Term 1, Week 4

Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival

Date: Friday 3 March 2023 (Week 5, Term 1)

Venue: HBF Arena Joondalup – Kennedya Drive, Joondalup

Time: Bus departing school at 8.45am – bus returning to school by 3.10pm.

What to bring/wear: 

  • Students must bring all food and drink they require for the day – the Café is not accessible. 
  • House Uniform, towel, thongs/sandals and bathers – no bikini style two-piece bathers please. 
  • Labelled school bag or alternative backpack
  • Goggles (a spare pair is always recommended!)
  • Swimming cap – we will be providing House coloured swimming caps for students to borrow on the day, but you are also welcome to bring your own. Borrowed swimming caps must be returned to the buckets after each event.


Parents/guardians and family members are welcome to spectate this event! Spectators must pay a small entry fee on arrival.


If you have any questions about the upcoming Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at hannah.uglow@ststephens.wa.edu.au. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at our Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival!

Miss Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher (PP-6)


Term 1 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session. You will use the same running club card each week unless you have reached 100 laps… after that you will need a new one!

WEEK 3 RUNNING CLUB House Points: (drum roll please…) 

213 149 206

Congratulations to CHARIS House for the most laps in Week 3, followed very closely by Parresia House! We broke our record for the most runners ever with a total of 101 participants this week! Congratulations everyone!


Congratulations to Caleigh Schoeman (1C), Callum Hoggart (5S) and Sylvia Munjodzi (our very first parent!) who all joined the 100 Laps Club by completing 100 laps on their lapathon cards! Congratulations to Neil Schoeman (4S) who is now the first person to have completed 200 laps! Well done everyone, keep up the great running!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too. Happy running everyone!

Miss Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher (PP-6)


2023 Parent Classroom Reps

We would like to thank the following parents for their willingness to be our 2023 Classroom Reps. As you can see, we are still looking for volunteers for some year levels. Please contact Louise or Rosie at EAcarramar@StStephens.wa.edu.au if you can help in any way. Please note that the below volunteers will be reaching out to our community to help organise some of our major Primary School events, such as Mother’s Day Stall, Father’s Day Stall…..


Pop-Up Cricket Program

Term 1, Week 3

Dear Parents/Carers

As you may be aware, we celebrated Safer Internet Day last week. The online world is very much a part of our young people’s world however, it is important to navigate this world with them to keep them safe when online.

Here is the link to the e-Safety Commissioner’s website https://www.esafety.gov.au/ for more information. This website provides many activities and information for parents, kids, young people etc. We also attach to this post a “chatterbox activity” to start the chat with your child about online safety.

As always, thank you for your support as we partner together to educate children to stay safe online.

Kind regards

Madame Pilote

Scholastic Book Club

The due date for the first Scholastic issue is Friday 17 February.

Term 1 Running Club

All students in Kindy to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Runners will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 2 RUNNING CLUB House Points: (drum roll please…) 




157 125


Congratulations to PARRESIA House for the most laps in Week 2! We had a total of 79 runners this week. Congratulations to our amazing parents/guardians who had the highest number of participants this week with 17 runners. Keep up the great work everyone!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am – 8.25am. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.



Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival

Date:                                     Friday 3 March 2023 (Week 5, Term 1)

Venue:                                 HBF Arena Joondalup – Kennedya Drive, Joondalup

Time:                                  Bus departing school at 8.45am – bus returning to school by 3.10pm.

What to bring/wear:

  • Students must bring all food and drink they require for the day – the Café is not accessible.
  • House Uniform, towel, thongs/sandals and bathers – no bikini style two-piece bathers please.
  • Labelled school bag or alternative backpack
  • Swimming caps and goggles are highly recommended – we encourage students to wear swimming caps that match their House colour for extra House spirit!


Parents/guardians and family members are welcome to spectate this event! Spectators must pay a small entry fee on arrival.


If you have any questions about the upcoming Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at hannah.uglow@ststephens.wa.edu.au. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing your children swim at our Primary Interhouse Swimming Carnival!

Miss Hannah Uglow

Primary Physical Education Teacher (PP-6)


Pop-Up Cricket Program



Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety – Karen Young

Term 1, Week 2

Scholastic Book Club

The due date for the first Scholastic issue is Friday 17 February.


Term 1 Running Club – Starting Week 2 (Thursday 9 February) 

All students in Kindy to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Students (and parents) will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am onwards. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Miss Uglow

Teacher – Primary Physical Education


Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety – Karen Young


A Friendly Reminder 

If you wish to bring your pet dog along when dropping off or collecting your children from school, please ensure they remain on a lead at all times and that you clean up after your dog before leaving the school grounds. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.



Term 1 , Week 1 – Special Edition

Term 1 After School Clubs

This term we are able to offer 7 after school clubs for students to enjoy.

Playful Peotry Club – Tuesday – Year 3 to 6

Brilliant Board Games – Tuesday – Year 3 to 5

Cards Club – Wednesday –  Year 5 to 6

After School Sports – Thursday – Year 1 to 2

Drawing Club – Thursday – Year 1 to 2

Nature Club – Thursday – Pre-Primary to Year 2

Puzzle Club – Thursday – Pre-Primary to Year 3

Please remember to book your child into only ONE club so that all students have an opportunity to register for an after school club. Please also only register your child for a club that is relevant to their year group.

Bookings will be available from 8.00am Saturday 4 February. Please use this link to book https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/parent-and-student/plan-the-day/primary-school-clubs.html


Term 1 Running Club – Starting Week 2 (Thursday 9 February) 

All students in Kindy to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Students (and parents) will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am onwards. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

Miss Uglow

Teacher – Primary Physical Education

Term 1, Week 1

What a great start to the term!

There was a real “buzz in the air” yesterday and it was lovely to see so many smiley faces walking through our Primary building doors. The “buzz” is still very much alive today and I’ve been very impressed with students’ enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and thirst for learning. It’s such a happy place to be!

At our Welcome Assembly yesterday, I encouraged students to be brave and adopt a growth mindset this year. I showed them a video clip where Piper, a cute little bird, learned to become “comfortable with the uncomfortable” by being courageous and adopting a growth mindset. If you were unable to attend our Assembly, I encourage you to watch the below clip and discuss it with your child(ren). You may even want to share personal examples with them of situations where you, as a child or as an adult, have needed “to be like Piper” and be brave when facing uncomfortable situations. From personal experience, being authentic and vulnerable with our children helps them better understand and cope with the world around them. Hope you enjoy!



Yours sincerely

Madame Pilote  – Deputy Head of Primary


Art Department

The Art Department are asking for donations of plastic shopping bags for a school art project. Please drop them into the Reception Office.

Icy Poles Are Back This Friday!

Pop-Up Cricket Program





Welcome Back to School!

We hope that everyone had a lovely summer break and has come back energised and rested, ready for another amazing academic year! We look forward to the many learning opportunities that lay ahead this year. Please note that our Welcome Assembly will be held in the Primary Forum on Monday morning from 9am to 9:30am. Parents are welcome and we look forward to seeing everyone again.


Parent Information Evenings

It was lovely to welcome our Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary families to their Parent Information Evenings earlier this week and we look forward to welcoming our Yr1 to Yr6 families for theirs next week. As per the information letter sent out earlier this year, please see below details for next week:

Year 1 (in the Kindy Area) & Year 2 (in the Primary Forum): Tuesday 31 January 2023, 6.45pm –7.45pm

Year 3 (Primary Library Room) & Year 4 (Primary Forum): Wednesday 1 February 2023, 6.45pm –7.45pm

Year 5 (Primary Forum) & Year 6 (Charis Forum): Thursday 2 February 2023, 6.45pm –7.45pm


School Photos

Please see below schedule for our school photos this year:

  • Pre-Primary to Year 6 students: Tuesday 31st January (children need to be wearing their white school shirt (3-6) and stripy shirt (K-2). NO SPORTS SHIRTS FOR THIS DAY – FORMAL UNIFORM REQUIRED.
  • Kindy students: Monday 6 February
  • Pre-Kindy students: Wednesday 15 February


2023 Worships and Assemblies

Please note that Worships take place on Mondays (Early Years from 9:05am to 9:30am and Upper Years from 2:55pm to 3:20pm). Our Assemblies and “Buddy Sessions” take place on Friday afternoons from 2:55pm to 3:20pm.


Extra-Curricular Activities

Please keep an eye on the blog next week regarding information about this term’s extra-curricular program.


Class Representatives

As per earlier correspondence, if you are interested in becoming a Class Representative this year, please submit your expression of interest with your classroom teacher. Leadership will be in touch with candidates in the coming weeks with more information and date for our first meeting.



Please note that the designated staff car park (including the turning circle) is not to be used by parents. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.



Term 4, Week 9

The Night on The Green – A Night to Remember!

We would like to thank our beautiful community for their support at our inaugural Night on The Green last Saturday. The turnout was amazing and everyone had such a great time! A special thank you to our two organisers, Karyn Hinder and Bronwyn Doak, for all their hard work to ensure the night was such a success. Thank you also to all parents who helped and supported in many ways before, during and at the end of the evening. We are truly blessed to be part of such a vibrant, helpful and supportive community.

The Primary Leadership Team


Only 2 sleeps before our Fun Colour Run!

As advertised for several weeks now, we will be holding a final Assembly at approximately 11:45am in the Primary Forum on Wednesday (final day of term) followed by a Fun Colour Run on The Green at approximately 12:15pm! All parents are welcome to attend! Students will be dismissed from school at 1pm. Lots of fun to end our 2022 academic year!

The optimal effect of a Colour Run occurs when participants wear a plain white t-shirt that you will not mind getting stained. Students are welcome to come to school already prepared on Wednesday morning with their white old t-shirt instead of their school t-shirt.

Students may wish to wear goggles for the run. However, please note that our Parent Reps have put together some lovely gift bags including a few yummy treats and a lovely pair of sunglasses for each child in our Primary School! Thank you, Parent Reps!

Finally, we suggest for families to bring a few spare garbage bags to cover their car seats as students will no doubt be a little messy after their run!

Below is some more information to note for this event:

Do all students need to run?

The Colour Run will not be compulsory. However, all students are encouraged to participate and enjoy the celebration.

How is the colour administered?

A running course on The Green will be set up. Designated staff will be stationed along the course to gently dispense colour powder along the way. All colour powder will be aimed between shoulder & hip level.

What is the colour made from? Does it stain?

The coloured powder we are using is made from 99% corn-starch and natural food grade dyes. We’ve been told it doesn’t stain, but you never know… We feel it would be best to wear old sneakers or opt to run with bare feet. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.

Will the Colour ruin clothes or running shoes?

The colour does wash out after the event. As with anything dirty, the sooner you wash it, the better. We suggest wearing items that you wouldn’t mind getting colourful. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Term 4, Week 8

A Night on The Green

Dear Parents/Guardians

We hope this email finds you well. It’s hard to believe that our 2022 academic year is soon coming to an end! We cordially invite you to take part in celebrating the year it has been this Saturday, 3 December, at our inaugural “Night on The Green”.

A group of parents have been working around the clock to put together an amazing program for this wonderful community event this Saturday from 4:30pm to 7:30pm.

Lots on offer for all family members:

  • Music Entertainment with The Iconic band
  • Silent Disco
  • The Swan Valley Cuddly Animal Farm
  • Facepainting
  • A Fire Engine Truck will bring Santa and his Grinch at 5pm
  • Santa’s Grotto to take your Christmas photo with Santa
  • 35 Christmas Market stalls for you to do some Christmas shopping!
  • 10 Food trucks!
  • And more!!!!

This promises to be a fantastic community event and we look forward to seeing our community getting together to celebrate!

Kind regards

The School Leadership Team

Traffic Warden Unavailable

The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on St Stephens Crescent, near Palmerston Crescent west is unable to work for the remainder of the term.  Unfortunately we have no relief staff available to cover the position.

Please take appropriate action and inform your children to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.

Term 4 Running Club

All students in PP to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating individual will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Students (and parents) will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 7 RUNNING CLUB House Points: (drum roll please…) 


167 112


Congratulations CHARIS AND PARRESIA! Our first ever draw! We had a total of 90 runners this week… the most participants we have had this term! Congratulations to our Year 3 students who had the highest number of participants this week with 15 runners. Keep up the great work everyone! 


We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am onwards. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too. 


Please join us on the green for our final running club session of Term 4. Christmas hats and accessories are encouraged! We look forward to seeing you next week!


Salvation Army Christmas Appeal


Uniting Care Christmas Appeal

Presentation Evenings 2022

Primary Presentation Evening – Thursday 1 December https://events.humanitix.com/cppe2022

Secondary Presentation Evening – Monday 5 December https://events.humanitix.com/cspe2022

Final Day of Term 4 Celebrations (Wednesday 7 December)

To end the year on a high note, please note that we will be holding a final Assembly at approximately 11:45am in the Primary Forum followed by a Fun Colour Run on The Green at approximately 12:15pm 🙂! All parents are welcome to attend! Students will be dismissed from school at 1pm. Lots of fun to end our 2022 academic year! We suggest families bring a few spare garbage bags to cover their car seats as students will no doubt be a little messy after their run 🙂!

Below is some important information to note for this event:

What do students need to wear?

The optimal effect of a Colour Run occurs when participants wear a plain, white t-shirt.  Old clothes that you will not mind getting slightly stained (see below regarding possible staining). We also recommend for students to wear goggles.

Do all students need to run?

The Colour Run will not be compulsory. However, all students are encouraged to participate and enjoy the celebration 🙂.

How is the colour administered?

A running course on The Green will be set up. Designated staff will be stationed along the course to gently dispense colour powder along the way. All colour powder will be aimed between shoulder & hip level.

What is the colour made from? Does it stain?

The coloured powder we are using is made from 99% corn-starch and natural food grade dyes. We’ve been told it doesn’t stain, but you never know… We feel it would be best to wear old sneakers or opt to run with bare feet. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.

Will the Colour ruin clothes or running shoes?

The colour does wash out after the event. As with anything dirty, the sooner you wash it, the better. We suggest wearing items that you wouldn’t mind getting colourful. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.




At OSHClub we are now celebrating Christmas with lots of fun Christmas games and activities.

Don’t forget ST STEPHEN’S OSHCLUB will be running from Thursday 08 December to Thursday 15 December 2022.

The session will run all day from 6.30am to 6.00pm at the cost of $72.70 (before any applicable Child Care Subsidy). Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care.

How to book
Please log in to your account online at www.oshclub.com.au and book in under the Pupil Free Day Room.

Please note that bookings can not be made online within 5 days of the session commencing. In order to book within this period, you will need to contact the ST STEPHEN’S OSHCLUB service directly on 0478066366.

Please also note the following:

  • 7 days’ notice is required for cancellation of the Pupil Free Day, to ensure you will not incur out of pocket costs.
  • A $4 late booking fee applies for bookings made within 5 days of the session commencing.

What happens:
We provide fun activities for all ages including arts and craft, games, sports, drama, board games, dress ups and fun with friends. The OSHClub children have chosen some themes and activities for our coming Pupil Free Days

Thursday 8/12 – Rainbow /Colour Day, wear a rainbow of colour for a very colourful day

Friday 9/12 – Christmas Day, dress in Christmas clothes and join us for Christmas games and craft

Monday 12/12 – Ocean and Water Day, inside we will discover about our oceans but bring a change of clothes and shoes that you can get wet in too and don’t forget a towel

Tuesday 13/12 – Messy Day, be sure to wear old clothes

Wednesday 14/12 – Around the World, discovering other places and traditions

Thursday 15/12 – Christmas Day Party, lots of fun to be had with our Christmas party and a picnic lunch

If you would like to learn more, please feel free to reach out either via email, phone or by dropping into the service! We’re always super keen to chat!

Kind Regards Shelley and the St Stephens OSHClub team.


2023 School Fee Payment Options

Dear Parents/Guardians

In 2023, similar to 2022, Parents/Guardians will not be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, three or four instalments or annual upfront) that you had in place in 2022 will continue automatically in 2023.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 31 January 2023 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 9 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 17 February 2023; or

3 instalments on 18 February 2023, 18 May 2023 and 18 August 2023; or

4 instalments on 2 February 2023, 2 April 2023, 2 July 2023 and 2 October 2023.

You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that there will be a surcharge of 0.9% on all credit card payments.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select login under Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx

In January 2023 your annual fee invoice will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab by logging into Statements and receipt history or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx

All the best for the holidays and wishing you a Happy Christmas.

From the Accounts Receivable Team

Term 4, Week 7

At OSHClub we are super excited to introduce The Brekkie Bunch.

Many children were very excited with the start of our Brekkie Bunch program following recipes, developing cooking skills and while our tastes varied the pancakes were definitely a favourite for most. This week we will be making Strawberry Smoothies on Monday, Toasties on Wednesday and Blueberry Dippers on Friday.

We would also like to let everyone know St Stephen’s OSHClub will remain open for 6 Pupil Free Days from the 8th to the 15th of December for those people who need full day care while they have to work, do Christmas shopping or just have a day for yourself. We will have many Christmas crafts and activities over this time with plenty of fun stuff for everyone including slime, water fights and plenty of games. The session will run all day from 6.30am to 6.00pm at the cost of $72.70 (before any applicable Child Care Subsidy). Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care.

If you would like to learn more, please feel free to reach out either via email, phone or by dropping into the service! We’re always super keen to chat!

We are in the 3rd transportable next to the school oval, book in online at www.oshclub.com.au or contact us on 0478 066 366 with any queries.

Kind Regards Shelley and the St Stephens OSHClub team.


Term 4 Running Club

All students in PP to Year 6 are encouraged to join Miss Uglow on the Primary Green every Thursday morning to run as many laps around the Green as you can! No matter what your ability is, come on down to earn House points, improve your fitness, build your confidence and run your way towards a healthier lifestyle.

Each participating student will be given their own Running Club lapathon card to count their laps every week. Students will earn 1 Running Club House Point for every lap they complete around the Primary Green. Running Club lapathon cards must be left with Miss Uglow at the end of each session.

WEEK 6 RUNNING CLUB House Points: (drum roll please…) 


39 39


Congratulations PARRESIA for the most laps in a very rainy Week 6! Followed with a draw between Charis and Makaria. Unfortunately we were rained out early this week but we look forward to seeing everyone running again next week!


Congratulations to Mason Mennie (2L) who joined the 100 Laps Club by completing 100 laps on his lapathon card! Well done Mason, keep up the great running for Makaria!

We will meet on the Primary Green every THURSDAY morning from 8.00am onwards. Come dressed in your sport uniform or normal school uniform and running shoes. You can still participate even if you are not dressed in your sport uniform! Everyone is welcome – you do not need to sign up to participate in this club. Run at your own pace and come and go as you please. Parents/guardians and younger siblings are encouraged to join in too.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact hannah.uglow@ststephens.wa.edu.au

We look forward to seeing you next week!

Hannah Uglow

Teache – Primary Physical Education


Christmas Meal Deal


Presentation Evenings 2022

Primary Presentation Evening – Thursday 1 December https://events.humanitix.com/cppe2022

Secondary Presentation Evening – Monday 5 December https://events.humanitix.com/cspe2022


A Night on The Green


Final Day of Term 4 Celebrations (Wednesday 7 December)

To end the year on a high note, please note that we will be holding a final Assembly at approximately 11:45am in the Primary Forum followed by a Fun Colour Run on The Green at approximately 12:15pm 🙂! All parents are welcome to attend! Students will be dismissed from school at 1pm. Lots of fun to end our 2022 academic year! We suggest families bring a few spare garbage bags to cover their car seats as students will no doubt be a little messy after their run 🙂!

Below is some important information to note for this event:

What do students need to wear?

The optimal effect of a Colour Run occurs when participants wear a plain, white t-shirt.  Old clothes that you will not mind getting slightly stained (see below regarding possible staining). We also recommend for students to wear goggles.

Do all students need to run?

The Colour Run will not be compulsory. However, all students are encouraged to participate and enjoy the celebration 🙂.

How is the colour administered?

A running course on The Green will be set up. Designated staff will be stationed along the course to gently dispense colour powder along the way. All colour powder will be aimed between shoulder & hip level.

What is the colour made from? Does it stain?

The coloured powder we are using is made from 99% corn-starch and natural food grade dyes. We’ve been told it doesn’t stain, but you never know… We feel it would be best to wear old sneakers or opt to run with bare feet. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.

Will the Colour ruin clothes or running shoes?

The colour does wash out after the event. As with anything dirty, the sooner you wash it, the better. We suggest wearing items that you wouldn’t mind getting colourful. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for costs associated with the removal of colour.


Children’s Beach Safety Programs

As the weather warms up and our community begins to spend more time down at the beach, it’s important to equip your child with the necessary skills to be safe and aware around the amazing WA coastline and other water environments.

Surf Life Saving WA run programs across summer, for kids from as young as two years of age at more than 10 metro and regional beaches throughout WA. Enjoy peace of mind that your child knows how to be safe around water. Children will learn basic safety signals and be introduced to the patrolling lifesavers.

Please follow the link below for more information about upcoming SLSWA programs:


St Stephen’s School Scholarships



Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

Uniting Care Christmas Appeal

2023 School Fee Payment Options

Dear Parents/Guardians

In 2023, similar to 2022, Parents/Guardians will not be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, three or four instalments or annual upfront) that you had in place in 2022 will continue automatically in 2023.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 31 January 2023 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 9 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 17 February 2023; or

3 instalments on 18 February 2023, 18 May 2023 and 18 August 2023; or

4 instalments on 2 February 2023, 2 April 2023, 2 July 2023 and 2 October 2023.

You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that there will be a surcharge of 0.9% on all credit card payments.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select login under Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx

In January 2023 your annual fee invoice will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab by logging into Statements and receipt history or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx

All the best for the holidays and wishing you a Happy Christmas.

From the Accounts Receivable Team