Term 3, Week 8 Notices

Dear Parents

Where has the term gone?!  As we head in to the final two weeks of Term 3, we look back in amazement at the achievements within our school community.  In class, the students have been working hard in a variety of engaging learning experiences aimed at growing both their skills and knowledge, as well as their kindness and empathy towards others.  It has been wonderful to see the involvement of so many students in our co-curricular clubs where they are able to share in the many varied passions and expertise of our incredibly talented staff.

This term we have had a focus on understanding others – putting oneself in another’s shoes and humbly seeking to serve their needs.  It’s been encouraging to see so many students actively building this character of service into their everyday lives; opening doors for others, giving up their turn in a game, looking out for others in the playground who may be looking lonely, giving words of affirmation and encouragement – the list goes on!  It’s words and actions like these that continue to build our wonderful School Community.

As the term draws to a close, we encourage all families to look back and celebrate their child’s successes and accomplishments.  Having these conversations will help to build a positive attitude towards learning; one that values effort, personal growth and a passion for excellence.  This will also help to develop a sense of excitement for learning as we head into the final term for the year.  We know how incredibly important it is for children to have positive memories of their early experiences both at home and at school.  Some activities that families could be involved in together these holidays include:

  • Reading together
  • Exploring the great outdoors
  • Playing board games
  • Preparing and eating meals together
  • Showing affection – no one is too old for a hug!

It’s in these simple actions that we develop long lasting memories that our children look back on with fondness.  We wish you all a restful holiday time and look forward to seeing you safe and sound next term!

To keep abreast of any exciting upcoming events please view the link below to our school calendar .


Exodus 13 verse 14 states:

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

God bless

Richard and Vernita

MANY 2 ONE 2018: Recommended Devices and Purchasing Portals for years 5 to 12

For more information please click on the link below:-

Many 2 One 2018: Recommended Devices and Purchasing Portals

Service Learning Markets Yr 3-6 Only

Student Service Learning Markets is an initiative that was led by numerous students across Years 3 – 6 and we would love to have your support as we support their chosen charities. Please bring some money and buy some yummy goodies or keepsakes.

Thank you Richard Deck













Non-uniform Day K-6 on Monday 18 Sept 2017 

Gold Coin Donation

Yr 3-6 donations go towards Mon Parker who is a midwife in remote Burma.  These funds will assist her to provide the best medical resources and training to underprivileged families.

ELC donations to go to Relay for Life.

Active School

Active School clubs conclude this week.  Hope you all had a fun term.  Active clubs will return in Term 2 in 2018.


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