Term 3, Week 3 Notices


OSH News

We hope everyone had a safe and lovely break during the school holidays. During the last week of the school holidays we had a program running at OSH. Children and educators had lots of fun doing arts and crafts, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, celebrating Christmas in July, searching for bugs outside, dressing up in our pyjamas and having messy play. We even had the Mindarie Regional Council come out to OSH club and educate us on recycling. Children engaged in a range of recycling activities and furthered their understanding of keeping our community clean and free from rubbish. We were also very lucky to have the Kingsway Soccer Club coach come out and teach the children how to play soccer. Children engaged in a range of different soccer drills and learnt new skills.
We truly had a wonderful time filled with laughter, friendships and happiness. 
This term we are focusing on recycling and up-cycling. We also very excited to connect with our local community and have them come to visit us at Osh club. Educators have organised an ambulance, puppet show, police visit and community bird watchers to come spend the afternoons with us!
If you would like any further information please come and visit our friendly staff.
Rachel- OSH Club, Coordinator.  

Inter-house Music Festival

The Festival this year will be held on Friday 17 August 2018. Children can enter in multiple sections and perform on different instruments before an adjudicator. Points are tallied to determine the winning house across the whole school.
Entry forms are due back by this Friday, 10 August 2018 and are available through this link –

Languages Week

ELC Term 3 : Active School Clubs

Primary 3-6, Term 3 : Active School Clubs

Parent Symposium: this Friday evening

Please book your tickets here: www.trybooking.com/VXCQ

ELC Disco: next week

Book Week at the ELC : A Living Story


Book Week 2018

Primary 3-6: Father’s Day Breakfast

RSVP to Joy Ford on joy.ford@ststephens.wa.edu.au

Please note that the date has changed from earlier posts.

Fete: Update

Market Stall Inquiries: Janelle Charteris – jellmic@bigpond.com.au

Silent Auction Inquiries: Dee Crowther – deidre.crowther@gmail.com

All General Inquiries: Julie Wookey – cullyn5@bigpond.com.au 

Fete: Stalls

Fete: Mystery Jars

Fete: Silent Auction

ELC : Year 1 Project – Next Monday

Borrowed Notes – Musical Instruments

Messy Church is on – this coming Sunday

St Stephen’s Food Appeal

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