Welcome to Week 9 of Term 2.
When we reflect on the semester there is so much for us to be grateful for:-
The fantastic students and what each one brings to our community.
Our families and their commitment and support to the school.
The staff and their dedication to continually go above and beyond to do their very best.
The learning that has taken place and the foundations that are being laid for the future.
Our wonderful Admin team who help us throughout the day, keep the school running and the students well looked after.
Our executive board as they guide and lead us.
The well known ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” is certainly lived out at our school. The partnerships between us all, are and will continue to be, the basis of our community. We continue to work together to build and support the students as they grow and learn.
Thank you so much, parents and guardians, for your continued support.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossian 3:15
Week ahead
It is a very busy week ahead across the Primary School. Please ensure that you keep up to date with your child’s class blog too.
23 June – Interschool Cross Country (Mawson Park Hillarys)
23 June – Worship
23 June 11am – Kindy Police Incursion
23 June 2.45pm – Pre- Primary Choir Performance
Monday 26 June – Non-Uniform Day
20 June – Rookie Debating – Grand Final
20 June 6pm – Year 4 Camp Information Night
21 June 6.45pm – Middle School Music Concert
22 June 6.45pm – Primary Music Concert
23 June – Interschool Cross Country (Mawson Park Hillarys)
Monday 26 June – Non-Uniform Day
Have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you around the school soon.
Hannah Lockwood-Jones and Andrew Johnston
A message from the school nurse:
Dear 3-6 Parents
We wish to inform you that head lice have been found within Year 5.
To assist in limiting the spread, can you please check your child’s hair tonight and treat if necessary.
For more information on how to treat head lice please go to the Department of Health’s website at;
Thank you.
ELC Non-Uniform Day Monday 26 June
Year 1 have been researching endangered Australian animals, in particular the numbat and the western swamp tortoise. Year 1’s have been so moved by the plight of these special WA animals that they have asked Mrs Lockwood Jones if the money collected in the upcoming free dress day can be donated to accompanying charities.
They have created posters to help further spread awareness as they endeavour to ‘take action’. These can be seen throughout the ELC.
Thank you for your support in their efforts.
StemSmart School Holiday Workshops
“Are you ready for an exciting and enriching school holiday experience for your child? Look no further than STEMSmart’s July School Holiday Workshops at St. Stephen’s Duncraig! We are thrilled to bring you a diverse range of courses designed to ignite your child’s curiosity, nurture their creativity, and empower them with essential STEM skills.
Whether your child dreams of becoming a photographer, a coding prodigy, a Minecraft master, or a musical phenomenon, we have the perfect workshop to unleash their potential.
Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to secure your child’s spot today by visiting our website by clicking the link below:
We can’t wait to see you these holidays!”
Dear Parents
Reports for PP – Year 6 will be available online through SEQTA Engage, on Friday 30 June.
Kindy students will receive a reflection for Semester 1.
Reporting day is optional for parents of K – Year 6 students, if you wish to have an interview to discuss your child’s progress, they will be conducted on Monday 24 July. Interviews will take place in the ELC Forum, Primary Village or via Teams. Should you prefer to utilise Teams for an online interview, please email your child’s teacher after booking online to advise of your selected time prior to reporting day. The online interview will be conducted utilising your child’s Teams account and your child’s teacher will commence the interview at your scheduled time.
The following time periods are available:
8.30am – 10am
11am – 12.30pm
2.30pm – 4pm
4.30pm – 6.00pm
Online Reporting Day bookings will be open from Monday 26 June and will close on Monday 17 July.
Please note that interviews are timed for 10 minutes only, and your child’s attendance is optional. We will be setting goals with the children during class time in Week 2 of Term 3. If there are larger issues that you need to discuss with the teacher, please contact the teacher to arrange a separate appointment.
The Parent Portal can be accessed using the following URL: https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/
Under Plan the Term > click on Interview Bookings > then Login to EdInfo to book an interview. Once in EdInfo, click on the Interviews tab and select your preferred time with the teacher.
Parents, log into the Parent portal using your parent username
(e.g. 12345@parent.ststephens.wa.edu.au) and parent password.
Please go to https://password.ststephens.wa.edu.au if you need to reset/modify your password. If you require further assistance, please contact the ICT Parent helpdesk at https://help.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ or on 9243 2160.
If you wish to meet with a Specialist teacher, please email them directly to book a time.
Kind regards
Primary Leadership Team
Reporting Day in the Primary School 2023