Term 3 – Notices – Week 2

Week Ahead


4 August – Assembly – Kindy Moynihan



31 July – 11 August – Year 3&4 Swimming Lessons

2 August – Australian Mathematics Competition (Selected Students Years 3 – 6)

3 August – State Cross Country (Selected Students)


Welcome to Week 2, Term 3.

A few messages from the Deputies:-

Drop off and Pick Up

ELC  – We have seen an increase in the number of people parking in the Kiss and Drive area between 8.00am – 8.50am. This is making the road area inside the ELC very congested during the morning. It is also unsafe for our students who are exiting their vehicles further away from the gate area and to walk independently alongside the road. Please do not park in this area during this time.

A gentle reminder to all drivers collecting students from the Kiss and Drive area after school to not exit their vehicle. All children using the Kiss and Drive must be independent in entering their vehicle and securing themselves in the seat. If the driver is needing to assist the child, then the vehicle should be parked, and the student collected from their class teacher. Due to the number of vehicles using this facility and to support the movement of traffic, the driver must remain at the wheel.

3-6 – There have been people parking in the staff parking area early in the morning. This has meant that there have been a number of parking bays unavailable to staff. Can we please kindly ask that you do not park in this area. Many of our staff come to school with additional resources. Parking with close proximity to the school enables ease of transportation of resources and teaching items.


ELC Father and Special Guest day

We have received correspondence regarding an alteration to our ELC Father and Special Guest event being moved to the afternoon.

We had to amend our original plans after recently receiving our allocation of swimming lessons for the ELC. Unfortunately, we are not able to stipulate the swimming lesson time and dates.  Lesson allocation is set by an external government run program. This year, the allocation has come at one of the busiest times of year for the ELC with numerous events happening.

Rather than cancel swimming lessons or Father and Special Guest event, we have decided to proceed with both . This was after much conversation and consultation with staff. Due to a number of constraints the only option we had was to run the Father and Special Guest event in the afternoon, after the morning swimming lessons have been completed.

We understand this is a change to our initial timing but hope that the early notification provided to parents and guardians will enable people to attend. This is an event well-loved by the students and community. It would have been such a shame to cancel it.

All decisions we make regarding our events and activities, take into consideration a range of factors. Please know that we work hard to ensure that we are offering the best we can for our students and community.

We are so grateful to the staff for their willingness to run the swimming lessons, this event and many other events scheduled for this term.


Class Placement 2024

As we prepare for 2024, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

  • Social and emotional concerns
  • Friendship preferences
  • Academic ability
  • Staff observations


Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group teacher(s), Learning Assistants and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team to be reviewed.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement.

Please, can we encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2024 before they commence school.

Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones and Andrew Johnston

Deputy Heads of Primary

Music Notes

Interhouse Music Festival – Years 3 -6

The Interhouse Music Festival will be taking place this term on Wednesday 23 August (Week 5). Students are encouraged to perform as soloists and in small groups for an adjudicator. Points are awarded to contribute to the winning house for 2023.

Entry forms are available through the link below or from the front office and music department.

Primary Nomination Form 2023

All entry forms are due in by 3:30pm Wednesday 16 August in the Primary Office.

Semester 2 Music Calendar

Below is a link to an overview of ensembles and their rehearsal times and important dates for this semester.

Any students interested in singing are welcome to join Primary Chorale (ELC – year 4) or Chamber Choir (Year 5 and 6) in second semester. Come along to the first rehearsal this semester to give it a try.

Primary Music Calendar 2023[21]


We’re now just a week away from the second lecture in the 2023 Parent Series which will be delivered by Linda Stade next Wednesday 2 August.

“Friends or frenemies” will help you guide and support your child through the challenges of building and maintaining friendships.

Linda Stade is a WA-based education writer, speaker, and consultant who works with parents and teachers to help grow happy, healthy kids who thrive on learning. Linda has enjoyed 30 years in schools and working with young people and today has a 35k strong social media following and writes a practical and relevant fortnightly parenting blog.

This event is open to St Stephen’s School parents and the local community – we would love to share this incredibly valuable information with all local parents. Feel free to bring a friend from the area!

Book your ticket now at https://loom.ly/GoLjzy0

Term 3 – Week 1 – Notices

Welcome Back to Term 3,

We hope you all managed to have a good break with lots of rest and time with your children.

The staff all came back last week where we had a fantastic week of professional development and we are now raring to go for the second half of the year.

Thank you to all of you who attended the Parent meetings today. It was great to be able to catch up with you and talk through how we can continue to partner with each other to support your children.



A reminder that we have our NAIDOC day tomorrow across both the ELC and 3-6. The children will be taking part in a variety of activities learning about indigenous culture and community. Please bring your children to school wearing a splash of indigenous colours. It promises to be an exciting day.


Week ahead



25 July – NAIDOC Activity Rotation Day – wear a splash of colour – Red, Yellow & Black

28 July – 101 Days of the Year – Year 1

28 July – Worship



25 July – NAIDOC Activity Rotation Day – wear a splash of colour – Red, Yellow & Black

26 July – Digital Learning Journey Hands On Robotics Workshop Incursion (Yr3&4 Students) Student Only Event


Year 3  & 4 swimming lessons commence Monday 31 August




Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones