Term 3, Week 4



A friendly reminder to ensure that your child’s hairstyle and accessories adhere to the School’s uniform policy. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for further details https://ststephensschool.sharepoint.com/SSSCorporate/ParentHandbook/Forms

We appreciate your support in this matter.



We are excited to announce that Oceanridge Tennis Academy will be conducting before school tennis lessons at St Stephen’s School Carramar in Term 4. The tennis lessons will run for 8 weeks, providing your child with an introduction to tennis and allowing them to start the day in an active and engaging manner.

Details of the program are as follows:
Year Groups: 1 – 6
Dates: Thursday 15 October – Thursday 3 December (8 week program)

Time: 7.30am – 8.15am (45 minutes)
Cost: $130 per child
Where: Secondary Tennis Courts

To register your child, please email info@oceanridgetennis.com.au or call Glen Popovsky on 0433 340 646 with the following information:

– Child’s Full Name

– Child’s Date of Birth

– Mobile number

– Email address



A group of Year 3 students took the initiative of making and selling goodies to their peers last week, raising funds for Cancer Council. It is inspiring to see our young students wanting to make a difference and reaching out to help those in need. Another example of our core value of Service in action! Thank you Sofia Wong, Deeyani Hirani, Charlotte Tanner, Nahla Hirani, Amelia Whyatt, Tehya Shah, Raya Sanghavi, Niam Karania, Addison Leer and Sophie Cochrane for raising over $258!





FRENCH DAY Wednesday 26 August 2020


Dress-up French style (prizes for best-dressed students, staff and class)

Remember to wear comfortable clothing which can be suitable for sport.

  • Primary Meal Deal (orders via Canteen)
  • Wednesday August 26, with a special assembly at 10.40am for staff and students only
  • Dress up: All Primary students and staff are invited to dress up French or Francophone style. Everyone can simply wear bleu, blanc et rouge or they can become a celebrated hero, artist, sportsman, politician, designer, entertainer…the possibilities are endless. Check out the display in the library

There will be a parade and prizes for the best students and staff.

Merci de Mesdames Carniello et Richardson



Our Captains were busy serving our community by collecting food for the homeless from restaurants at Lakeside Joondalup last Wednesday afternoon. Our value of Service in action! Thank you Captains!



Dear Dad’s

Due to current restrictions in place we unfortunately need to inform you that we are unable to accommodate all our wonderful fathers on campus for our usual Father’s Day celebrations this year. Fortunately our special performance for you, which the children have already been rehearsing for, will be filmed and available online through your year level blog on Friday 4 September. Your child will also bring home a special little surprise to give you for Father’s Day.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during this time.

Warm regards

Your Early Childhood Team



This year’s Father’s day stall will be held from 31 August to 4 September under the canteen under cover area. More information will follow in next weeks blog.




400m and 800m RACES

The Primary Interhouse Athletics Carnival will be taking place on Friday 11 September (Week 7). We will be running our 400m and 800m events in the weeks leading up to the carnival. Students in Years 1 – 6 are invited to participate in these events on the dates below:

Week: Event: Year Group: Date: Time:
5 400m 1 – 3 Monday 24 August Recess time
10.55am – 11.20am
5 400m 4 – 6 Monday 24 August Lunch time
12.40pm – 1.10pm
6 800m 3 – 6 Monday 7 September Recess time
10.55am – 11.20am

Students who would like to participate in the optional 400m and 800m events must make their way down to the oval at the times listed above. Students who would like to practice their running in the lead up to the Interhouse Athletics Carnival are encouraged to attend Kilometre Club every Thursday morning on the oval from 7.45am – 8.15am.

Little Athletics is a fantastic way to keep fit and builds the foundation skills of running, jumping and throwing, which are all transferable to other sports. If your child is interested in participating in Little Athletics outside of school, please visit the WA Little Athletics link https://walittleathletics.com.au/ to find your local club. The WA Little Athletics season usually runs from October until March.



Please note that students are now permitted to use the playground equipment after school, providing there is an adult supervising them at all times. Staff members are NOT available for after school supervision. Please be vigilant when supervising your child/ren. We thank you for your support in this matter.


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