Term 4, Week 2 Notices

Welcome back

The Fete is Coming… 27th of October!

Please contact these people if you can put your hand up to help…

Amanda D’Souza on 0448 995 341 or email mokes24@gmail.com

Julie Wookey on 0408 806 433 or email cullyn5@bigpond.com

Synthesis Art Exhibition October 17 – 24

Opening Night This Wednesday Evening – October 17

Little Feet Festival This Sunday, October 21

Primary 3-6: Sausage Sizzle THIS Wednesday, October 17

 Primary 3-6: Save the Date

FRIDAY the 30th of NOVEMBER,  6.45pm – 8pm
Duncraig Primary Presentation Evening
at the Carramar Campus for Years 3 – 6.


Can you help the 2018 First Lego League by taking this survey?


If you travel for work, the 2018 First Lego League would like your help. We are trying to come up with solutions for astronauts who experience homesickness, and would like to gather information from people who are often away from home.

Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey



Staffing 2019

We are still in the process of finalising our Staffing for 2019.  As soon as this is finalised, we will provide this information to parents.  We anticipate this will be completed by the first week of November and will be published on the Primary Blog.

Primary Canteen Menu – Term 4

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