Term 4 – Week 8 – Notices

Dear Parents and Community,

We hope this email finds you well. The term is quickly drawing to a close, yet we have some of the busiest weeks ahead. Please ensure you read through this email and check for your class updates on the class blog.

Volunteers for the Last Day of Term – Wednesday 7 December

Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support with the running of the community event on the last day of term. We are still a few people short of being able to run it fully, particularly between 3-4pm. If you are willing to help out, please let us know by contacting us adminduncraigprimary@ststephens.wa.edu.au


Week ahead


Tuesday 29 November – Christmas Fairy Kindy

Wednesday 30 November – Pre Kindy 2023, Orientation

Friday 2 December – Presentation Night – Selected Year 1 & 2 Students

Monday 5 December – Non Uniform Day


Thursday 1 December – Year 6 Sorrento Beach Bike Ride & Beach Day

Friday 2 December – Presentation Night – All students expected to attend

Monday 5 December – Non Uniform Day


As we are soon to enter the Christmas period and multiple events are taking place, it is a timely reminder to remember what this season is all about and to keep our focus on this:-

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. (John 3 16-17)


Wishing you all the best for the week ahead.


Hannah Lcokwood-Jones and Andrew Johnston



MONDAY 5 DECEMBER – Gold Coin Donation

This term, your kind donation as part of our Uniform Free Day will be given to the Bali Life Foundation. Bali Life Foundation is a small charity with a big heart. Located in and around the areas of Denpasar and Kuta, Bali Life Foundation provides love and care for the underprivileged, with the aim of giving them hope, dignity, and purpose. Their work is based around 5 main centres:

Children’s Home: Bali Life’s core business is taking in children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or rejected, with the aim of giving them a safe home, a caring community, and an education, as well as spiritual and emotional guidance.

Street Kids Centre: The Street Kids Centre helps to stop children from begging on the streets by empowering the children and their parents with education and work opportunities.

Bali Life Women’s Workshop: Located in the Street Kids Centre, the workshop aims to help women replace the income earnt from their children begging with a wage earnt from making handicrafts and jewellery.

Suwung Community Centre: The school is in the heart of the Trash Area in Suwung Denpasar and serves the children and their families who work in the dumpsite. The informal school has two classrooms, and a playground area for children for the kids to be kids again.

Touching Community: Bali Life Foundation provides a feeding programme, primarily for rural villages bound by poverty and affected by disasters such as Covid, drought and the Longbok earthquake of 2018.

If you would like to find out more about Bali Life Foundation, you can visit their website at https://www.balilife.org/



  • Social and Dad Rep positions to be filled by the end of 2022 school year
  • Class Rep positions will be finalised at the start of 2023 once class allocations are known.

ELC TERM 4 MEAL       

Kindy to Year 2

Tuesday, 29 November 2022


Order must be placed through QuickCliQ, if you haven’t already registered, please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.

If you need help registering, please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Quickcliq username and password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button.

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, Health warning in your student profile should be completed if your child has any food allergies/ intolerances).

Step 2 – select date 29 November and then click on the pop-up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry we cannot accept late orders.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email, or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is the cost-effective option The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, these require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your Quickcliq account.

Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37 or email support@quickcliq.com.au.

** To cancel an order please contact the canteen direct on 9243 2434**


Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll


4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)


All meals come with:

Juice Bomb Apple Raspberry


Christmas cracker

(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information on ingredients etc 9243 2434)




Order must be placed through Quickcliq, if you haven’t already registered please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.  If you need help registering, please contact Quickcliq on

1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Online Username and Password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE)

Step 2 – select date 30 November 2022 and then click on the pop up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry no exceptions.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – should be completed if your child has any health warnings/food allergies/ intolerances

Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is a free option and it allows you to pay the exact amount.  The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, which require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your online account.

 Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact Quickcliq by phoning 1300 11 66 37 or email info@quickcliq.com.au.



2023 School Fee Payment Option

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

In 2023, similar to 2022, Parents / Guardians will not be required to re-select a preferred payment method and frequency at the start of the school year.

The payment method (direct debit, or credit card, or BPAY) and frequency of payment (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, three or four instalments or annual upfront) that you had in place in 2022 will continue automatically in 2023.

The dates to note for payments (based on frequency) next year are:

1 upfront payment due on 31 January 2023 (2% discount); or

43 weekly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

22 fortnightly payments starting on 9 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 2 February 2023; or

10 monthly payments starting on 17 February 2023; or

3 instalments on 18 February 2023, 18 May 2023 and 18 August 2023; or

4 instalments on 2 February 2023, 2 April 2023, 2 July 2023 and 2 October 2023.


You will not be required to take any action, unless you would like to change the method of payment or frequency of payments. In which case, please contact the Accounts Receivable team on 9243 2103 or email accountsreceivable@ststephens.wa.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that there will be a surcharge of 0.9% on all credit card payments.

If you wish to change your credit card, or bank account details, you are able to do this at any time throughout the year via the Parent Portal. Click on the ‘School Payments’ tab and select login under Manage stored cards and direct debits to bank accounts or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ManageStoredCards.aspx

In January 2023 your annual fee invoice will be available for you to view on the Parent Portal in the ‘School Payments’ tab by logging into Statements and receipt history or use the following link https://edinfo.ststephens.wa.edu.au/fin.aspx


All the best for the holidays and wishing you a Happy Christmas,

From the Accounts Receivable Team

Term 4 – Notices – Week 7

Good afternoon and welcome to week 6 of Term 4.

The summer break is getting closer.

Volunteers for the Last Day of Term

Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support with the running of the community event on the last day of term. We are still a few people short of being able to run it fully, so if you are willing to help out, please let us know by contacting us adminduncraigprimary@ststephens.wa.edu.au

Presentation Evening 2022

This is an evening of celebration for the year. We do expect all students to attend and we would also like to encourage you all to join with the school community to celebrate all that has been achieved in 2022.

Week Ahead


Friday 25 November – Nativity



Wednesday 23 November 6pm – Information evening for incoming Y3 parents

Thursday 24 November 6.45 pm – Primary Music Concert

Friday 25 November – House Captain Assembly


Cards that Count – Thank you


St Stephen’s School was very supportive of the program and helped raise nearly $2000 for Uniting WA which was much appreciated.


Packs Ordered
SS. ELC 111


Wishing you a wonderful week.

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Primary Music Concert Thursday 24 November 6:45 School Theatre

The following Ensembles will be performing at the upcoming Primary Music Department Concert;

Primary Chorale, Chamber Choir, Year 3 and 6 String Duet, Primary School Orchestra, Middle School Orchestra, Primary Guitar Ensemble, The Minstrels and Middle School Band.

Tickets may be purchased for $10 through the following link.


The concert should last for about 90 minutes.




Your gift of non-perishable food this Christmas, will relieve the stress and worry for many families.

Join with Uniting WA and Food Bank to collect and deliver generous food hampers.

Ask your class teacher for the food item that has been allocated to your class and place in the collection bag provided.

All items should be delivered by Friday, November 25




  • Social and Dad Rep positions to be filled by the end of 2022 school year
  • Class Rep positions will be finalised at the start of 2023 once class allocations are known.

ELC TERM 4 MEAL       

Kindy to Year 2

Tuesday, 29 November 2022


Order must be placed through QuickCliQ, if you haven’t already registered, please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.

If you need help registering, please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Quickcliq username and password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button.

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, Health warning in your student profile should be completed if your child has any food allergies/ intolerances).

Step 2 – select date 29 November and then click on the pop-up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry we cannot accept late orders.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email, or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is the cost-effective option The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, these require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your Quickcliq account.

Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37 or email support@quickcliq.com.au.

** To cancel an order please contact the canteen direct on 9243 2434**


Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll


4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)


All meals come with:

Juice Bomb Apple Raspberry


Christmas cracker

(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information on ingredients etc 9243 2434)




Order must be placed through Quickcliq, if you haven’t already registered please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.  If you need help registering, please contact Quickcliq on

1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Online Username and Password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE)

Step 2 – select date 30 November 2022 and then click on the pop up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry no exceptions.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – should be completed if your child has any health warnings/food allergies/ intolerances

Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is a free option and it allows you to pay the exact amount.  The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, which require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your online account.

 Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact Quickcliq by phoning 1300 11 66 37 or email info@quickcliq.com.au.



Term 4 – Notices – Week 6

Dear Friends and Families, 

Welcome to Week 5, Term 4.

This term feels like it is moving quickly having now passed the half way mark! There have been a lot of fantastic events and activities across the ELC and 3-6 with still more to come.


Last week for Kids in Care donations

14 November – Kindy 2023 Parent information night

16 November – Kindy 2023 Student orientation day

17 November – Year 2 Naturescape excursion

18 November – BACA, children in care collection – Parents are welcome to join us.


Uniting Care West Food Collection – please see the flyer below for items each class is collecting

Last Day of Term

On the last day of school, we were hoping to have a colour run for the ELC and 3-6 students. For this event to go ahead we need parent volunteers. If you can help, please contact reception.

Uniform and Wearable Devices

As we fast approach the end of the year, please be mindful that we still have the same uniform standards in place and limitations on students using wearable devices during the school day. We have seen an increase in students messaging each other and their families during school hours via wearable devices. This is disruptive to their and other students learning. Please support the school in ensuring that your child is adhering to the same school expectations as earlier in the year, by wearing the correct uniform and prohibiting the use of wearable devices during the school day.

Presentation Evening 2022

This is an evening of celebration for the year. Please join with the school community to celebrate all that has been achieved in 2022.

Class Placement 2023

As we prepare for 2023, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

  • Social and emotional concerns
  • Friendship preferences
  • Academic ability
  • Staff observations

Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group teacher(s), Learning Assistants and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team to be reviewed.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement. Please, can I encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2023 before they commence school on Monday 30 January 2023.

We understand that this is a busy period for families. Thank you for your time and effort in supporting the school in these events.

Wishing a wonderful week ahead.

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

SDJCC Blasters Flier 202223

Cricket sign 2020 final

Primary Music Concert Thursday 24 November 6:45 School Theatre

The following Ensembles will be performing at the upcoming Primary Music Department Concert;

Primary Chorale, Chamber Choir, Year 3 and 6 String Duet, Primary School Orchestra, Middle School Orchestra, Primary Guitar Ensemble, The Minstrels and Middle School Band.

Tickets may be purchased for $10 through the following link.


The concert should last for about 90 minutes.

Choral Festival

All primary children are involved in the annual Choral Festival on Monday 21 November in the School Theatre. Each class has learnt two songs in their music class, and they will be performing these for an adjudicator who will decide which class has performed them the best.

Parents are welcome to attend the year level sessions in the theatre.

Class competition

11.00 – 11.30   Year 3

11.30 – 12.00   Year 4

12.00 – 12.30   Year 5

12.30 – 1.00     Year 6





Your gift of non-perishable food this Christmas, will relieve the stress and worry for many families.

Join with Uniting WA and Food Bank to collect and deliver generous food hampers.

Ask your class teacher for the food item that has been allocated to your class and place in the collection bag provided.

All items should be delivered by Friday, November 25




  • Social and Dad Rep positions to be filled by the end of 2022 school year
  • Class Rep positions will be finalised at the start of 2023 once class allocations are known.

ELC TERM 4 MEAL       

Kindy to Year 2

Tuesday, 29 November 2022


Order must be placed through QuickCliQ, if you haven’t already registered, please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.

If you need help registering, please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Quickcliq username and password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button.

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, Health warning in your student profile should be completed if your child has any food allergies/ intolerances).

Step 2 – select date 29 November and then click on the pop-up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry we cannot accept late orders.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email, or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is the cost-effective option The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, these require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your Quickcliq account.

Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37 or email support@quickcliq.com.au.

** To cancel an order please contact the canteen direct on 9243 2434**


Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll


4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)


All meals come with:

Juice Bomb Apple Raspberry


Christmas cracker

(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information on ingredients etc 9243 2434)




Order must be placed through Quickcliq, if you haven’t already registered please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.  If you need help registering, please contact Quickcliq on

1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Online Username and Password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE)

Step 2 – select date 30 November 2022 and then click on the pop up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry no exceptions.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – should be completed if your child has any health warnings/food allergies/ intolerances

Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is a free option and it allows you to pay the exact amount.  The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, which require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your online account.

 Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact Quickcliq by phoning 1300 11 66 37 or email info@quickcliq.com.au.

Dear Parents,


ELC Nativity:  Friday 25 November: 12noon and 2pm 

Duncraig Theatre, 100 Doveridge Drive, Duncraig. 


All ELC children from Kindy to Year 2 will be involved in both concerts. Doors to the Theatre will be opened 15 minutes prior to the performances. 


Throughout this day all ELC Students will spend the day at the Duncraig Campus. Students will need to be dropped off at Cousins Hall by 8:30am and collected at 3pm. Parking will be available on Hamer Oval.  More details will be sent closer to the day.

Tickets will be available from Monday 7 November at 8am. There is no charge for tickets. 

Please book your tickets here:  www.trybooking.com/CDSODTwo tickets are allocated per family, and seating is unallocated.  Please attend the session that you have booked for. If you need to change to a different session time, please contact the ELC Reception.

If you have any queries, or would like to go on a waiting list for additional tickets, please contact the ELC Reception on 9243 2481 or by email to adminelc@ststephens.wa.edu.au


Term 4 – Notices – Week 5

We are halfway through Term 4 now and our preparations for all of the end of year events are really starting to ramp up.

Despite it being a busy time, it is also a very enjoyable time as we get to celebrate all of the great things the students have done this year.

One of the events taking place is the family fun afternoon on Wednesday 7th December. We will all come together as a school community on the primary oval for an afternoon of festivities which include slip and slides and a Christmas themed colour run. Some food and drink vendors will be on site, including ice cream, coffee, fairy floss and popcorn, so all you will need to bring is a picnic lunch and be ready for a fun end to the year.

In order to run this community event, we will be asking for volunteers to support with various parts of the afternoon including supervising the slip and slides, helping with the running of the colour run, supporting the fairy floss and popcorn machines and helping with the parking arrangements.

If you are able to help, please let us know and we will put your name on the list.

Thank you in advance for your support.

You may also have seen flyers on your children’s class blog last week which provides information regarding our charitable collections for this term. If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the basic information (for full details, check out the blog):


  • ELC are collecting for Kids in Care: Collection date will close on Friday 18 November.


  • 3-6 are collecting for Uniting Care West Food Collection: All items should be delivered to school by Friday 25 November (please see flyer for which food item each class is collecting)


Week Ahead:


Tuesday 8 November – Sports Carnival PP-Yr2 (Hamer Oval)

Wednesday 9 November – Digital Learning Adventure Year 1 & 2

Friday 11 November – Assembly Kindy Koalas


Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 November – Year 6 Camp to Swan Valley Adventure Centre

Friday 11 November – Last day to order 2023 resource list from Campion (If ordered after this date, the goods may not arrive on time for the new school year and a charge of $8.00 per order will be incurred.)

Wishing you a wonderful week,

Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Duncraig Primary Resource Lists (Kindy – 6 in 2023)

Students are supplied with a list of essential items and texts which have to be purchased for school. This is handled by Campion Education WA.

Resource lists will be available online through the Campion website.

From Monday 17 October – Friday 11 November 2022

(If ordered after this date, the goods may not arrive on time for the new school year and a charge of $8.00 per order will be incurred.)

Order online at www.campion.com.au

Click on “Online ordering for parents and students”

Create your account

Select St Stephen’s School Duncraig and enter the Duncraig Campus Kindy – Year 6 code, MWDP

Select the year level and then choose the items you wish to purchase.

Each resource list is headed by a caveat that states that books may be accessed from other sources if you wish. However, if you choose to do this you need to ensure that students have the materials in order to commence their school year. We encourage students to use stationery supplies from previous years, if in suitable condition. Some stationery supplies will need to be replaced during the year.

The online dates for our Primary School and Secondary School are different. The dates above are for Kindy – Year 6 in 2023. Secondary School lists will open on 11 November.

Date of delivery, of orders placed prior to the cut-off date, is Friday 2 December

Resource lists 2023 K-6 blog notice


Friday 11 November is Remembrance Day


Red poppies will be available in the front offices of the Primary and Secondary School, as well as the ELC.

A simple gold coin donation is requested, in support of RSL.




Your gift of non-perishable food this Christmas, will relieve the stress and worry for many families.

Join with Uniting WA and Food Bank to collect and deliver generous food hampers.

Ask your class teacher for the food item that has been allocated to your class and place in the collection bag provided.

All items should be delivered by Friday, November 25




  • Social and Dad Rep positions to be filled by the end of 2022 school year
  • Class Rep positions will be finalised at the start of 2023 once class allocations are known.

ELC TERM 4 MEAL       

Kindy to Year 2

Tuesday, 29 November 2022


Order must be placed through QuickCliQ, if you haven’t already registered, please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.

If you need help registering, please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Quickcliq username and password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button.

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, Health warning in your student profile should be completed if your child has any food allergies/ intolerances).

Step 2 – select date 29 November and then click on the pop-up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry we cannot accept late orders.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email, or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is the cost-effective option The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, these require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your Quickcliq account.

Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact QuickCliQ on 1300 11 66 37 or email support@quickcliq.com.au.

** To cancel an order please contact the canteen direct on 9243 2434**


Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Cheese Pizza Roll


Bacon Cheese Pizza Roll


4 pack sushi – gluten free

(teriyaki chicken or tuna or vegetable)


All meals come with:

Juice Bomb Apple Raspberry


Christmas cracker

(Please contact Canteen Manager if you require any information on ingredients etc 9243 2434)




Order must be placed through Quickcliq, if you haven’t already registered please do so at www.quickcliq.com.au.  If you need help registering, please contact Quickcliq on

1300 11 66 37.

Follow the instructions below to order:

Log in using your Online Username and Password.

Click blue ‘MEAL ORDER’ button

Step 1 – select your child (PLEASE ENSURE ALL DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE)

Step 2 – select date 30 November 2022 and then click on the pop up dialogue box SPECIAL EVENT MENU.

Orders must be placed by the cut-off date of Thursday, 24 November at 7.30am – sorry no exceptions.

Step 3 – add to cart: click on the cross next to MEAL DEALS then tick the meal deal of your choice and then click blue ADD TO CART.

Step 4 – should be completed if your child has any health warnings/food allergies/ intolerances

Don’t forget to click ‘PAY AND PLACE ORDER’ before leaving the page. You will receive a confirmation email or you can click the Active orders tab on the homepage to check your order is pending.

Payment by direct deposit is a free option and it allows you to pay the exact amount.  The other payment methods are credit card or PayPal, which require a minimum account credit of $20 and have a small fee attached.  Please ensure you allow enough time for payments to reach your online account.

 Any queries regarding food please contact the school canteen on 9243 2434.

For any queries regarding ordering online please contact Quickcliq by phoning 1300 11 66 37 or email info@quickcliq.com.au.

Dear Parents,


ELC Nativity:  Friday 25 November: 12noon and 2pm 

Duncraig Theatre, 100 Doveridge Drive, Duncraig. 


All ELC children from Kindy to Year 2 will be involved in both concerts. Doors to the Theatre will be opened 15 minutes prior to the performances. 


Throughout this day all ELC Students will spend the day at the Duncraig Campus.  Students will need to be dropped off at Cousins Hall by 8:30am and collected at 3pm. Parking will be available on Hamer Oval.  More details will be sent closer to the day.

Tickets will be available from Monday 7 November at 8am. There is no charge for tickets. 

Please book your tickets here:  www.trybooking.com/CDSODTwo tickets are allocated per family, and seating is unallocated.  Please attend the session that you have booked for. If you need to change to a different session time, please contact the ELC Reception.

If you have any queries, or would like to go on a waiting list for additional tickets, please contact the ELC Reception on 9243 2481 or by email to adminelc@ststephens.wa.edu.au




Primary Music Concert Thursday 24 November 6:45 School Theatre


The following Ensembles will be performing at the upcoming Primary Music Department Concert;

Primary Chorale, Chamber Choir, Year 3 and 6 String Duet, Primary School Orchestra, Middle School Orchestra, Primary Guitar Ensemble, The Minstrels and Middle School Band.

Tickets may be purchased for $10 through the following link.


The concert should last for about 90 minutes.

Term 4 – Notices – Week 4

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We trust your children had many exciting stories to share from Orientation Day on Friday, there was much excitement across ELC and 3-6 as students moved into their next year level. It was wonderful to see our students’ welcome new families and make new friends on the day.

Class Placement 2023

As we prepare for 2023, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the process we use when placing students in their classes for next year. Please note that all teachers place students after examination of several factors which include:

  • Social and emotional concerns
  • Friendship preferences
  • Academic ability
  • Staff observations

Your child’s current class teachers construct their class lists in collaboration with their partner year group Teacher(s), Learning Assistance and Specialist Teachers. Where possible, the teaching staff will provide experiences for students to interact across the classes to also observe student interactions with students not currently in their class.

Once the teachers have completed their class list recommendations, they are forwarded on to the Primary Leadership Team. Class lists are reviewed by leadership.

The process of creating class lists is done carefully and over a period of time. Please be assured that every decision we make is in the best interests of your child and understand that, while we recognise the uniqueness and preferences of each student, we will not guarantee a preferred placement. Please, can I encourage you to trust in the professionalism and dedication of our staff as they consider the many factors in placing your child in a particular class and not make requests for preferred class placements for your child.

You will be notified of your child’s teacher in January 2023 before they commence school on Monday 30 January 2023.

Week ahead:


Friday 4 November –       Pre Primary Pirate Day

Kindy Bilbies Assembly


Friday 4 November –      French Assembly

Warm regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

Duncraig Primary Resource Lists (Kindy – 6 in 2023)

Students are supplied with a list of essential items and texts which have to be purchased for school. This is handled by Campion Education WA.

Resource lists will be available online through the Campion website.

From Monday 17 October – Friday 11 November 2022

(If ordered after this date, the goods may not arrive on time for the new school year and a charge of $8.00 per order will be incurred.)

Order online at www.campion.com.au

Click on “Online ordering for parents and students”

Create your account

Select St Stephen’s School Duncraig and enter the Duncraig Campus Kindy – Year 6 code, MWDP

Select the year level and then choose the items you wish to purchase.

Each resource list is headed by a caveat that states that books may be accessed from other sources if you wish. However, if you choose to do this you need to ensure that students have the materials in order to commence their school year. We encourage students to use stationery supplies from previous years, if in suitable condition. Some stationery supplies will need to be replaced during the year.

The online dates for our Primary School and Secondary School are different. The dates above are for Kindy – Year 6 in 2023. Secondary School lists will open on 11 November.

Date of delivery, of orders placed prior to the cut-off date, is Friday 2 December

Resource lists 2023 K-6 blog notice




Term 4 – Notices – Week 3

Welcome to Week 3,

This morning, the Primary School started its week in the usual fashion with worship, led by the fantastic Mr Steven and the Year 6 Captains. However, today, we welcomed some Year 9 exchange students from Japan.

These students joined us for worship and spent some time running activities for the Year 4 students. All were fully engaged and the Japanese teachers were astounded by the engagement and behaviour of our students.

I’d also like to extend a warm welcome to all our parents who wish to come along to worship. Worship takes place every Monday morning in the primary school and alternate Friday mornings in the ELC. If you are available, we would love to see you there.

Dropping students off at school early

We are beginning to see an increase in the number of students being dropped off early in the Primary School. Some as early as 7.30am. Please note that we do not have a staff member on duty until 8.15am, therefore, can we please ask that children are not dropped off before that time.

If you need to drop them early in order to get to work, we have an OSH club facility available, who can take your child(ren) and bring them to school at an appropriate time.

Please see the events in the coming week


26 October – Closing of the 2022 Synthesis Art Exhibition

28 October – Orientation Day 8.30-10.30


26 October – Closing of the 2022 Synthesis Art Exhibition

28 October – Orientation Day 8.30-12.30

28 October – PE Assembly commencing at 2.20pm


Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones

Duncraig Primary Resource Lists (Kindy – 6 in 2023)

Students are supplied with a list of essential items and texts which have to be purchased for school. This is handled by Campion Education WA.

Resource lists will be available online through the Campion website.

From Monday 17 October – Friday 11 November 2022

(If ordered after this date, the goods may not arrive on time for the new school year and a charge of $8.00 per order will be incurred.)

Order online at www.campion.com.au

Click on “Online ordering for parents and students”

Create your account

Select St Stephen’s School Duncraig and enter the Duncraig Campus Kindy – Year 6 code, MWDP

Select the year level and then choose the items you wish to purchase.

Each resource list is headed by a caveat that states that books may be accessed from other sources if you wish. However, if you choose to do this you need to ensure that students have the materials in order to commence their school year. We encourage students to use stationery supplies from previous years, if in suitable condition. Some stationery supplies will need to be replaced during the year.

The online dates for our Primary School and Secondary School are different. The dates above are for Kindy – Year 6 in 2023. Secondary School lists will open on 11 November.

Date of delivery, of orders placed prior to the cut-off date, is Friday 2 December

Resource lists 2023 K-6 blog notice



St Stephen’s Duncraig Term 3 Report 2022







Term 4 – Notices – Week 2

Dear Parents and Community, 

What a fabulous Disco we had on Friday night! It was a wonderful opportunity for all the Primary children to have fun and spend time with each other and for extended family members to catch up and have dinner too. A huge thank you to all the parents who helped run this event and set up Cousins Hall. Special thanks to Dee Crowther and Kristen Moriarty for their work in organising and planning the disco. It was lovely to see the community come together. From feedback we have received, it was very much enjoyed by all.

This week there are a number of special events happening across the ELC and 3-6.


Monday 17 October to 11 November – Campion Resource Lists open for ordering (please see instructions below)

Thursday 20 October – Opening night for the 2022 Synthesis Art Exhibition

Friday 21 October – 1R Assembly


Monday 17 October to 11 November – Campion Resource Lists open for ordering (please see instructions below)

Monday 17 October to 20 October – Year 5 & 6 students will participate in Bike Education lessons during their PE classes

Wednesday 19 October – Scitech Challenge Day (selected year 6 students)

Thursday 20 October – Opening night for the 2022 Synthesis Art Exhibition

Friday 21 October – Inter school basketball competition (selected Yr 5&6’s)

We wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston.

Duncraig Primary Resource Lists (Kindy – 6 in 2023)

Students are supplied with a list of essential items and texts which have to be purchased for school. This is handled by Campion Education WA.

Resource lists will be available online through the Campion website.

From Monday 17 October – Friday 11 November 2022

(If ordered after this date, the goods may not arrive on time for the new school year and a charge of $8.00 per order will be incurred.)

Order online at www.campion.com.au

Click on “Online ordering for parents and students”

Create your account

Select St Stephen’s School Duncraig and enter the Duncraig Campus Kindy – Year 6 code, MWDP

Select the year level and then choose the items you wish to purchase.

Each resource list is headed by a caveat that states that books may be accessed from other sources if you wish. However, if you choose to do this you need to ensure that students have the materials in order to commence their school year. We encourage students to use stationery supplies from previous years, if in suitable condition. Some stationery supplies will need to be replaced during the year.

The online dates for our Primary School and Secondary School are different. The dates above are for Kindy – Year 6 in 2023. Secondary School lists will open on 11 November.

Date of delivery, of orders placed prior to the cut-off date, is Friday 2 December

Resource lists 2023 K-6 blog notice

St Stephen’s Duncraig Term 3 Report 2022




Dear Parents and Carers,

The Synthesis Exhibition and Film Festival, Transcendence, opens on Thursday, 20th October 2022. We hope you have seen the banner displayed on the cricket nets over the past weeks as you have entered the School grounds!

You are invited to attend from 5pm in the Primary Village and then to move up to the theatre foyer for 5:30pm.

In 2022, this event will return to an unticketed format, although capacity limits for presentations in the theatre will still apply.

We look forward to welcoming the School community to celebrate our Arts, Design and Technologies students creative projects for 2022.

Kind regards,

Pippa Travaglione and Guy Paragalli

Term 4 – Notices – Week 1

Welcome back,

We hope you have all been able to have a great break and are ready for Term 4.

There are a lot of wonderful and exciting things happening in this final term of 2022 and we are all looking forward to having the students back and getting started.

During the holiday break, the wonderful property services team have been working hard to make sure both the ELC and Primary sites are clean, safe and ready for learning. We hope you will notice some of the great work they have done over the last 2 weeks.

This week starts off with a bang, as we have the school disco on Friday. We hope to see you all there, with your dancing shoes on!

Here’s a look at the key events for the next 2 weeks:

Week 1

Tuesday 11th October 2022 – Students Return to school

Friday 14th October 2022 – School Disco

Week 2

Thursday 20th October 2022 – Opening of Synthesis Art Exhibition

Friday 21st October 2022 – Synthesis Art6 Exhibition

  • Interschool Basket ball competition (Y5&6)


Andrew Johnston & Hannah Lockwood-Jones

YEAR 5 and 6 ONLY  – Inter School Basketball – Term 4 try outs  

Early in term 4 on Friday 21 October, St Stephens will send four basketball teams to an inter school competition held at Warwick Stadium. There will be two boys teams and two girls teams with 8 students in each team. The teams will be selected from try out sessions that are open to all year 5s and 6s. Selection is not based on age but on performance. You do not need to email me regarding interest. Simply attend the try out sessions. The try out sessions will be held on the following dates and times:

Tuesday 11 October – 1pm – girls

Friday 14 October – TBC – mixed

Monday 17 October – 1pm – boys

Tuesday 18 October – 1pm – mixed


YEAR 5 and 6 ONLY – Inter School Cricket – Term 4 try outs

On Friday 18 November, St Stephens will send four teams to Seacrest Oval, Sorrento for an inter school cricket competition. There will be two boys teams and two girls teams. Selection for each team will be based on try outs that will begin on Monday 24 October, 1pm for the girls and Tuesday 25 October, 1pm for the boys. Other session dates will be confirmed later. All year 5s and 6s are welcome to try out. Selection is not based on age but on performance. The cricket format is super 8s cricket which is a limited overs format where big hitting is the key with tight accurate bowling. Every player bats and bowls. You do not need to email me regarding interest. Simply attend the try out sessions.


Year 5 and 6 ONLY – Bike Education  

Dear Year 5 and 6 Parents

In weeks 2 and 3 of term 4(week of 17 Oct and 24 Oct), Year 5 and 6 students will participate in Bike Education lessons.

For Year 6 students, the lessons will serve as preparation for a potential end of year excursion.

Year 5 and 6 students will participate in Bike Education lessons at school during their PE classes.

The lesson dates and times are as follows:

5M – Tue 18 Oct: 11a-12:20p, Tue 25 Oct: 11a-12:20p

5L – Wed 19 Oct: 9:20a-10:40a, Wed 26 Oct: 9:20a-10:40a

5R – Thurs 20 Oct: 9:20a-10:40a, Thurs 27 Oct: 9:20a-10:40a

6L – Mon 17 Oct: 1:40p-3p, Mon 24 Oct: 1:40p-3p

6O – Tue 18 Oct: 8:40a-10a, Tue 25 Oct: 8:40a-10a

6F – Tue 18 Oct: 1:40p-3p, Tue 25 Oct: 1:40p-3p

Students will need a bike and helmet for these lessons. Please note that I am not suggesting that a bike needs to be purchased, simply, students will need access to a functional bike for those lessons. If you choose to purchase, the Stirling Tip is a fantastic place to pick up an absolute bargain.

My reasons for notice…

  1. Students will need access to a functional bike, that will need to be brought to school for the two lessons. I would prefer that all bikes be taken home at the end of each day, however I realise that this will not always be possible and attempts will be made to try and accommodate students unable to take their bikes home. The lessons at school will at times be on a hard surface and other times on grass or sand, so a mountain bike or bmx would be preferable, however not a necessity.
  2. Students who are not competent on a bike, or are not able to display endurance on the bike during the lessons, may struggle to fully participate. If your child is not yet competent on their bike, please take the time available to prepare them for a significant ride as it is not my wish that any student misses out. Please note that this is also an aspect of PE that I assess on.


Daniel Parker

Physical Education Specialist

Term 3 – Notices – Week 9


Monday 19 September – Non uniform day

Tuesday 20 September  – Kindy – Farmer Mick Incursion

Thursday 22 September – PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Friday 23 September – Music Assembly


Monday 19 September – Non uniform day

Tuesday and Wednesday 20 & 21 September – Interschool Athletics (selected students)

Wednesday 21 September – 6.45 BYOD iPad information night Year 5 2023 parents only

Thursday 22 September – PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Thursday 23 September – 3F Assembly

The week ahead is a shorter week as we have a public holiday due to Queen Elizabeth II passing.

 There is still a lot of things happening as we finish this term. Please ensure that you look through the items above and read your class blog to keep up to date on all upcoming events and activities.

Today we had our non-uniform day. On these days we raise money for charities that the community supports. This is an important part of our Service Learning – Serve One Another. The students will hear about/from the charities we are supporting at Worship and in class. This provides our students with the opportunity of hearing about others in need and the impact of funds raised can make. This term we are raising money for Harvest Ministries and Ping Pong-a-thon (International Justice Mission) .

 As we finish off this term, both Andrew and I would like to thank all the staff for their care and service at our school. The staff have had a very busy term and provided the students with additional learning activities and community events. These events take a lot of planning and support from the admin, education staff and property services team. Thank you to all those people.

 We wish you all a very safe and happy school break. We look forward to seeing you all on your return to Term 4.

 Kind regards,

 Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston.


Lost property is overflowing, all named items have been returned to students. Please see photo for all remaining unnamed lost property. Please check if your child is missing an item of uniform before the end of term. A reminder to please ensure all items that come to school are named. Thank you.

The School Disco is not far away!! Friday 14th October at Cousins Hall.Lots of food trucks available on the night so bring your picnic rug and stay for dinner before or after your child’s session.Please see the office for a paper copy of the permission slip if you are unable to print at home.For all inquiries please contact the disco organisers – sssduncraigdisco@gmail.com

St Stephens Disco 22 Permission Slip