Term 2 – Week 3 – Notices

Dear Parents,

We are so excited to see you! The staff have been very busy preparing for the students’ return. We have certainly enjoyed making videos and resources online and calling you, but we are also very happy to see the children face to face and back at school.

As we return to school this term, there are still some restrictions and modifications that we will need to adhere to, to keep our students and community safe. As outlined by Mrs Beare in her letter to the school community, we are asking parents to please drop their children at the Kiss-and-Drive in the morning and have them walk into school on their own. We will certainly have staff out on duty to assist with any students who may need it.

After school, we understand that not having parents come on site will increase the traffic in the Kiss and Drive so in looking to address this, we will be having the staff park elsewhere, allowing us to have a double-lane Kiss and Drive (see diagram below). We will be having the Year 3 and 4 students waiting on the ‘normal’ side, while our Year 5 and 6 students will wait on the grassed area opposite. One minor alteration to this is that Year 5/6 students who have a sibling in Year 3/4 will wait with them on the normal side.

Cleaning throughout the school has increased, high traffic areas and shared resources will be repeatedly cleaned throughout the day. Dedicated hand-washing times and the use of hand sanitiser throughout the day will still continue.

At the moment, due to government recommendations, unfortunately our playground equipment is not able to be used, so we are asking that children stay off of these for the time being.

As always, we ask you to help us in keeping all students safe. If your child is unwell please do not send them to school.

Information and updates from The Department of Health and the Department of Education regarding COVID 19 is sent to the school regularly. Any changes regarding restrictions or modifications that impact the school are implemented. As you are aware, things are changing quickly and as a school we are agile in responding to the necessary changes or modifications that are needed.

I am aware that this has been, and continues to be a challenging time for our community. We understand that these new changes to drop off and pick up may be difficult for some children to navigate. We will care and support your child as they return in Term 2.

Lastly, as a staff, we thank you whole-heartedly for your support and care. Over the last four weeks, we have seen an outpouring of kindness from our community. It is fantastic and highlights the amazing community we have here at St Stephen’s School, which makes it such a special school to be part of.

Yours sincerely

Jarrod Heglund

Deputy Head of Primary (3-6)


Notice for Parents of 3 – 6

Whilst we navigate the changes around the School at this time, if you are collecting you child/children during school hours, please continue to email their teacher and absenteedunpri@ststephens.wa.edu.au with the particular information.  When it is time to collect your child, drive to Kiss and Drive and phone 9243 2102 and Alison or Joy will ensure your child walks to your car.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


3 – 6 Kiss and Drive – Collection of your child/ren

In the afternoon, to ease the traffic congestion as much as we possibly can, please display your child’s name and class on a piece of paper on the side passenger front windscreen.

Thank you

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