Term 2 – Week 3 – Notices

Week ahead


12 May 8.30 – 9.45 – Mother’s and Special Guest Celebrations


8 -10 May – Year 5 camp to Woodman Point

9 May 3.30pm – Rookie Debating, short workshop and debate 1

12 May 2.30pm – Mother’s Day assembly class 4L

Co-Curricular Activities (Clubs)

Our Co-curricular Activities are commencing next week (week 4) and running for 6 weeks. If your child/ren would like to take part in one of these activities please use the following link https://bookwhen.com/ststephensschool_duncraig to secure a place. Bookings open today, Monday 8 May at 4pm, please see the below letter for further details.

ELC Mother’s Day and Special Guests

Mothers and Special Guests

On our special morning, please start the day by bringing your child to their classroom to drop off their bag and place their items for the day in their trays.

Each year level has organised an activity for you to enjoy with your child. We ask that you move around the outside of the ELC to avoid congestion inside. Some children can feel a little overwhelmed with moving around the building. If your child would prefer to stay in an area known to them, please do so.

Five minutes before the session is due to end, a notice will be made over the PA system. Please finish your activity and return to your child’s classroom. The teachers will be waiting for the children on the mat. We kindly ask that you then leave the ELC so we can settle the children.

We are so looking forward to seeing you and hope you have a lovely morning together enjoying some fun activities.

ELC- Afterschool Play

The number of students attending O.S.H after school has risen significantly. As a result, OSH require use of the Year 1 -2 playground from 3.45pm onwards. This will mean that this playground is closed to the community from 3.45 pm. If you would like to stay and play, please use the large playground and oval as an alternative play space. We also kindly ask that students do not come into the ELC building after 3.20pm as OSH use the building and its facilities after school hours. Should your child need to use the bathroom please use the visitor’s toilet at reception. The gate from the ELC to the oval will be locked at 3.45 and not reopened.

We thank you in advance in supporting a service that is well utilised by our community.

Wishing you a wonderful week,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston


Dear Parents,


We are excited to begin the Primary Co-Curricular Activities this Term. These activities are a wonderful opportunity for students to learn new things, develop positive social skills and enjoy being a part of the broader St Stephen’s School community.

We will commence the activities for Term 2, 2023 in Week 4, on Tuesday 16 May 2023. These will run for a 6 week period, finishing in Week 9, on Thursday 22 June 2023.

Your child/children from Years 3-6, are welcome to participate in a co-curricular activity at the Primary School (see attached list of activities). It is important that children understand that they must commit to the activity for the whole 6 weeks.

Bookings for term 2 will open Monday 8 May at 4pm and can be made through the following Bookwhen link Co-Curricular Activities

Places are limited for each activity so please only enrol in one activity. Allocation is on a ‘first in’ basis, so please secure your child’s place as soon as possible.

If you require any further information, please contact the Primary Office on 9243 2102. Kind regards,

Andrew Johnston Deputy Head of Primary

Dear Parents,


We are excited to begin the Co-Curricular Activities at the ELC this term. These activities are a wonderful opportunity for students to learn new things, develop positive social skills and enjoy being a part of the broader St Stephen’s School community.

We will commence the activities for Term 2, 2023 in Week 4 on Wednesday 17 May 2023. These will run for a 6-week period, finishing in Week 9, Thursday 22 June.

Your child/children, from Pre-Primary to Year 2, are welcome to participate in a Co-Curricular Activity at the ELC (see attached list of activities). It is important that children understand that they must commit to the activity for the whole 6 weeks.

Bookings for term 2 will open Monday 8 May at 4pm and can be made through the following Bookwhen link; Co-Curricular Activities

Places are limited for each activity so please only enrol in one activity. Allocation is on a ‘first in’ basis, so please secure your child’s place as soon as possible.

If you require any further information, please contact the ELC Office on 9243 2481. Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones Deputy Head of Primary