Term 1 – Week 9 – Notices

Dear Parents, 

Week ahead:


Friday 31 March – Worship

Friday 31 March – Year 2 Camp Day

Monday 3 April – Free Dress Day – gold coin donation for the SABA foundation


Monday 27 – Thursday 30 March – Year 5 Surfing at Trigg Beach

Friday 31 March – Inter School Swimming Carnival – selected year 3 to 6 students

Friday 31 March – Thanksgiving Rehearsal – Primary Chorale/Chamber Choir/Singers

Monday 3 April – Free Dress Day – gold coin donation for the SABA foundation

The last full week of the term, hasn’t this term gone quickly.

We have many special events across the Primary school at both ELC and 3-6 over the next two weeks. Please continue to read the Primary and class blogs to ensure that you are up to date on what is happening for your child.

The staff at St Stephen’s School work hard to ensure that our students are offered a wide range of quality experiences. As we near the end of the term, Andrew and I would like to acknowledge their work and say a huge thank you for all that they do. We look forward to acknowledging their work, the students and our community during our combined Worship service next week.

God bless,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

An Invitation from the Primary Library

Can you spare a little time to volunteer in the Primary Library?

Please get in touch – we would love to hear from you!


Primary Library: 9243 2424


Or pop in and have a chat with one of the Library staff

 Belinda Bastion & Robyn McLoughlin

Kindy to Yr2 – ordering instructions (8)

Yr3 to Yr 6 ordering instructions Term 1 Meal

Term 1 – Week 8 – Notices

We would like to thank all of the parents who attended the 3-6 and ELC morning teas. It was great to engage more with you and to be able to talk with you and answer and questions you may have.

Continuing the discussion we had around our Key Reward system, we would like to share the next key which is the ‘Others’ key. This is where we reward the children in developing their ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. The image below shows what we encourage them to do to gain signatures towards this key.

Well done to all of the students who have taken part in NAPLAN over the last week. We are very close to finishing and we have been delighted with the way the students have applied themselves during this stressful time.

Over the last week or so, we have started to see a number of students who feeling unwell and need to go home. Can we ask that, if your child is unwell, that you keep them home so that they can make a full recovery and we can prevent any bugs being passed on to other students.

Many thanks,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston


Please see the week ahead.



24 March – Assembly 1E

24 March – Pre-Primary Wet Carnival



20 -24 March – Naplan, Year 3 & 5

24 March – Assembly 6F

Kindy to Yr2 – ordering instructions (8)




Yr3 to Yr 6 ordering instructions Term 1 Meal


Term 1 – Week 7 – Notices

Welcome to week 7,


Friday 17 March: Harmony Day – Please wear Multicultural Dress or Orange

9am – Harmony Day Worship

9.30am – ELC Parent Morning Tea

2.30pm – Year 1 Choir Performance



Tuesday 14 March – Music Ensemble Photos

Tuesday 14/3 to Friday 17/3 – Year 6 Surfing at Trigg Beach

Wednesday 15/3 to Friday 24/3  – Naplan Years 3 & 5

Friday 17 March – Harmony Day – Please wear Multicultural Dress or Orange


3-6 Swim Carnival

The 3 – 6 swimming carnival was a huge success last week. Congratulations to all of the students who competed and a special congratulations to the winning house, Timae.

As always, these events wouldn’t run smoothly if it wasn’t for the support of our community, so a huge thank you to all who supported us on the day.


3- 6 Parent Morning Tea

It was great to have some of you in the village for morning tea today and to be able to discuss the Key reward system that we use to reward students in school. One of the big takeaways was how you, as parents feel that you can also use this at home to support and develop your child, and by this being shared at home and school, there will be a common language shared.

Over the next few weeks, we will share one of our keys with some examples of what we are looking for in the students in order to reward them.

This week we will start with the ‘Me’ key. This is where we want the children to understand their feelings and recognise their strengths and gifts. The image below shows examples of how they would show this.


School Worship -A Night of Giving Thanks

Please join us for our whole school Worship at the Carramar Sports and Learning Centre on Tuesday 4 April. This is an opportunity to gather as a whole school and give thanks for all that takes place in and through our school. We encourage you to attend.


ELC -Parent Morning Tea

Please join us after Worship this Friday for a morning tea. This is an opportunity for the community to come together and for you to meet the leadership team. We are looking forward to seeing you there.


ELC Swim Carnival

The ELC swim carnival is taking place this term. For this event to go ahead we are needing parent helpers to be in the water assisting with activities and to ensure that we meet the student / adult ratio requirements needed. If you able to help out on this day, please can you put your name down on the helpers list located at reception.


Harmony Day – 17 March

Across the Primary School, ELC and 3-6 we will be celebrating Harmony Day. Each student can wear something that represents their cultural background or something orange. Harmony Day is a very special day where we celebrate the rich and diverse community we have here at St Stephen’s School.


Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.


Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston



Music Notes

All the Primary Music Ensembles are having photos taken on Tuesday 14 March in the School Theatre. Children need to be at the Theatre Foyer 10 minutes before their photo time in their white formal uniform with their instrument.


Ensemble Photo Times
7.45 Middle School Orchestra
7.50 Middle School Band
7.55 Chamber Choir
8.00 Minstrels
8.05 Guitar Ensemble 1
8.10 Primary Chorale
8.15 Primary School Orchestra

Term 1 – Week 6 – Notices

We hope you were all able to enjoy a wonderful long weekend. We were certainly blessed with great weather.

The Scholastic Book Fair has started today at 3-6. We encourage you to come and have a look at some of the fantastic books and goodies you can purchase before and after school. Students can also access it doing lunch times.

The students in Years 3 – 6 are eagerly anticipating the swimming carnival on Friday at Craigie Leisure Centre. We look forward to seeing many of you there as you cheer your children on and support the community. Please ensure your child has all of their food, lots of water for the day as well as sun cream. Please also note that, although we have predicted finishing time for the swimming, it is possible that we may finish slightly earlier or later, depending on how the day runs. Once we have finished, the students will return to school by bus. However, if you would like to take your child home from the leisure centre after the carnival has concluded, you are very welcome. Your child’s classroom teacher will have a class list and you can sign them out from there. Please note that you will only be able to sign out your child. If you have planned to take another child home, we will need to have received written permission from their parent prior to the event. Equally, if your plan is to come to the leisure centre at the end of the carnival to take your child home, please be aware that, when we finish, we will return to school, which could be earlier or later than estimated.

Over the last few weeks there have been a number of concerns raised by staff and parents about the use of playgrounds after school hours. Our playgrounds are specifically designed for students of a particular age range in that location. Some of the apparatus is not created for very young or much older children. We ask that any child playing on the playground before or after school, must at all times be supervised by an adult. Outside of school hours the students must use the playgrounds respectably and safely. Areas that are clearly marked as out of bounds or any school equipment that has been packed away by staff are not to be used by the children. If we are unable to ensure the safety of students on our ELC and 3-6 playgrounds before and after school, we will be forced to close the areas after school. Please support us in keeping all students safe.


The Week Ahead


No additional events


Friday 10 March – Interhouse Swimming Carnival


Next week both ELC & 3-6 are hosting their parent morning tea, parents are invited to join us for Worship and stay afterwards for morning tea with leadership.

Monday 13 March at 9.30am for 3-6 and Friday 17 March at 9.30am for ELC following Harmony Day Worship.



Next Friday 17 March we are celebrating Harmony Day – please dress in orange or Multicultural Dress.


Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

Term 1 – Week 5 – Notices

Dear Community,

We hope this email find s you well. Please see some important information below.


Week ahead;


27 February – 2 March – Parent Teacher Interviews

3 March – Worship



27 February – 2 March – Parent Teacher Interviews

3 March – 5MF Assembly


Parent interviews 

This week at the ELC and 3-6 parent meetings taking place. The meetings are an opportunity to speak with the teacher to see how your child is settling into their new class. Due to the high number of meetings taking place, time is limited. Please support our staff and others in the community by ensuring that you keep to your meeting time. If meeting time over runs, it will impact others and staff managing this load.


Signing in and out

Just a reminder for all parents and guardians, can you please ensure students are signed in at the Primary office by a parent/guardian when arriving late to school or leaving early. Students of a Primary age are not to permitted to sign themselves in or out.


Students in our community

We have been contacted by Glengarry Primary School over concerns at the speed which some of our students are cycling past their school. A student was almost knocked down by a speeding bike late last week. If your child cycles to school, please talked to them about safe speeds and cycling especially around school and pedestrian heavy areas.


As we approach the long weekend and the mid-point in our term, we wish you best wishes for the week and a relaxing long weekend.


Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

The Book Fair is coming to the 3-6 Primary Library in Week 6!

 It will be open on Tuesday 7th March and will be here until Friday 10th March.

 Come by before school (8:00 – 8:30am) or after school (3:10 – 4pm) to support our school whilst getting your hands on the best new children’s books!

Term 1 – Week 4 – Notices

Welcome to week 4,

Last week felt like we had well and truly got into the swing of the year and it was really great seeing the students all settled and really engaged in their learning across all year groups.

In some year groups, we did see several students who were unwell and either took time away from school or ended up going home at some point. We would like to encourage all of you to stay at home if you are unwell, not only to ensure that you can get better quickly but also to avoid others becoming unwell too. We know coming to school is important, but being well and staying safe always comes first.

Below is a list of the things that are going on throughout this week, but we would also like to notify you that the parent / teacher interview slots are open so you are able to book a time to talk with your child’s teacher about how they are settling into the year and discuss opportunities and targets for them moving forward.

Week ahead:


21 February – K-2 Music Incursion, ‘Walking in the Wilderness’

24 February – Kindy Picnic & Rainbow Day

24 February – 2K Assembly


21 February – Musica Viva Concert

ELC – Pre Primary playground

Our Pre Primary and Kindy parents will be aware that the fencing surrounding our new playground has come down. All parents are able to use the Pre Primary gate to enter the school now that the fencing has been removed. In place of the fencing,  tape has been set up to cordon off the area. The playground is very close to opening but have some final elements that need to be added and completed. We kindly ask that you do not let your children play on the playground before and after school whilst further work is carried out. Thank you for your continued support.

ELC – Footwear labels

At the ELC the students have the opportunity to take their shoes off. It is beneficial for them to play in water creek, walk and run barefooted, feeling and navigating different terrains.

Whilst we love the children taking their shoes off, occasionally we miss place our shoes! To assist us in ensuring that the right shoes and socks go home with the right owner, can you please ensure that you label both shoes and socks.

Many thanks for all your support on behalf of the ELC staff.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

In recent years, we have received some feedback from you regarding these events. The main concerns raised have been relating to the time of day these events run, and the challenge parents have attending 2 events if they have children in both ELC and 3-6.

After careful consideration and in alignment with our Carramar campus, we have made some adjustments to the way we celebrate our special celebration days. Firstly, we will aim to rotate the times of these events each year. This year’s event will take place in the morning and next years in the afternoon. The second change is that we will no longer hold two events at both the ELC and 3-6. We will continue to acknowledge these events/celebrations with all students participating in activities in their class. There will be one community event for ELC families at the ELC. At 3-6, a class will acknowledge these celebrations in their assembly.

Further information around upcoming events and activities will be posted on the class and Primary blogs.


Andrew Johnston and Hannah Lockwood-Jones


Monday 27 February – Thursday 2 March

This is an opportunity for students, parents and teachers (Pre-Primary to Year 6) to meet in person or via TEAMS and discuss how 2023 has commenced. Appointments are in 10 minute intervals. Online interviews will be conducted utilising your child’s Teams account.

The Parent Portal can be accessed using the following URL: https://portal.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ Under Plan the Term > click on Interview Bookings > then Login to EdInfo to book an interview. Once in EdInfo, click on the Interviews tab and select your preferred time with the teacher.

Booking sessions open on Friday 17 February at 4pm and close on Sunday 26 February at 4pm.

Parents, to log into the Parent portal, use your parent username (e.g.12345@parent.ststephens.wa.edu.au) and parent password.

If you need to reset/modify your password, please go to https://password.ststephens.wa.edu.au. If you require further assistance, please contact the ICT Parent helpdesk at: https://help.ststephens.wa.edu.au/ or phone 9243 2160.

Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston


Parent Interviews Week 5 Feb 2023 (PP – 6)

Term 1 – Week 3 – Notices

We hope this blog post finds you all settled into the new school year.

The year has started well. Over the last week, our students in Year 2 had a wonderful Science incursion. They had an opportunity to participate in lots of hands-on experiments and explore forces and movement as they research for their inquiry. Our Year 5 students took part in a band demo, with lots of fun and excitement as the instruments were demonstrated by Year 6 and high school students. Across the other year levels, the students are settling well into their classes.

It is wonderful to see the school community reaching out to our new families. Please continue to extend a warm welcome to them all and introduce yourself and your family. Moving schools can be an emotional time, but this can be greatly eased when new friendships and connections are quickly made.

Please take note of some things happening this week:-


Wednesday 15 Feb – Pre-Kindy Photo Day & Catch Up Photos

Friday 17 Feb – Worship


A message from Mr Parker;

Dear Year 5 and 6 Parents

I regret to inform that due to unforeseen circumstances, surfing lessons for year 5 and 6 students have been rescheduled for later dates in term 1. Surfing dates will now be as follows;

Year 6 – Tuesday 14 March to Friday 17 March (week 7)

Year 5 – Monday 27 March to Thursday 30 March (week 9)

Lesson times are yet to be determined and will be communicated when complete.

The delay is certainly disappointing, however it may give some students a bit of extra time to master their cutbacks or tube riding.

Parent Interviews

In Week 5 there is an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss how they are settling into their new class. Parent meetings can be organised face to face or online through TEAM’s. Meetings are set to 10 minutes to ensure that all parents have the opportunity to meet with the teacher. This is a busy period for our teaching staff and we ask that you work with us in keeping these meetings on time. If you do require a longer meeting, please contact the teacher. You will shortly be notified as to when the online booking system will be available.

Service Learning

At our 3-6 Worship assembly this Monday morning, Mr Steven reminded us of the significance of our school motto – Serve God, Serve One Another. We reflected on the importance of caring for one another, our wider community and those in need further afield. As a community we were encouraged to look for ways in which we can help those around us and serve in different areas to make a positive impact on others. St Stephen’s School strives to grow students awareness of others needs and grow our empathy for others. We are fortunate to be active in several Service Learning opportunities as a school which are greatly supported by you our families, and the local community. Our hope as a school is that our students will continue to serve when they leave the school and be the impact of positive change in our world.

“This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston

St Stephen’s Primary – World’s Greatest Shave 2023


There are many worthwhile causes to support throughout the year and this is one that I would like to draw attention to. In 2014, my then three year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Thanks to a privileged medical system and God’s mercy, my daughter is now fit and well. She is in her sixth year since treatment finished and her recovery has been very positive.

Throughout that treatment period and even beyond, the support for families dealing with blood cancers has been amazing. Fundraising initiatives like the Greatest Shave helped our family through a difficult time of our lives. We are extremely grateful to all of the selfless people who have generously given to this cause.


To further the cause, I would like to support the World’s Greatest Shave at St Stephen’s School. For those interested in supporting this fundraising effort, these are the details…

  1. Our Greatest Shave Day will be held on Wednesday 5  April(second last day of term 1)
  2. Participating on the day can be done in the following ways
  1. Register online with parent permission (parents please email me at daniel.parker@ststephens.w.aedu.au to express consent), fundraise and then have hair shaved or cut (you must be registered and have sent in parental permission and fundraised to do the shave or cut)(some students like to participate by cutting off their pony tail)
  2. Don’t register online, but still colour your hair at home or wear a wig and then bring a donation on the day
  1. Students/staff/parents can support by giving online or registering as a participant at the link below

st Stephens School 2023 | World’s Greatest Shave | Leukaemia Foundation

*Under the red box saying “donate our team”, in little text it says “sign up and join our team” – click on that to join.


I am fully aware that there are many worthwhile causes to support, so please do not feel any obligation to give to this fundraising, but of course we welcome it if you are willing and able.


Mr Daniel Parker – Primary PE Specialist at St Stephen’s Duncraig



Parents and carers of Year 3 and 5 students please be aware that tomorrow, Tuesday 14 February your child will bring home an information brochure regarding NAPLAN 2023. Please make sure you receive this from your child and if you have any questions, please contact Mr Johnston, or visit nap.edu.au.


A full timetable of test dates will be sent out closer to the testing time to enable you to advise any music tutors and specialists so that lessons can be rearranged.


Term 1 – Week 2 – Notices

Welcome to Week 2,

A big thank you to all the families that came along to the parent information session last Wednesday. It was great to have the whole 3-6 community together and to be able to pass on the information collectively in one night.

We have received some really positive feedback from the evening and we are grateful for all of you that have reached out to share your thoughts on the way it was run, which was different to previous years. As ever, we are reflecting on how it went with a view to making things even smoother for next year and we welcome any feedback, positive or constructive you may have.

Last week, we noticed that there were some issues at the end of the school day in relation to congestion in the school driveway with cars queuing for the kiss and ride and blocking the exit road from the school.

We understand that the layout is difficult, especially as there are parents collecting students from the secondary school as well but ask that you could please avoid blocking the drive by waiting at the appropriate place on the turning circle. There is signage there to direct you if you are unsure.

A gentle reminder that tomorrow is photo day for years 3-6. Please ensure your child comes to school in their formal uniform and not the PE uniform with the exception of 6O & 6L who will have the opportunity to change into their formal uniform before their photos.

Here’s a look at the week ahead:


8 February          Yr2 ‘Science Alive’ Show on Push/Pull Forces

10 February        K-2 School Photo Day



7 February          3-6 School Photo Day

10 February        3-6 Catch up Photo’s


Wishing you a wonderful week,

Andrew Johnston and Hannah Lockwood-Jones

State girls U12 cricket trials

Girl’s Sate 12’s nominations for 2023

The 2023 nominations are now open for girls who are 11 or turning 12 before December 31st, 2023.  The national championships for this competition will be held from June 2nd-June 9th in Darwin this year.

Trial 2 will be held on Sunday 5th February at Murdoch University Playing Fields – Wagtail Close, Murdoch – time to be confirmed this week.

Trial 3 (if required ) will be held on Sunday 19th February if required. Murdoch University Playing Fields – Wagtail Close, Murdoch – time to be confirmed this week.

Candidates need to be available for potentially all three trial dates.

There will be representatives from the WACA to assist in the selection process.

Participants will take part in net batting and bowling and some fielding activities.  It is not essential that children who are trialling play for a current club, but this would be an advantage as the format will be similar to games that are currently played.

To register please fill in the form at the link below and pay the $20 registration fee.



All Primary Music Ensembles (except Guitar Ensemble) start in week 2.  This is a summary of rehearsal days. Please note that Primary Chorale has changed this year to be on a Thursday.


Primary Music Calendar 2023


Photos will be taken on
Tuesday 7 February
From 9am
In Cousins Hall
Please remember to come to school dressed in your normal school uniform with hair neatly done.
Please bring your Sports uniform in your school bag – if you have Phys Ed lesson after the photo shoot.
Students who are scheduled to have a music lesson, please contact your tutor to make an alternative time.
On Tuesday, the photo order envelope will be handed to students by the photographer once their photos have been taken. The envelopes will be sent home in the diary on that same day.
Credit card payment orders can be made online, there is no need to return the envelope to school if a credit card payment has been made.
For cash or cheque payment orders, the envelope must be returned to the Primary Office by Tuesday 14 Feb.
9.00am 3L
9.30am 4S
9.50am 3Z
10.10am 4L
Recess 10:40 – 11:00am
11.05am 5MF
11.35am 6O
12.05pm 6F
12.25pm 5MC
Lunch 1 – 1.40pm
1:45pm 5S
2:15pm 6L
*Catch up Photo Day: Friday 10 February

ELC Photo Roster – Friday 10 February 2023

On Friday, the photo order envelope will be handed to students by the photographer once their photos have been taken. The envelopes will be sent home in the diary on that same day.
Credit card payment orders can be made online, there is no need to return the envelope to school if a credit card payment has been made.
For cash or cheque payment orders, the envelope must be returned to the ELC Office by Friday 17 Feb.
8:00am – Staff Individual Photos
8:45am to 9:15am – 2K
9:15am to 9:45am – Kindy- KFG
9:45am to 10:15am – Kindy- KGL
10:15 to 10:45am – Kindy- KMN
Recess: 10:35am to 11:00am
11:00am to 11:30am – 2R
11:30am to 12:00pm – PPL
12:00pm to 12:30pm – 1B
12:30pm to 1:00pm – 1E
Lunch: 1:00pm to 1:40pm
1:40pm to 2.10 pm – PPB
Catch up Photo Day: Wednesday 15 February
ELC Pre-Kindy Photo Day: Wednesday 15 February
PK1 9:15am to 11:00am PK2 11.45 to 1.30

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to welcome you back to this new school year. All students Kindy to Year 6 will return Monday 30 January and a reminder students are to wear formal uniform on this day. In preparation the staff have been very busy setting up their classrooms and learning spaces. We can’t wait to see the students on Monday. Below is some further information from both the ELC and 3-6.



At the ELC we still have some building work being completed. For your safety, please can all parents and students from Pre Primary to Year 2, not use the entrance to the ELC by the Pre Primary playground. We kindly ask that you walk around to the admin office entrance. Kindy parents and students will use this entrance.

As the building work has not yet been completed we have postponed the Kindy picnic until Week 4, Friday 24 February 2-3pm.

Thank you for attending the information sessions, it was lovely to see you all. A huge thank you to all staff for their preparation and time in hosting this event.

Our Pre Kindy students will be returning on Wednesday.

Please be aware that Friday 10 February will be the ELC photo day. Pre Kindy photos will be taken during your session time on 15 February.



Monday at 9am, 3-6 will be hosting a welcome back assembly. Parents are welcome to attend as our community joins together for the start of the year.

3-6 information session will be held on Wednesday 1st February starting at 6pm.

Below our specialist teachers have created profiles about themselves for you and your child.

On Monday 6 February at 5pm, Year 5 parents are invited to attend an iPad training for reading progress session.

Tuesday 7 February is photo day for 3-6 students.

Kind regards,

Hannah Lockwood-Jones & Andrew Johnston


Specialist Meet the Teacher Letters

Y3-5 Library – Robyn Mc & Belinda Bastion

Music at St Stephens Letter

Meet the Teacher Mrs Wilson 2023

Meet Mrs Brown

2023 01 STEM LW Welcome Letter

2023 01 Phys Ed DP Welcome Letter

2023 01 ELC Art Library RM Welcome Letter

2023 01 Digital Learning Welcome Letter SC

2023 01 Bush School JB Welcome Letter

2023 01 Bush & PE SM Welcome Letter

Hignett About Me




Term 4 – Week 9 – Notices

It’s hard to believe that we have come to the end of the year.

We would like to thank all of you for your ongoing support throughout what has been a very eventful and, at times, challenging year. We hope you are all able to have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


Please see the final events of the year listed below. Please note that the Christmas celebrations on the Primary Oval will start at 1pm. We anticipate the first colour run to start at 2pm.


Wednesday 7 December 9am – Year 2 Farewell Assembly

Wednesday 7 December 1pm – school finishes followed by our End of Year Celebrations on the Primary Oval


Tuesday 6 December 8.30am – Year 6 Graduation in the theatre followed by the Amazing Race

Wednesday 7 December 1pm – school finishes followed by our End of Year Celebrations on the Primary Oval

