Term 2 – Week 5 – Notices

Primary 3 to 6:


Ms Teh – Maternity leave 

I am sure that many of you have now heard the exciting news that Ms Teh along with her husband Nik and daughter Nina are expecting their second child next month!

We wanted to let you know that while Ms Teh is away on Maternity leave she has several amazing musicians who will be looking after our students involved in the String Program. Mr Scott and Mrs Kovic will be rehearsing the Primary School and Middle School Orchestras while she is away.  Ms Teh’s individual string students will be taught by Mrs Kovic and Mrs Washborne and we would like to introduce Miss Hannah Herriman who will also be teaching some of Ms Teh’s students and directing the High School Orchestra.

We wish Ms Teh all the best for her Maternity eave and I know we will all be looking forward to seeing photos of her new baby!

We are very grateful for the dedication Ms Teh has shown to St Stephen’s School by nurturing our String Program since 2004 and we will be welcoming her back with open arms in 2021!

Inter House Primary Cross Country

The rescheduled date for our primary (3-6) school cross country will be Friday 19 June (week 8).

Unfortunately there are three restrictions that will change the way the cross country is run this year due to COVID 19.

1.       The course must be contained within the school boundaries – therefore the courses will be altered from previous years. Distances will still be the same for each year group. Year 3 – 1500m, Year 4 – 2000m, and Year 5 and 6 – 2500m. Once I have determined the courses for each year group, maps will be created and students will have the opportunity to physically move through the course in preparation before the race day.

2.       Students will come out to participate only in their year group and gender. A gathering of all students to spectate and support will not be possible. Details of when student year groups race will be released soon.

3.       Parents will be unable to spectate. I know that it may be possible to witness the races from the car park or verge, however as a school we are unable to endorse this behaviour as it would be in violation of government rulings placed on schools.

TRAINING –  for all who are interested. There will be training and preparation sessions on Wednesday and Friday lunch times starting this week. Students that do not have PE on those days are asked to change into sports uniform for the training sessions. Notification of training will be made over the PA system before the lunch break.

The Inter School Cross Country will no longer be held this year, however we are hopeful that perhaps the State Cross Country will be held on Thursday 30 July for students that achieve highly at the inter house level.

Daniel Parker

Physical Education Specialist


Term 2 – Week 4 – Notices

Dear Parents

The school canteen is now open for orders for all our Year 3 to Year 6 students and staff.  Ordering is available every day and should be placed using Quickcliq online ordering system https://www.quickcliq.com.au/

All canteen staff are required to follow Foodsafe Food Handler Training Guide so rest assured all necessary precautions are taken whilst preparing orders.

If you require assistance with your Quickcliq account please contact Quickcliq on 1300 11 66 37.  If you have a query regarding food please contact the canteen on 9243 2434.

Initially we may be low on some stock items, hopefully it won’t take too long to get things back to normal.  However it would be a huge help if you could put a second choice in the instructions section when you are placing your order.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Term 2 – Week 3 – Notices

Dear Parents,

We are so excited to see you! The staff have been very busy preparing for the students’ return. We have certainly enjoyed making videos and resources online and calling you, but we are also very happy to see the children face to face and back at school.

As we return to school this term, there are still some restrictions and modifications that we will need to adhere to, to keep our students and community safe. As outlined by Mrs Beare in her letter to the school community, we are asking parents to please drop their children at the Kiss-and-Drive in the morning and have them walk into school on their own. We will certainly have staff out on duty to assist with any students who may need it.

After school, we understand that not having parents come on site will increase the traffic in the Kiss and Drive so in looking to address this, we will be having the staff park elsewhere, allowing us to have a double-lane Kiss and Drive (see diagram below). We will be having the Year 3 and 4 students waiting on the ‘normal’ side, while our Year 5 and 6 students will wait on the grassed area opposite. One minor alteration to this is that Year 5/6 students who have a sibling in Year 3/4 will wait with them on the normal side.

Cleaning throughout the school has increased, high traffic areas and shared resources will be repeatedly cleaned throughout the day. Dedicated hand-washing times and the use of hand sanitiser throughout the day will still continue.

At the moment, due to government recommendations, unfortunately our playground equipment is not able to be used, so we are asking that children stay off of these for the time being.

As always, we ask you to help us in keeping all students safe. If your child is unwell please do not send them to school.

Information and updates from The Department of Health and the Department of Education regarding COVID 19 is sent to the school regularly. Any changes regarding restrictions or modifications that impact the school are implemented. As you are aware, things are changing quickly and as a school we are agile in responding to the necessary changes or modifications that are needed.

I am aware that this has been, and continues to be a challenging time for our community. We understand that these new changes to drop off and pick up may be difficult for some children to navigate. We will care and support your child as they return in Term 2.

Lastly, as a staff, we thank you whole-heartedly for your support and care. Over the last four weeks, we have seen an outpouring of kindness from our community. It is fantastic and highlights the amazing community we have here at St Stephen’s School, which makes it such a special school to be part of.

Yours sincerely

Jarrod Heglund

Deputy Head of Primary (3-6)


Notice for Parents of 3 – 6

Whilst we navigate the changes around the School at this time, if you are collecting you child/children during school hours, please continue to email their teacher and absenteedunpri@ststephens.wa.edu.au with the particular information.  When it is time to collect your child, drive to Kiss and Drive and phone 9243 2102 and Alison or Joy will ensure your child walks to your car.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


3 – 6 Kiss and Drive – Collection of your child/ren

In the afternoon, to ease the traffic congestion as much as we possibly can, please display your child’s name and class on a piece of paper on the side passenger front windscreen.

Thank you

Term 2 – Week 2 – Notices

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a time of stress, change and uncertainty. Clinical Psychologists Dr Matthew Sanders and Dr Vanessa Cobham have written an informative guide entitled ‘Parenting during COVID-19’, to assist parents to support their children and take care of their own wellbeing during this time. The guide includes information about:

·      Providing reassurance to your child

·      How parents can look after their own wellbeing

·      Reminding your child that you are available to talk to him/her

·      How to respond to children’s questions about COVID-19

·      Maintaining everyday routines

·      Having a family plan

·      Helping children to find interesting activities to do at home

·      Praising positive behaviour

·      Assisting your child to tolerate times of uncertainty

·      Ways to connect with loved ones

Below is the link to the Triple P Parenting page where the full parenting guide as well as a helpful summary poster can be freely downloaded.




I would like to commend the efforts of students that were involved in raising money for the Leukemia Foundation through the World’s Greatest Shave. The students pictured below were able to raise the incredible and highly beneficial amount of $8075.21. The money raised will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the lives of families impacted by blood cancers. Thank you to the students, friends and families that gave of their time, efforts, money and hair for this cause.

Mr Daniel Parker

Daniel Lynn:

Ryder Kemp:

Ryan Gostlow:

Oscar Ponosh:

Wesley & Tyson Jones

Josiah Kessner:

Charlie Jacob:

Kyan Bozich:

Bradley Coetzer:

Harry Caporn:

Tilly Raymond:

Tom Harries:

Jacob Shadbolt:



Dear Year 3-6 Parents,

I hope that the school holidays were a wonderful break for you and your children. We are looking forward to starting a new term with the students returning to us on 11 May (Year 3-6). There a just a few points that we wanted to raise with you.


As we look to use Microsoft Teams to offer a greater connection between the teachers and students, please do make sure you have downloaded and/or access Teams as per the instructions previously sent out. While we understand that the use of this platform might only be for a short time, it will certainly enhance the engagement and learning over this time, as well as prepare us for its potential future use.

As a starting point for its use, we will be asking that all students log in to Teams at the times below every school day, as an opportunity for the teacher to check ‘attendance’ as well as briefly catch up with students and answer quick questions.

  • Year 3 and 4 – 9:00-9:30am
  • Year 5 and 6 – 9:30-10:00am

Please know that the students don’t need to be online for that entire time, but the teacher will be available. It would be best if the students could read through the day’s blog before logging on, just in case they need clarification on any tasks.


As you know, next Wednesday (6 May) we are having a device-free day so the teachers have put together learning packs that the students can use on that day. These packs can be collected on Friday 1 May from 8:00-9:00am or 2:30-3:30pm. Please drive through the Kiss and Drive area, where staff will be on hand to pass the packs to you in your car. If you are unable to come to collect the work, please contact your child’s teacher as they may be able, although not preferred due to the intent of the day, to send a digital copy of the task. However, please know that some packs contain other physical resources that obviously cannot be sent digitally.


This is just a quick reminder that we are asking that, when your children to return to school, they will need to walk to their classroom on their own. The staff on duty in the morning will be keeping an eye out for students who might need a bit of assistance.


With the change of season, please remember that there is also a change in uniform. The Duncraig uniform shop is open from this term as follows:

Tuesday 8.00 am to 11.30 am  and 

Thursday 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Order forms are available under the Uniform Shop tab on the Parent Portal.

Please also remember that, as of Term 3 this year all Year 3-6 students will be required to wear standard ‘leather’ lace-up school shoes.

Kind regards,

Jarrod Heglund

Deputy Head of Primary