Archive | June 2019

Term 2, Week 9 Notices

Reporting Day 2019

Dear Parents


Reports for PP – Yr 6 will be available online through Seqta Engage, on Wednesday 3 July at 4pm.       

Reporting day is optional for parents of PP – Yr 6 students, however, if you wish to have an interview, they will be conducted on Monday 29 July.  To enable other staff to prepare the classrooms, interviews will take place in the ELC Forum/Primary Village.

8am – 10am

10.30am – 12.30pm

2.30pm – 4pm

4.30pm – 6.30pm


Online Reporting Day bookings will be open from 4pm on Tuesday 25 June and will close at 4pm on Thursday 25 July.  

Please note that interviews are timed for 15 minutes only and your child’s attendance is optional. We will be setting goals with the children during class time in Week 2 of Term 3.  If there are larger issues that you need to discuss with the teacher please contact the teacher to arrange a separate appointment.

All interviews need to be booked online through Seqta at  where all parents can access school systems. Interview Bookings can be found under the Plan the Term tab options.

Parents, log into the portal using your and you will then be prompted for a login and password for Edinfo once they click on the Interviews tab. The login will be your ID and same password.  Then select your preferred time with the teacher.

If you wish to meet with a Specialist teacher, please organise this directly with them via email.

If you require further assistance, please contact the ICT Parent helpdesk at  or on 9243 2160.

Online bookings will be open from 4pm Tuesday 25 June and will close at 4.00pm Thursday 25 July.  


Kind regards

Primary Leadership Team


Extra Curricular Activities

Dear Parents


We are excited to continue with activity activities at the beginning of Term 3, but with a new name and booking system. The new name is Extra Curriculum Activities (ECA) and our new online booking system, Bookwhen.

We commence the activities for Term 3 in Week 3, on Monday 12 Aug 2019. These will run for 6 weeks, finishing in Week 8, Friday 20 September 2019.

Your child/children from PP to Year 6, are welcome to participate in an Extra Curriculum Activities (ECA) at their respective ELC or 3 – 6 campus (see attached list of activities). It is important that children understand that they must commit to the activity for the whole 6 weeks. When school finishes, there is a short afternoon tea break so please pack something healthy for them to enjoy. Parents, please be prompt when collecting your children in the afternoon.

Registration and Activities will be open for student enrolments on Wednesday 26 June at 6.00 pm.

Please click on the following link or head to the Parent Portal and click on Plan the Day>Primary School Clubs and click on the Enrol button. *Please note registration is required before you can enrol in an activity.

Places are limited for each activity so please only enrol in one activity. Allocated is on a ‘first in’ basis. It is important that your child commits to the activity for the full 6 weeks.

Many activities have a limited number of places, so if a club is full, please continue to register your name on the wait list.

Parents are required to register using an email address and password then each student can be registered in preparation for enrolment. Please ensure that all areas are completed.

We look forward to a term full of activity and thank you for using the new online booking system.

If you require any further information, please contact the ELC or Primary Office.

Thank you for your support.

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Jarrod Heglund

Mon Parker – Supported by our gold coin donations next Monday

Next Monday, the 1st of July, is our end of term ‘Free Dress Day’ and our gold coin donations will go to help support Mon Parker and her amazing work. Please remember to hand in your gold coin to your teacher.

ELC Meal Deal – order by this Friday for delivery on Tuesday, 2nd of July

Order here:

Primary Meal Deal – Order today for delivery on Thursday, 27 June

Order here:

Stay Calm, Story Night In is Coming to the ELC in Term 3…

Book Week is also coming to both the ELC and Primary in Term 3…

Lilies For Sale

Children’s University

Children’s University, run in Western Australia by Edith Cowan University (ECU), encourages children between 7 – 14 years old to be self-directed learners through activities such as sport, dance, reading, drama, arts and holiday activities. The hours students complete are recorded in a passport and after a minimum 30 accredited hours, students are invited to a formal graduation ceremony on ECU’s campus to receive their award. The program is a great way to demonstrate the pathways that are possible for further and tertiary learning and provide opportunities to build self-esteem.  Students are rewarded for participation, rather than academic achievement. The program is completely voluntary and should be driven by the interest of each child.

Further information about the program is available on the website: or

social media: 

The Children’s University ECU team spoke to students during the assembly on Friday 21 June.  Passports and payment can be made through the Primary Office.

This entry was posted on June 24, 2019. 1 Comment

Term 2, Week 8 Notices

Connecting In Conversations

In our latest Connecting In Conversations session, a few parents raised the point that it might be beneficial for parents to attend subject information evenings that are aimed at specific Year groups in the Secondary School. While we understand that our Primary students are still a number of years away from making decisions about their Secondary School journey, we also recognise that, as parents, you may like to have a deeper understanding of what that process might look like. With that in mind, we would like to extend an invitation for you to attend the upcoming Subject InformationEvenings, each of which will have a focus on a different age range.

Below you will find a short description of the events, which have simply been adapted from the letters that were sent to the related Year groups. I do apologise about the short notice for the events, but they had already been planned before the suggestion was made that Primary parents may wish to attend.

  • Year 9 and Year 10, 2020 Subject Information Evening

The Subject Information Evening will be held on Monday 17 June 2019 in the Theatre starting at 6.30 pm. This evening will provide an overview of requirements for WACE Graduation, presentations about elective subjects, and the opportunity to ask questions of Heads of Learning Area. Parents and students are invited to attend.

  • Information Evening and Curriculum Handbook for Year 11 (2020) 

On the evening of Tuesday 25 June, the school will host a Subject Information Evening for Year 11 (2020) students and parents, commencing at 6.30pm in the Theatre. This is an opportunity to hear about future pathways, subject offerings, and to discuss queries with Heads of Learning Area.

  • Subject Information Evening for Year 12 (2020) 

You are invited to attend the Subject Information Evening for Year 12 (2020) students and parents, to be held on the evening of Tuesday 25 June, at 7.00pm in Cousins Hall. This is an opportunity to hear about post school pathways and WACE graduation, and to discuss any questions with Heads of Learning Area.

Positive Parenting Program

Book through this link:

Active Clubs Finishing This WeekELC: Scholastic Book Club Orders Closing

As the Primary 3-6 students have had the amazing opportunity of shopping at the Book Fair last week, the Scholastic Book Club Orders will only be taken for the ELC students. Please use this link to order any  items…

Free Dress Day – Monday 1st of  July

Money raised from this term’s non-uniform day will go towards supporting Mon Parker. Please remember to bring in your gold coin donation. Every little gold coin helps…  Thank you!

ELC End of Term Meal Deal – delivered on Tuesday 2nd of July

Please see the menu below and details of how to order if you are unsure.

Order here by Friday 28th of June… 

More Info:

Primary End of Term Meal Deal – delivered on Thursday 27th June

Please see the menu below and details of how to order if you are unsure.

Order here by Monday 24th June… 

More Info:

Lost Property in the Primary

Attention parents: We have numerous items in Lost Property that are unnamed. We will keep these items in the trolley until the end of this term and then they will be passed on to the Uniform Shop to sell.
Please ensure your child’s uniform is labelled, as this helps us in returning it to them when it is found.

Term 2, Week 6 Notices

Surprise! Book Fair has come to the Primary Library this week!

Mr Hegland and his band of ‘Boy’s Book Club’ members that regularly meet on a Monday at lunch time, got a ‘sneak – peek’ at the Book Fair today. About 15 – 20 boys regularly meet with Mr Hegland, to discuss what books they are reading, sharing recommendations and ideas including trying new genres. I managed to catch a couple of boys having a laugh with Mr Hegland at some new titles in the Book Fair before the end of lunch time today.

Wizard of Oz Production

Calling all seamstresses:

We would love your assistance and expertise in our ‘School Musical Production Crew’ club.

Our club is responsible for sourcing and producing much of the costuming and props for this year’s musical ‘The Wizard Of Oz’.

Our merry band of eager students would greatly benefit from access to sewing machines and any expertise that you could offer.

We meet at the Primary School on Thursday afternoons from 3.20pm – 4.20pm.

Please contact Mrs Baird at asap if you can join us.

Many thanks from,

Mrs MacMahon, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Baird, Madame Racape, Mr. Lewis and the ‘W.O.O.P’ crew! 😊


Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

Book through this link:

Lost Property in the Primary

Attention parents: We have numerous items in Lost Property that are unnamed. We will keep these items in the trolley until the end of this term and then they will be passed on to the Uniform Shop to sell.
Please ensure your child’s uniform is labelled, as this helps us in returning it to them when it is found.

Effective Networking

Book through this link: