Term 3 Week 8 Notices

Pillars of Our School

Over the years, thousands of students have entered our Primary School from Doveridge Drive each morning, walking past posts that remind them what of what the qualities of a St Stephen’s student are; Confidence, Organization, Resilience, Getting Along, Persistence.  This year, some of the Primary House Captains brought it to our attention that not only were these posts weathered and worn, but they also didn’t reflect our renamed ‘Keys to Success’ found in our diaries and used throughout our School on a daily basis.  We began a project to renew these important pillars to personal growth starting with researching and designing a prototype, collaborating with our Secondary design staff to plasma cut the new posts out of sheet metal, painting the posts and signs and finally assembling the finished product.  We are really proud of the students that we grow at St Stephen’s and our Keys to Success is an important scaffold in which we teach our young people the skills to be able to proactively and positively affect their community both now and into the future.  A special thanks to Mr Greg Hatfield for his support of this project.


Farewell Information

After School Clubs Finish This Week

Athletics Carnival Tuesday & Thursday This Week

Please be aware that the Sausage Sizzle for parents and the Meal Deal for students is on Thursday ONLY!

Service Learning Markets Thank you

Primary 3-6 Disco This Friday

Fete Information: Next Meeting Tuesday Evening at 7 pm in the Primary Village

City of Joondalup Little Feet Festival

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