

Kindy             Mrs Rollings & Miss MacNulty

Pre-Primary Mrs Ashton & Miss Supanz

Year 1            Mrs Saville & Mrs Dicks

Year 2            Mrs Lawrence & Mrs Moynihan

Year 3            Mrs Basmadjian & Mr Berry

Year 4            Mrs Bartels (Semester 1) / Mrs Fordham (Semester 2) & Mr Shinkfield

Year 5            Mrs Langley and Mr Simms

Year 6            Mrs Currell & Mr Sloan

We look forward to sharing many wonderful experiences with our students and community in 2022.

Kind regards,

Madame Pilote


Welcome to our new OSH Coordinator


A message from Mrs Byrne

Please note that certificates for students who participated in the Dorothea Mackellar poetry competition, the Australasian Problem-Solving Maths Olympiad, and the Australian Maths Competition, will be handed out tomorrow during Assembly. Parents are welcome to attend if they wish to. Many thanks.


Children’s University

Passport stamping session in the library on Thursday 4 November during lunch time.  This is a quiet time of year for stamping, so a great time to come and get those outstanding stamps.


Let’s Talk Resilience with Madame Pilote

Resilience is a crucial skill to have. Throughout my education career I have seen first hand how more and more important it has become for children to develop this skill at a very young age. Students who develop resilience early in life have a better chance to successfully cope with the many challenges they will face in their future.

I would like to invite you to a one hour workshop where I will share with you some tips and findings I have come across over the years, to help children become more resilient. I have been particularly inspired by a book I read some time ago, called “The Danish Way of Parenting“.

Date:  Tuesday 9 November 2021

Time: 6.45pm

Venue:  Primary Forum, Carramar Campus

Please book your ticket using the following link: https://events.humanitix.com/mp2021

Northway Uniting Church Christmas Appeal

Spring Tours


Loud Shirt Day 2021

Exciting news! Loud Shirt Day is fast approaching, we will be celebrating this on Friday 12 NovemberLoud Shirt Day is the perfect excuse to wear your brightest shirt and get LOUD and PROUD to raise money to help give the gift of sound and speech to deaf children.

This year we are:

  • Inviting the students to wear their loudest shirts for a gold coin donation
  • Celebrating being LOUD with a lunchtime disco in the forum


Jump Rope for Heart 2021

Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation for over 36 years. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs. 

Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work.

It’s important you register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started.www.jumprope.org.au/parents

Students will be practicing their skipping at school and home, and during this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on Wednesday 24 November (Week 7), and this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!




Could families please have a look at home for library books that may have been forgotten and return them to the library? We will be very appreciative of these lost books returning to the library so they may be read again.

Library books will have stickers on the spine showing letters, numbers or genre symbols. The book will also have a Carramar Library stamp in one of the first pages.

We would love to have these books back.

Picnic on the Green Volunteers – Volunteers Needed

Picnic on the Green

Wednesday 8 December 2021

7.00am – 4.00pm

Dear Parents/Guardians

We require volunteers to assist with set up, running of the events and pack away on the day of Picnic on the Green. The more volunteers we have the lighter the load for us all. In order to ensure that everyone can still enjoy the day and watch their little ones having fun, we decided that 45-minute rotations of volunteering would work best.

We require volunteers for the following events:

Set up

8.00am –  1.00pm (*Time to be confirmed)

  • assisting vendors
  • marking out locations for vendors
  • setting up the BBQ – cutting hotdogs, stacking and filling eskys
  • set up tables and chairs
  • prepping fairy floss bags
  • Set up of water slide and foam party

During the events:

  • running of the BBQ (Total of 20 volunteers)
    • 5 people per shift – 2 cooking on the BBQ, 3 serving, selling drinks, fairy floss etc.
    • BBQ shifts – 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm. 2.45pm – 3.30pm
  • 2 people per water slide and 3 people to ensue water buckets are topped up (total of 20 volunteers)
    • Shifts – 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm, 2.45pm – 3.30pm
  • Foam Party – 4 volunteers per shift (16 volunteers)
    • Shifts 12.30pm – 1.15pm, 1.15pm – 2.00pm, 2.00pm – 2.45pm, 2.45pm – 3.30pm

Pack away – (As many as possible!)

3.00pm – 5.00pm

It would also be much appreciated if you have a large esky that we could please borrow for the day.

If you would like to volunteer for a part of the day, please contact Natalie on 0422 218 865, with your preferred time and preferred event.

A little reminder that these events cannot run without the help of our lovely volunteers so if you can help at all it is much appreciated,

Thank you

St Stephens Parent Reps


Carramar Primary Presentation Night 2021

The St Stephen’s Carramar Primary Presentation Evening will be held on Thursday 2 December 2021 in the Sports & Learning Centre at Carramar beginning at 6.45pm.  Parents will be advised if their child will be receiving an award, in the week prior to the event.    Please follow the link below to secure tickets for your family:  https://events.humanitix.com/cpp2021