Term 1 – Notices – Week 10

Dear Parents,

What an incredible week we just had. It was a week full of firsts and learning curves for all. As a staff, we grew a lot through the week and learned so much about how to deliver lessons on line. Also, thank you so much for taking the time to complete the online survey that went out last week. Your feedback, both positive and constructive, is greatly appreciated.

As you know, tomorrow is a ‘pupil free day’, in the sense that there won’t be any online lessons delivered. Please know that if you are an essential worker, you may certainly still bring your children in. For tomorrow, our staff will be spending time being upskilled in their use of online platforms to enhance the delivery of lessons and connections with students in Term 2. While we haven’t had official decisions from the government, it is only wise that we at least plan for this new style of education to continue for at least part of next term. As we continue to learn more, I’m sure there will be adjustments to how we are delivering and experiencing school.

I thought I should also take this opportunity to briefly discuss the amount of work that your children are expected to do each day. As you are well aware, each child is different, as is each home circumstance. With the work being sent home, we are not looking to fill a full six and a half hour school day for the children at home. This would be an unreasonable expectation on them and on you as parents. We are also aware that the amount of work that students get through in a set time, in a home environment, will often be more than in a classroom. Physical activity, break times, creative sessions etc. are all valuable parts of the day that may not specifically come through the blogs.

I want to thank you all for your support to the teachers and learning assistants who are showing their sincere dedication to your children’s education and care.

Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones and Jarrod Heglund

The Duncraig ID Books are now available to view and purchase on the schools Web Gallery.

To access the gallery, follow the below procedure:

1.        Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com

2.        Click on the St Stephen’s School – Duncraig logo

3.        Enter password :  powa11

Please note: all orders made in the next 4 weeks will be delivered to the school and distributed to the relevant people. Any orders after that will be posted and a fee will be incurred.

If the you have any queries, please contact Customer Service at customerservice@photohendriks.com.au



Firetech are taking their courses online these school holidays. Visit the Firetech website to explore the course options available:
– Live Tutor-led sessions
– Secure and moderated online classroom
– Rolling start times
– Small groups (maximum eight students per group)

Firetech are offering 50% off for this inaugural run. Join them at www.firetechcamp.com.au

Notice from CommBank School Banking

The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and our people is our first priority. Due to the rapidly developing situation with coronavirus, School Banking has been temporarily paused from 20 March 2020 until the start of Term 2. Please don’t bring your deposit book with your weekly banking into school and we will notify you when banking will recommence.

ELC Prayer Group

There are a group of parents who meet each Tuesday to pray for the school and people in the school. If you have something you would like us to pray for, please fill in a little prayer note and put it in the prayer box located at the front office or library. These can be anonymous if you prefer.

We’d also love to invite anyone who would like to, to come along to the prayer group.

  • Tuesday mornings from about 8:45-9:15 (Kindy parents welcome to join at 9am)
  • ELC only – Prayer group now taking place via zoom Tuesday at 3:30.
    Contact Karen on karenmailhone@gmail.com to join or for prayer requests.
  • Come regularly or whenever you can
  • Toddlers/babies are very welcome
  • Its very informal, and you don’t have to pray out loud if you don’t want to.

We will be going out for coffee after prayer group this Tuesday so its a great time to join us.

Any queries to Karen Schneider 0423 353 711

Prayer Groups Across St Stephen’s School

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