Term 3 – Notices – Week 6

Book Week is always an exciting week and last week was no exception, especially on Friday seeing the children all dressed up. Thank you to all the parents and carers who put in the time and effort to help your child with their costume.

We also had an Indigenous Elder visit both the ELC and 3-6 spaces last week. Derek Nannup came into school to teach the children about indigenous culture. This was hugely informative and engaging and it was great to see how much the students were able to take from it.

Week Ahead



28 Aug – 8 Sept  – P/P, Year 1 & 2 Swimming Lessons

1 Sept, 2-3pm – Father’s and Special Guest Day Celebrations



1 Sept – Year 5 Incursion


Wishing you a wonderful week,

Andrew Johnston and Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Term 3 – Notices – Week 5

Week Ahead


23 August – Year 2 and Year 9 Mentors Pinnaroo Walk

24 August – Derek Nannup Incursion

25 August – Book Week Parade 9.30am



22 August – Derek Nannup Incursion

23 August – Interhouse Music Festival

25 August – Book Week Parade 8.40am


A huge congratulations to all students and staff on the wonderful Primary Seussical performances this week. Our Year 5 and 6 students have all worked incredibly hard to memorise lines, songs, positions, and dances under the incredible guidance of Miss Jessica O’Connor and Mrs Sonya Elek. Staff, parents, and students across Primary, thank you all for your time, flexibility and creativity in assisting with props, costumes and backstage supervision. Not only did we see the student’s creativity on stage by also through the beautiful artwork and props that filled the foyers, graced the stage, and were displayed in our classroom. It is clear we have many talented students. It was wonderful to see all students perform so well. We are certainly very proud of every student. Truly outstanding! A standing ovation to everyone.


Last week at the ELC we had a couple of major events alongside the other exciting things that were happening in each classroom! A huge thank you to our High School students from Year 9 who came over in the bad weather to spend time with ELC students. The Year 2’s thoroughly enjoyed their time with their buddies, exploring board games and spending time with our older students.


Last Friday as part of the lead up to Book Week, students from PP to Year 2 had an incursion. As always, it was full of fun and lots of audience participation. There are some wonderful books nominated for this year’s awards. We continually encourage students to explore a wide range of reading material, and this is just one of many methods we use to foster curiosity and reading.


After a very exciting week last week, we wish you a wonderful week ahead.


God Bless


Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston


Interhouse Music Festival

 Wednesday 23 August 2023

Primary Market Place

9:00 – 9:50         Year 6 session 1

9:50 – 10:40      Year 6 session 2

Morning Tea

11:00 – 12:00    Year 4

12:00 – 1:00      Year 3


1:40 – 2:20        Year 5 session 1

2:20 – 3:00        Year 5 session 2

Parents are welcome to attend. Click the link the below to see the proposed schedule.

Updated IH Schedule

Term 3 – Notices – Week 4



15 August – Year 2 and Year 9 Mentors Pinnaroo Walk

18 August – PP-Yr2 Book Week Incursion


16 – 18 August – Primary Musical Production – Seussical JR.

17 August – Scitech Incursion Years 3-6

18 August – Assembly 3L

We are very excited about our upcoming performance of Seussical JR. There has been an incredible amount of work put in to the preparation and rehearsing of this production from students, staff and parents. It is very exciting to see it all come together for the performances this week. Good luck to all our amazing performers!

Book Week

Next week is Book Week! Don’t forget a costume for this special day! Please see the attached flyer for further information.

ELC Swimming Lessons

Can ELC parents please make sure you have returned your child’s swimming forms, ready for the upcoming swimming lessons.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

Hannah Lockwood-Jones and Andrew Johnston



Term 3 – Notices – Week 3

Welcome to Week 3


Thursday 10 August – Kindy Pyjama Day

Thursday 10 August – Year 2 Sciencefest

Friday 11 August – Worship



7-11 August – Year 3 & 4 Swimming Lessons


This week continues to be full of activity and events, and it is wonderful to see the enthusiasm among the children.



Our Year 5 and 6 students are furiously rehearsing for the musical performances next week, and things are really starting to take shape.

Your child should be coming home with their Seussical T-shirt today, if they ordered one. We are happy for the T-shirts to be worn at school from Wednesday, until the end of the performances (with the exception of the days they are washed), if they wish. If your child does wear the T-shirt, please ensure they wear their PE uniform to accompany the shirt. If they do not wear the T-shirt, students must wear the standard uniform, as usual.


Use of devices outside of learning

We would like to remind you that, although we do allow students to wear smart watches, in school, they must be disconnected and not used for any form of communication during school hours. Can we please ask that you support your children with this by disconnecting the device during the day, as the capacity for this to be used can be a little too tempting for some.

Equally, we do understand that some children use their watches or even phones to communicate with you at the end of the school day, when being picked up. If this is the case, the watches must be disconnected until the end of the school day and phones must be turned off and kept in the child’s bag.


A message from the school nurse

We wish to inform you that head lice have been found within Year 3.

To assist in limiting the spread, can you please check your child’s hair tonight and treat if necessary.

For more information on how to treat head lice please go to the Department of Health’s website at;



Class Placement 2024

As we prepare for 2024, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

Social and emotional concerns
Friendship preferences
Academic ability
Staff observations
Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group teacher(s), Learning Assistants and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team to be reviewed.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement.

Please, can we encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2024 before they commence school in 2024.

Kind regards,

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones

Long Jump, Turbo Javelin and Shot Put Practice 

All students from year 3 to 6 are welcome to attend extra jumps and throws practices on Friday mornings before school in term 3. These sessions will provide extra opportunity to prepare for the school carnival and if selected, the inter school competition. The sessions will be held at Hamer Oval(high school oval) from 7:45a to 8:15a. The sessions will be on the following dates;  

Friday 11 August(week 3)  

Friday 18 August(week 4)  

*no week 5 due to book week parade  

Friday 1 September(week 6)  

Friday 8 September(week 7)  

If there are any Parent’s available, I would appreciate help with monitoring long jump and turbo javelin. Please let me know at daniel.parker@ststephens.wa.edu.au if you are able to help. 

State Cross Country 

I would like to thank all of the students that represented St Stephen’s at the School Sport WA, cross country championships. In what is always a tough physical challenge, our students showed outstanding strength of character. Of course, the challenge is not simply the day of the race but also the exhausting and sometimes painful training sessions. Another huge challenge is also that some races have fields of competitors in excess of 300. Well done to the following students that managed to finish within the top 100 which is no easy feat. A special mention for Joshua Coetzer and Fraser Strudwick who both earned invitations to state team trials.

Year 3 Boys

Joshua Coetzer – 3

Fraser Strudwick – 9

George Chapman – 37

Max McCarthy – 44

Year 3 Girls

Matilda Dender – 48

Year 4 Girls

Reese Delport – 32

Year 5 Boys

Elijah Allmark – 53

Jackson McCarthy – 57

Year 5 Girls

Poppy Gilbert – 95

Year 6 Boys

Hugh Kraut – 32

Benjamin Reeve – 68

Jack Whyte – 98

Daniel Parker

Teacher – Primary Physical Education

Music Notes

Interhouse Music Festival – Years 3 -6

The Interhouse Music Festival will be taking place this term on Wednesday 23 August (Week 5). Students are encouraged to perform as soloists and in small groups for an adjudicator. Points are awarded to contribute to the winning house for 2023.

Entry forms are available through the link below or from the front office and music department.

Primary Nomination Form 2023

All entry forms are due in by 3:30pm Wednesday 16 August in the Primary Office.


Semester 2 Music Calendar

Below is a link to an overview of ensembles and their rehearsal times and important dates for this semester.

Any students interested in singing are welcome to join Primary Chorale (ELC – year 4) or Chamber Choir (Year 5 and 6) in second semester. Come along to the first rehearsal this semester to give it a try.

Primary Music Calendar 2023[21]

Rebecca Thorne
Teacher – Music