Archive by Author | Kylie Eddy

Term 1, Week 11 Notices

Today’s Non Uniform Day Supports the Falconer Family

If you wore casual clothes to school today and you haven’t yet given your gold coin donation to your teacher, please could you do so ASAP. We would love to reach our target of $360 to donate to the Falconer Family.

The Falconer family currently live in rural Mozambique where they serve the local people with everything from fixing things, to health care. Originally with IT and occupational therapy backgrounds, Scott and Bek and their four children, Levi, Josiah, Katelyn and Eliana live among the locals and give their time and energy to serving and assisting them to find identity, purpose, hope and freedom in life through God. They are interested in justice and empowering others to be change agents in their community.

ELC – Book Fair is coming…

Coming soon to the ELC…

Term 2, Week 2

We’re excited!

Digital Learning In The Kimberley

St Stephen’s School Primary Digital Learning Team members, Mrs Jenny Mallis and Miss Sarah Dirstein, are currently working at Yiyili Community School providing student and staff professional learning in Robotics, Coding, Augmented Reality and Circuitry.

We wish them safe travels and Gods blessings.

Happy Holidays!

Term 1, Week 8 Notices


Dear Parents,

Last Friday 16th, we were delighted to have a focus day around kindness in our school.  Our Kindness Club leaders and House Cadets at the ELC shared with the students about what kindness may look, sound and feel like within our community.  At 3-6, our Kindness Club came up with strategies for showing kindness out in the playground and we even had some Year 4 students launch a Friendship Colouring in competition.  We are so very proud of our students and the incredible ways that they are trying to spread kindness in our community.

As Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

We look forward to seeing you all at the Thanksgiving Service at the end of the term.

Vee & Richard

100% Kindness: Let’s raise the bar!

 I don’t know about you but every time I turn on the TV, look at the Newspaper or look on Social Media there is bad news, negative news, sad news and news about people being cruel and unkind to each other and I wonder how we can create a world that is positive and kind.  I am a great believer that we are either, part of the problem or we are part of the solution and I want to be part of the solution and I am sure you do too.  So how do we make a change and raise the bar on positivity and kindness for the sake of our children?

We need to demonstrate positivity and kindness in all we do, say and how we treat others.
Positivity and kindness looks like:

  1. Saying kind things about people 
  2. Looking for the positive in every situation 
  3. Looking for ways to encourage, inspire and help others 

Positivity and kindness doesn’t look like:

  1. Being mean or unkind to people through words and actions 
  2. Saying hurtful or unkind comments on social media 
  3. Being negative and gossiping 

What you can do to make a difference:

  1. Role model kind behaviour in front of your children through your words and actions. 
  2. Pause before responding when using social media – show your children what positive online behaviour looks like. 
  3. Use and model the ‘THINK’ strategy before interacting face-to-face or online.  It stands for;

Is it TRUE
Is it KIND

Every one of us can make a positive difference. My belief is that there is a school community that can make the most difference and that is St Stephen’s School!

So here’s a call to action for every child, parent and staff member; raise the bar, show 100% kindness, make this world a better place and bring Glory to God. 

God bless,

Tracey Gray

Thanksgiving Service 2018

Place your bookings here:

We look forward to seeing all, students, parents and staff at our annual celebration of thanksgiving, where we give thanks for all the blessings we have received.

Register your attendance to this free event, through the Trybooking link above, so that we can ensure enough seating is provided for everyone.


Duty of Care

Just a reminder that there are no staff on duty in the playgrounds before 8.10 am.  Students who arrive between 8 am and 8.10 am may sit quietly in the Library.
If at all possible, we would appreciate students arriving at school after 8.10am as we are unable to offer duty of care until then.
In the afternoon, staff are on duty from 3.10 pm – 3.30 pm.  Whilst we encourage families to stay after school and enjoy being in community, we are unable to provide duty of care after 3.30 pm.  To ensure the safety and well-being of our children, we ask that parents are present after 3.30 pm to provide supervision.
OSH Club is available for all Primary students at the ELC, for before school and after school care.  Their website is
Thank you for your kind consideration in this regard.

Connecting in Conversation

Dear Parents

Building on the connections we made in 2017, I am looking forward to more conversations with you this year.

Please join me, Tracey Gray and Michael Charteris, Member of Council on Tuesday 3 April 2018 from 6.45pm – 7.45pm in the Primary Village for discussion around our students, community and school.

 Please RSVP your participation to by Monday 2 April.

 God bless,

Donella Beare


Prayer and Bible Study Groups Information

Dinkum Dads – next Monday evening

Dinkum Dads is back!

Meeting this month at the Woodvale Tavern 7 pm Monday 26/3/18.

Come and join a group of like-minded Dads looking to support and learn from each other how to negotiate the path of Fatherhood. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other Dads, enjoy some food and drink for an hour and half and listen to some guest speakers along the way.

This month discussion will be based around how to spend ‘Dad time’ with each of your kids; being intentional about what you share with them during these times and creative ways to go about that.

No RSVP is required and feel free to bring your mates.

 Bethany Fundraisers

In 2018 our Digital Learning Specialist, Mrs Mallis will be travelling back to Bethany and with the support of the ELC community we are hoping to raise enough funds to replace some of the equipment that is no longer operational.

Funds from the Sausage Sizzle, Non-Uniform Day, Sale of Lilies and ice-creams in term 1 and 2 will go towards this fundraising endeavour.

Quiz night: Indonesian Service Tour

Please email Joy to book tickets 

Friday 23 March 2018

6.30pm – 9.00pm

Cousins Hall, St Stephen’s School Duncraig

Tickets $10

Tables of 10 available

Scholastic Book Club Closing this week

Please use this link:

Coles for Sports Vouchers

Twilight Tours

Make your bookings through the school website:

Term 1, Week 7 Notices

Reminder, this week! – Bookings are now closed

3 Way Conference and Goal Setting for Student/ Parent/ Teacher 2018 

Tuesday 13 March – Thursday 15 March

ELC Easter Meal Deal – order by Sunday 18 March

Please order through this link:

If you require further instructions, please see the next slide below.

ELC – How to Order a Meal Deal 

For further assistance, please use this link:

Years 3-6 Easter Meal Deal – Order by Sunday 18 March

Please order through this link:

If you require further instructions, please see the next slide below.

Years 3-6 – How to Order a Meal Deal

For further assistance, please use this link:

Book Club Orders Closing, Friday 23rd March

Please order through this link:

K – 12 Parent Bible Study Groups 2018

Please email Dougal if you have any questions: 


Coles Sport for Schools – Keep it up!

Thank you Parents for all the tokens that have been handed in at the ELC and Primary 3-6 Reception Desk Collection boxes. Keep them rolling in!

Boot Drive – Support Year 11 Service Tour

Twilight Tours

Register your attendance here:

Term 1, Week 5 Notices

3-Way Conference & Goal Setting

Tuesday 13 March – Thursday 15 March

This is an opportunity for students, parents and teachers to meet and discuss how 2018 has commenced. It is also an opportunity to discuss the students’ learning goals for 2018.

Appointments are in 10 minute intervals. is where all parents can access school systems.

Interview Bookings can be found under the Plan the Term tab options.

Parents, log into the portal using your and you will then be prompted for a login and password for Edinfo once they click on the Interview Bookings selection.

The login will be your ID and same password.

Then select your preferred time with the teacher.

If you require further assistance, please contact the ICT Parent helpdesk at or on 9243 2160.

Duty of Care Reminder

Dear Parents
Just a reminder that there are no staff on duty in the playgrounds before 8.10am.  Students who arrive between 8am and 8.10am may sit quietly in the Library. 
If at all possible, we would appreciate students arriving at school after 8.10am as we are unable to offer duty of care until then.
In the afternoon, staff are on duty from 3.10pm – 3.30pm.  Whilst we encourage families to stay after school and enjoy being in community, we are unable to provide duty of care after 3.30pm.  To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children, we ask that parents are present after 3.30pm to provide supervision. 
OSH Club is available for all Primary students at the ELC, for before school and after school care.  Their website is
Thank you for your kind consideration in this regard. 

Fete Meeting – this Tuesday evening

Coles Sports Voucher Collection Boxes at ELC & Primary Reception Desks

Community Freezer

We are excited to continue with our initiative of the school community freezer, which is located in the Primary Get Well Room. These meals support our community K-12. We are asking for contributions as we begin the new year, and wanted to let staff know so that if you wish to contribute you can and if you have a family in need you can let them know to come and take a meal to help them.

We are looking for simple, nutritious meals that are both family and freezer friendly. These include meat and vegetable based casseroles, lasagnes, hearty soups and mild curries. Please do not use any nut or nut products. Please include all components of the meal e.g. “Casserole with rice” to make it as easy as possible for the families receiving the meals.

Please follow the steps below:

Read the food safety link:

1) Choose your own recipe or look for one at:

2) Buy the ingredients.

3) Ensure your hands are adequately washed.

4) Cook the meal.

5) Cool the meal and pack in a reusable or recyclable container (either donate a container or collect a foil container from next to the freezer at school).

6) Label the meal (stickers are available next to the freezer at school).

Term 1, Week 4 Notices


Calendar Link

Please check the school calendar for upcoming events.


3 – Way Conference and Goal Setting 


Tuesday 13 March – Thursday 15 March


This is an opportunity for students, parents and teachers to meet and discuss how 2018 has commenced.  It is also an opportunity to discuss the students’ learning goals for 2018.  Appointments are in 10 minute intervals. is where all parents can access school systems. Interview Bookings can be found under the Plan the Term tab options.


Parents, log into the portal using your  and you will then be prompted for a login and password for Edinfo once they click on the Interview Bookings selection. The login will be your ID and same password.  Then select your preferred time with the teacher.


If you require further assistance, please contact the ICT Parent Help desk at  or on 9243 2160.

Fete 2018

For more info, contact Julie on

Term 1, Week 3 Notices

2018 St Stephen’s Fete

Coles Sports for Schools : Collection boxes at the ELC and Primary 3-6

Book Club : Orders close this Friday 16 February

Order here:

Shoes and Boots for South Africa

ELC Bethany Fundraising

Primary 3-6 Friday Ice-creams : Support World Vision Children 

ELC Date Night : Registrations close today

Please RSVP to Cherie Prior on

Doves Netball : On-line Registrations close on 16 February

Email Jemma for more information :   dovesnetball@hotmail.comGreenwood Girls Brigade

Email Sarah for more information on:

Tennis Lessons

Term 1, Week 2 Notices

K- 6 School Photos taken tomorrowSchool Parking Guidelines and Community Safety Letter

Community Freezer

We are really excited to continue with our initiative of the school community freezer. It is located in the Get Well Room in the Primary School Office. The purpose of this freezer is to support families from Pre-Kindy to Year 12 at SSS Duncraig with a home cooked meal when they are going through a very difficult family situation.

If you would like to contribute to this freezer by cooking a meal we would greatly appreciate it. We are looking for simple, nutritious meals that are both family and freezer friendly. These include meat and vegetable based casseroles, lasagnes, hearty soups and mild curries. Please do not use any nut or nut products. Please include all components of the meal e.g. “Casserole with rice” to make it as easy as possible for the families receiving the meals.

Please follow the steps below:

Read the food safety link:

  • Choose your own recipe or look for one at:

  • Buy the ingredients.
  • Ensure your hands are adequately washed.

  • Cook the meal.
  • Cool the meal and pack in a reusable or recyclable container (either donate a container or collect a foil container from next to the freezer at school).



  • Label the meal (stickers are available next to the freezer at school).

  • Freeze the meal.
  • Bring the frozen meal to school and place in the freezer for another family to enjoy!

ELC Date night fundraiser

Please register with Mrs Cherie Prior at the ELC by 12 February to secure your children’s places –

Messy Church starts on Sunday 11 February, 4pm

For more information contact Susan :

By buying ice-creams on Friday, you support our World Vision Children

Scholastic Book Club

Place your online orders here, by Friday 16 February.

Doves Netball Information Night

For more information, email Jemma:

Duncraig Junior Chess Club


Register here:

Any questions:

2018, Term 1, Week 1


‘Getting to know you’ Picnic

Parent Evenings

ELC Photo Day – 6th of February

Primary 3-6 Photo Day – 6th of February

Primary 3-6 photo shoot schedule

9.00am 6LM

9.20am 6D

9.40am 4L

10.00am 4M

10.20am 5BR

Recess 10:40 – 11:00am

11.05am 3T

11.25am 3W

11:45am 5T

12:05pm 5BA

12:25pm 6LK


Parent Information 2018

Office staff 

ELC: Cherie Prior works Monday to Friday.

The Office is open between 8 am – 4 pm.  The ELC Office contact number is 9243 2480.

Primary: Nicole Carrigg works on a Monday & Tuesday.

Louisa van der Merwe works on  Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.

The Office is open between 8 am – 4 pm. The Primary Office contact number is 9243 2102.

Absentee Information

When your child is going to be absent, please send an email to  and to your child’s teacher as well.

If you’d prefer to phone, please call the ELC office on 9243 2480 or Primary Office on 9243 2102.  Please provide this information as soon as you possibly can.  The class role is called at 8.50 am.

If a student arrives after the 8.35am bell, a parent must sign them in on the green form at the Primary office.  If a student has a music lesson and arrives after 8.35am, they must come to the office and advise staff of their arrival.

Contact details

Please advise the ELC and Primary office of any contact details that have changed, including health updates.  For all general inquiries for years K – 6,  please use the Admin email address


ELC: Every second Friday 9 am – 9.45 am.   Enjoy a cuppa after Worship.

Primary Worship Gathering Years 3 – 6: Every Monday morning 8.35 am – 9.10 am.

Join us for a chat and a cuppa after Worship or take part in your child’s morning fitness class.


A list of which classes are performing can be found on the school calendar.   

ELC: Assembly is held every second Friday from 9 am – 9.45 am.

Primary: Assembly is held every second Friday from 2.20 pm – 3.10 pm.

Canteen Online Only

All information can be viewed on their website

ELC  (Tuesday only) orders only available online.

Primary orders only available online.


Parents are welcome to enjoy a cuppa anytime in the Connect Café at either the ELC or the Village Green at 3 – 6.

Lost Property

Please label all items of school uniform, lunch boxes, drink bottles and pencil cases.

ELC : a basket is located at Reception.

Primary: a basket is located in the Get Well Room.

School Calendar

All events/information throughout the year may be viewed on the School website  Parents are encouraged to view the School Calendar on the website. Also, when accessing the Parents Portal on the website, parents can view Seqta Engage, Dovetales, book parent/teacher interview, SSS blogs, etc.

All Primary class blogs are updated on Tuesday and Friday and can be accessed on   password: sssdp

The Primary blog is updated on a Monday.  Parents are sent an email advising this.

Have a fantastic year with St Stephen’s School.

Parent Portal Information

How to Order Canteen Online

ELC Canteen Menu – Tuesdays only 

Canteen 3 – 6

Twilight Tours

Term 4, Week 8 Notices


Dinkum Dads – Tonight

ELC Nativity Concert – Important Information and Requests

Presentation Evening – This Friday Evening

Please book your seating requirements here :

Carols in the Community – This Saturday Evening

Make a Manger

Please book your family’s interest through this link:

Christmas Service

Final School Banking 2017 Wonder : The Movie

Givit Gift Generosity

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed towards such an outstanding total of gifts, to be given to children less fortunate than our own. Mr Fitch was thrilled to see the tables of gifts and spoke to us this morning about how much these gifts will mean to the children who receive them, knowing that someone else cares for them.  The gifts were then collected by ‘Father Christmas’ and an Elf on motorbikes, who will deliver the gifts to the children closer to Christmas. Well done St Stephen’s Students!

Uniting Care West – Hamper Hallelujah

Please return your Library Books

Fete 2018: Save the date

Parent Prayer and Bible Study Groups

Happy Holidays

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