Term 2, Week 9

Art Competition

The Primary Art Competition is now open. This years theme is “in the clouds”. Think rainbows, flying machines, the sun, moon and stars or an imagined sky world!!

Entries must be placed in the box in the Primary Forum before week 6 Term 3.

Students can enter drawings, painting, sketches, and photography. Or you can choose to use one of our colouring in sheets.

Make sure you include your full name and class on the back.

Parent Teacher Interviews – Monday 25 July 2022

Reports for Pre-Primary – Year 6 for Semester 1 will be available online through SEQTA Engage, on Friday 1 July.

Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews for Pre-Primary to Year 6 on Monday 25 July will be open to book online from Monday 27 June for the following times:

8.00am – 10.00am

11.00am – 1.00pm

2.00pm – 4.00pm

4.30pm – 6.00pm

All interviews will be conducted in the Primary Forum. Please note that interviews are scheduled for 10 minutes. Should you require a longer discussion please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a separate appointment.

Please go to the Parent & Student Portal via the link below:


Go to:

Plan the Term then proceed to Interview Bookings.

Log in to EdInfo to book an interview. Please note that bookings for interviews will close on Monday 18 July.

Should you have any concerns logging in to your account please contact the IT Parent helpline on 9243 2160 between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm.

If you wish to meet with a specialist teacher, please email them directly to book a time.

Kindy parents you will have the availability of a special Learning Journey throughout this day which you will hear more about on your Kindy Blog this week. You will be able to book your time using the same procedure above.


Swimming Lessons – Year 1 to 4 – 1 to 12 August

Yesterday students in Year 1 to 4 were given their enrolment forms for swimming lessons next term. These need to be completed and returned to school no later than Friday 1 July. Please also ensure that you accept the invitation via Consent2Go which was also sent to parents yesterday. If your child is not swimming a medical certificate is required and you must decline the invitation via Consent2Go also. If you have any questions regarding swimming lessons please contact Ms Julie Penn.


End of Term Canteen Meal Deal

After School Clubs

A reminder that this is the final week for After School Clubs.


Bucket of Love

Please note that it is the final week of collection for Bucket of Love. Thank you so much for your generosity so far.


2022 Arts & Academic Festival – Week 10

Over 650 Entry Forms were handed in for what is shaping up to be the biggest ever Arts & Academic Festival!

The Schedule for the week is available via the link below and we are delighted to be able to welcome parents to attend the events where an audience is present.


Please understand that it is not possible for us to confirm the specific performance time for an individual child.

We wish all of the entrants the very best of luck and look forward to announcing the winning House at the Assembly on Friday 1 July!

Term 2, Week 8

Children’s University – Let’s Explore WA!

I saw some lovely examples of what learning outside the classroom can look like at today’s stamping session and so wonderful to see that sometimes it involves the whole family getting out and about!

With the school holidays less than a month away, many of you are likely to be planning a little trip somewhere in WA.  If you and your family are heading away, why not research a little about where you are going before you get there ….. AND earn one hour in your CU passport at the same time.  Attached is a Challenge set by ECU to explore our WA towns.  If you are not going away, you can still complete the challenge and maybe it will inspire you to travel to a town in WA you have not explored before.

Remember passport stamping sessions are every Tuesday in the Primary Forum from 8.15am.  Don’t feel like you need to have completed lots of activities to get your passport stamped.  One activity at a time is fine and makes for a quick and easy stamping session.  Demand for stamping sessions in Term 3 can get high as students try to qualify for graduation and can lead to long waiting times for passports to be stamped.

Makuru Music Showcase


Create a “Bucket of Love”

Starting Over Support (SOS) are an offshoot of People Who Care. They do not receive any funding and rely on volunteers and donations. They support individuals and families who have suffered domestic crisis. Once the consumers have been granted housing, SOS provide essential items for a functioning household, from the front door mat through to the back door mat. This year our school will be supporting them through the WACD program to purchase single mattresses and second-hand fridges.

We would love for each Primary class to fill two buckets. Our Captains have already distributed buckets to all classrooms and we would appreciate if our generous community could donate any items from the suggested list . This fundraiser will close on 28 June. We thank you in advance for your donation.

Creating your “Bucket of Love”
Fill it with any of the items listed below:
• Micro Cloths
• Toilet Cleaner
• Toilet Brush
• Sponges and Scourers
• Laundry Liquid
• Dishwashing Liquid
• Spray and Wipe
• Pegs
• Disinfectants
• Dustpan and Brush
• Mops and Brooms


End of Term Canteen Meal Deal


Term 2, Week 7

Donut Day

Our Year 6 Captains are excited to be organising the annual Donut Day Fundraiser.

Donuts can be pre-ordered via the classroom teachers – CASH ONLY – orders close on Thursday 9 June.

Cinnamon Donut $2 each

Rainbow Donut $3 each

Donuts will be available to collect from the Primary Forum on Thursday 30 June.


Makuru Music Showcase


Create a “Bucket of Love”

Starting Over Support (SOS) are an offshoot of People Who Care. They do not receive any funding and rely on volunteers and donations. They support individuals and families who have suffered domestic crisis. Once the consumers have been granted housing, SOS provide essential items for a functioning household, from the front door mat through to the back door mat. This year our school will be supporting them through the WACD program to purchase single mattresses and second-hand fridges.

We would love for each Primary class to fill two buckets. Our Captains have already distributed buckets to all classrooms and we would appreciate if our generous community could donate any items from the suggested list . This fundraiser will close on 28 June. We thank you in advance for your donation.

Creating your “Bucket of Love”
Fill it with any of the items listed below:
• Micro Cloths
• Toilet Cleaner
• Toilet Brush
• Sponges and Scourers
• Laundry Liquid
• Dishwashing Liquid
• Spray and Wipe
• Pegs
• Disinfectants
• Dustpan and Brush
• Mops and Brooms


Arts & Academics Festival Update

Entries have now closed. We have received an incredible amount of entries and look forward to an amazing 2022 Arts & Academic Festival in Week 10!


Term 2, Week 6

WOW, so much to be grateful for!

This week is officially the “halfway mark” of Term 2, and what a term it has been so far! I am in awe with the number of activities and events our students have been able to take part in so far this term, despite the many challenges COVID has brought on us.

So many of our Primary staff have unfortunately been unwell and yet they have soldiered on to ensure that our students wouldn’t miss out on opportunities such as; the fun-filled 2022 Cross-Country, our beautiful ANZAC Day Service, our amazing Early Years Mother’s Day celebrations, the return of our “Buddy Sessions”, our 2022 first Assembly (thank you Year 1s!), NAPLAN delivery, our fantastic Yr2, 4, 5 and 6 Day Camp experiences, many incursions, the “full-swing” preparations for our much anticipated Arts & Academic Festival, our many Service Learning opportunities, and the many rich teaching and learning experiences that have taken place so far… and we are only half way through the term!

I have recently read an article in the Harvard Health Publishing revealing that “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity ,and build strong relationships”. I have never been so grateful for the amazing Carramar Primary Team we have at our school! This semester, particularly this term, has probably been one of the most challenging times I’ve ever experienced in my thirty years in education. I wish to thank every member of our Primary Team for their tireless efforts, hard work, support, resilience, collegiality, flexibility, and adaptability to ensure our students’ school experience remains “as normal and rich” as it can be through these challenging times. I would also like to thank our families for their understanding and support in these unprecedented times. Together, we have ensured that our beautiful students continue to experience an engaging quality education that they will remember over the challenges COVID has brought in 2022.

Here is to a successful Term 2 so far!

Madame Pilote

Donut Day

Our Year 6 Captains are excited to be organising the annual Donut Day Fundraiser.

Donuts can be pre-ordered via the classroom teachers – CASH ONLY- and orders close on Thursday 9 June.

Cinnamon Donut $2 each

Rainbow Donut $3 each

Donuts will be available to collect from the Primary Forum on Thursday 30 June.


Scholastic Book Orders – any uncollected orders are available at the Library Main Desk


Create a “Bucket of Love”

Starting Over Support (SOS) are an offshoot of People Who Care. They do not receive any funding and rely on volunteers and donations. They support individuals and families who have suffered domestic crisis. Once the consumers have been granted housing, SOS provide essential items for a functioning household, from the front door mat through to the back door mat. This year our school will be supporting them through the WACD program to purchase single mattresses and second-hand fridges.

We would love for each Primary class to fill two buckets. Our Captains have already distributed buckets to all classrooms and we would appreciate if our generous community could donate any items from the suggested list . This fundraiser will close on 28 June. We thank you in advance for your donation.

Creating your “Bucket of Love”
Fill it with any of the items listed below:
• Micro Cloths
• Toilet Cleaner
• Toilet Brush
• Sponges and Scourers
• Laundry Liquid
• Dishwashing Liquid
• Spray and Wipe
• Pegs
• Disinfectants
• Dustpan and Brush
• Mops and Brooms



Year 6 Science Experience


The Year 6 classes are continuing to enjoy their time up in the Secondary Science laboratories. This term they are learning Chemical Sciences. So far they have looked at the properties of matter, states of matter and changes of state. While learning about changes of state they melted chocolate chips and then watched them solidify, made a cloud in a jar  and made butter by shaking cream in a jar. At the end of this lesson they had sore arms from turning cream into butter but walked out with a smile on their face at the prospect of eating their solid chocolate chips!



Arts & Academic Festival 2022

A reminder that this week is entry week! Students can submit their completed entry forms to the Arts & Academic help desk between 8:15am – 8:45am each morning this week.

A few things to remember:

  • Students can collect their entry forms from the Arts & Academic Help Desk in the Primary Forum
  • Read carefully the specific instructions on the form
  • Parents need to check and sign the entry forms
  • Entry forms are to be submitted to the Arts & Academic Help Desk and they will be checked before acceptance
  • For team entries, a form for each team member (signed by their parent) is required and the forms are to be submitted together
  • All team members need to be from the SAME House as this is a House competition. List of students in each House are available at the help desk
  • All entries are to be submitted complete with music, lyrics etc as specified on the entry form
  • Entries close on Friday 3 June and late submissions cannot be accepted

Please see the A&A special Blog post for more information.


Children’s University

We already have one student who has qualified for graduation in November and a few well on their way!!!  I have loved seeing all the learning that has been happening outside of school.

Why not do some more over the long weekend?

Explore the online portal at cuaportal.com/cu-login/   or maybe try and make your own bioplastic at home.  I have attached the instructions for this activity from the Children’s University portal below.  For two hours towards your graduation bring in your plastic creations or a photo of your bioplastic to a passport stamping session – every Tuesday morning in the Primary Forum from 8.15am. Make Your Own Bioplastic at Home

Mrs Morris

Australian Girls Choir June Open Day

St Stephen’s School has no affiliation with this company and the post is simply an ad for their services if required.


Term 2, Week 5

Robotic Skills Club

The Robotics Skills Club will be commencing in week 6 for students in Year 4 to 6. Students will be working primarily with LEGO Spike Prime robots, learning how to code and take on a challenge to present to the group in the final session.

Please advise Mrs Crouch if your child has previous experience with LEGO Spike Prime or EV3 – danielle.crouch@ststephens.wa.edu.au

Please use the following link to book https://bookwhen.com/ststephensschool_carramar


Makuru Music Showcase


Arts & Academics Festival

Please refer to the Special Edition Arts & Academic Blog for further details.


Picture Plates

Picture Plate turns children’s artworks, photos, hand and footprints into something they’ll treasure for ever. Strong enough to use every day, they provide a lasting memory of childhood.

Made of durable BPA-free food-safe melamine, it’s dishwasher safe and covered by a 40 year quality guarantee. This is a fundraiser being organised by our wonderful Parent Reps and proceeds will go towards the end of year event. Blank Picture Plate drawing pages can be collected from the Reception Office. Please return Picture Plate artwork and a payment of $30 to the Reception Office. Only cash payments can be accepted.

Drawing Tips!

Here’s how to get the best result for your child’s beautiful artwork.

  • Use strong, bright marker pens, paints, craft dyes and good quality photos. You don’t have to use special pens, just make sure the colours are bright and bold.
  • Don’t use pencils, crayons, metallics, fluoros or glitter. These don’t show up very well on the finished product.
  • Draw inside the drawing area marked on the template.  Keep in mind up to 2cm can get trimmed off from one or more edges during manufacture, so make sure to keep important names and dates away from the edge.
  • Write your child’s name in the box in the top right corner, and write the number of copies you’d like in the box below. Some drawing paper templates are used for more than one product, so make sure you are filling out the right box.
  • Photos should be glued in place well. Large, bright close-ups are best as they will slightly blur and darken during manufacture.
  • Any marks in the drawing area may show up on the final product. Rub out any pencil marks properly, or use a fresh sheet of drawing paper.
  • Don’t roll, fold or crease the paper. Keep it flat and free from damage.

Scholastic Book Club

 Wednesday 15 June

Australian Girls Choir

Arts & Academic Festival 2022

The annual Arts & Academic Festival is a highlight of the St Stephen’s Carramar Primary Calendar.

What is it all about?

  • Students from Year 1-Year 6 compete as teams or individuals to earn points for their House
  • The event takes place over 5 days from Monday 27 June to Friday 1 July
  • There are 10 subjects to choose from
  • Students can enter as many subjects as they choose and can enter in more than 1 category e.g. solo dance and group dance
  • In 2021 over 500 entry forms were submitted
  • Certificates are awarded to winners in each category
  • All of this for 1 House to be announced as the winner of the 2022 Arts & Academic shield at the assembly on Friday 1 July!

So how do you get involved?

  • Collect your entry forms from the Arts & Academic Help Desk in the Primary Forum
  • Read carefully the specific instructions on the form
  • Parents need to check and sign the entry form
  • The Arts and Academic help desk will be open each morning from 8.15am – 8.45am from Tuesday 24 May to Friday 3 June
  • Entry forms are to be submitted to the Arts & Academic help desk and they will be checked before acceptance
  • For team entries, a form for each team member (signed by their parent) is required and the forms are to be submitted together
  • All team members need to be from the SAME House as this is a House competition. List of students in each House are available at the help desk
  • All entries are to be submitted complete with music, lyrics etc as specified on the entry form
  • Entries close on Friday 3 June and late submissions cannot be accepted

A Festival Schedule will be prepared and advertised on the blog in Week 9 after all entries have been processed.

So join the fun and get ready to shine for your House!!

Copies of the Entry Forms and any other information for each of the areas can be found by following the links below:



Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend*

Electronic Media must be submitted by Mon 13 June (we will attach it to your Entry Form for you which you must have submitted by Fri 3 June)


No audience


No audience


Monologue Scenes

Group Scenes

Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend*


No audience


Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend*

Music must be attached to Entry Form at time of submission


No audience


Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend*


Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend*

Music/lyrics must be attached to Entry Form at time of submission


No audience

Final Assembly and Winning House Announcement

Audience: Parents/guardians are welcome to attend the Assembly*

  • Based on current guidelines, we hope to be able to welcome parents/guardians into the audience for these events.  We will confirm this when the Festival Schedule is sent out in Week 9.

Should you have any further questions please contact Mrs Louise Streeter or Mrs Rosie Gamble via email on eacarramar@ststephens.wa.edu.au.

Madame Isabelle Pilote

Term 2, Week 4

After School Sports Club

As per the email sent yesterday, please remember that After School Sports has been cancelled for this week due to staff shortages.


Reminder – COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests

Please remember to collect your child’s Rapid Antigen Tests from the Reception Office if you haven’t already done so. Help yourself to a box and tick your child’s name off the list.


Icy Poles

Please not that School Captains will not be selling icy poles this Friday as they will be attending their day camp experience.


Entertainment Book

Term 2, Week 3

Mother’s Day Stall – Thank You

The 2022 Mother’s Day Stall was a huge success, raising over $1200! These proceeds will go towards our end of year event. A special thank you to Mrs Van Loenhout for sourcing the beautiful gifts on offer at the stall and to all the volunteers who helped each morning.


Traffic Warden Unavailable

The Traffic Warden who works at the Children’s Crossing on St Stephens Crescent, near Palmerston Crescent (West) is unable to work from Monday 9 until Friday afternoon, 13 of May inclusive.  Unfortunately we have no relief staff available to cover the position.  

Please take appropriate action and inform your students and the school community to be vigilant whilst crossing without a warden present.

Childrens Crossings Unit | Western Australia Police Force


Children’s University

Please note that a passport signing session is held every Tuesday in the Primary Forum from 8.15am.

Many thanks

Dr Janelle Morris


Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic book club orders are due Sunday 15 May.


Primary Interhouse Cross Country (Year 2 – 6) 

Congratulations to all students who participated in this year’s Cross Country event. The results are out and the champion house is………..


Arts & Academic Festival – Coming Soon

Term 2, Week 2

Mother’s Day Stall 2022

Day one of our Mother’s Day stall was a huge success! Mrs Sita Van Loenhout has sourced a beautiful selection of gifts for your children to purchase for Mother’s Day. There is a wide selection available from $5 to $25 – Cash only

Students are still able to purchase on the following days in the Primary Forum:

Wednesday 4 May

8.00am – 9.15am            Pre Kindy’s accompanied by a parent

8.30am – 8.45am           Year 5’s

8.45am – 9.00am                       Year 4’s

9.00am – 9.15am                  Year 1’s

Thursday 5 May

8.30am – 9.30am

Anyone who hasn’t purchased and wishes to do so.

After School Clubs

After School Clubs are back for Term 2! Bookings will be available from 6.00pm Thursday 5 May. Remember to only register your child for activities available to their year group and only one club per child . Please use the following link to book https://bookwhen.com/ststephensschool_carramar


Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic book club orders are due Sunday 15 May.


Arts & Academic Festival

More information to follow.


Children’s University – Kindness Challenge

CUWA has posted a Kindness Challenge on their website.  Here are the details:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou

Kindness helps us to feel like we matter (and we do!). It helps us to feel like we belong to a community and something larger than ourselves. Kindness can make you laugh, turn a bad day into a good one, and even save a life! Being kind makes the world a better place – which is why today, we are encouraging you to think about different ways you can be kind to other people!

It’s easy to be kind. If you see someone who is on their own, ask if they are okay. Smile and say hello to everyone you walk past today. Write a positive, encouraging note and stick it to someone’s school bag. Make a new friend or connect with an old one you haven’t spoken to in a while. Help someone in class with their work. Or why not do the dishes at home without being asked? There are so many things you can do!

A key part of kindness is being able to use empathy to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. For example, teaching is a rewarding job, but it can be really hard sometimes too. Teachers have loads of responsibility and often work late into the night marking assignments and planning lessons for their students. Our challenge today is to design and deliver a card to a teacher or staff member in your school who you think could use a little kindness. Write five things in your card that you appreciate about them. Use lots of different colours and let your imagination run wild!

I would love to see all the SSS students take part in this challenge – however, if you are part of CUWA and take up this challenge, be sure to take a photo of your card before you send it and earn 1 hour in your learning passport.

Next passport signing session will be on Tuesday 10 May from 8.15am in the Primary Forum.  We will also be taking some photo’s on this day.  It would be great to include everyone, so please come along even if you don’t need your passport stamped this week.


OSHClub works in partnership with your school to provide Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services. At OSHClub, children enjoy a fun learning experience. From exciting activities and healthy, nutritious food, to caring, motivated team members, you can be sure your child is safe and has lots of fun, before or after school.


Primary Interhouse Cross Country 

Well done to all students who participated in this year’s Interhouse Cross Country. Results will be shared with our community soon, stay tuned!


Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all our St Stephen’s mums a very special Mother’s Day! May Sunday be filled with love, laughter and treasured memories for years to come.


Special Edition – Mother’s Day Stall reminder

A reminder that our students will be able to purchase gifts for Mother’s Day in the Primary Forum from tomorrow. Gifts range from $5 to $25 – CASH ONLY

Due to some unexpected  illness we do need extra volunteers to assist each day. If you can help please contact Sita van Loenhout on 0439 091 600 or email sitavan@outlook.com.

Students will be offered the opportunity to purchase in the following times:

Tuesday 3 May

8am – 8.30am Kindy and Pre-Primary accompanied by a parent.

8.30am – 8.45am Year 6’s and Pre-Primary students needing assistance

8.45am – 9am Year 3’s and Pre-Primary Students needing assistance

9am – 9.15am Year 2’s


Wednesday 4 May

8am – 9.15am Pre Kindy’s accompanied by a parent

8.30am – 8.45am Year 5’s

8.45 – 9am Year 4’s

9am – 9.15am Year 1’s


Thursday 5 May

8.30am – 9.30am

Anyone who hasn’t purchased and wishes to do so.